The Surprising Challenges Behind Adapting Fantasy TV Shows: Unveiling the Truth

The Surprising Challenges Behind Adapting Fantasy TV Shows: Unveiling the Truth

Unveiling the Challenges of Adapting Fantasy TV Shows: Exploring the Complexities, Budget Constraints, and Audience Relatability in the Ever-Growing Genre


Fantasy shows face challenges in replicating the success of Game of Thrones and should focus on being unique rather than imitating it.

The exorbitant expenses involved in producing fantasy shows can be a barrier, posing challenges in effectively translating the source material into the desired adaptation.

Deviating excessively from the source material can potentially alienate fans and result in disjointed storylines, underscoring the significance of remaining faithful in the adaptation process.

Fantasy is currently one of the most sought-after television genres in Hollywood, despite its inherent difficulty in execution. During the 2010s, Game of Thrones emerged as a cultural phenomenon, generating immense interest among various streaming services to create their own fantasy series. However, subsequent shows such as The Witcher or The Rings of Power have been met with mixed reactions, and it is undeniable that none have achieved the same level of cultural impact that Game of Thrones had prior to its eighth season.

10 Studios Want The Next Game Of Thrones

Many fantasy book series garner devoted audiences who are deeply invested in seeing their favorite worlds faithfully translated to television. While some ongoing series such as The Wheel of Time and House of the Dragon have successfully made the leap, there are surprisingly other fantasy books that have yet to be adapted into shows. However, for these series to achieve triumph and justify their substantial budgets, they must navigate specific obstacles.

The Surprising Challenges Behind Adapting Fantasy TV Shows: Unveiling the Truth

One major issue faced by fantasy series is the studio's inclination to replicate the success achieved by Game of Thrones. In Hollywood, it is often observed that the wrong lessons are drawn from the triumph of a particular franchise, resulting in a rush by studios to fill the void left by the conclusion of Game of Thrones, without fully comprehending the essence of their own properties. The Witcher should not strive to become the next Game of Thrones, but rather to remain true to its own essence as The Witcher. Attempting to imitate a different narrative by diverging from its source material would ultimately lead to inconsistent tonality and a convoluted storyline.

9 Fantasy Shows Are Expensive

The Surprising Challenges Behind Adapting Fantasy TV Shows: Unveiling the Truth

Fantasy shows can be exorbitantly expensive. The Rings of Power faced a significant challenge in terms of budget, with season 1 alone cost $450 million, making its success an uphill battle. In comparison, House of the Dragon had a budget of $200 million for its first season, benefiting from the success of its already established properties in Hollywood. However, when it comes to adapting a fantasy book series, the cost could be too high for a direct adaptation that showrunners or fans might envision. Moreover, ensuring that the budget is utilized effectively is crucial, as simply pouring money into a movie or show has not recently proven to be a winning formula.

8 Deviating From Source Material Is A Huge Risk

The Surprising Challenges Behind Adapting Fantasy TV Shows: Unveiling the Truth

Fantasy book adaptations have recently faced challenges due to their tendency to stray too far from the original source material. It is important to note that the source material has a proven track record of success, and making significant deviations can lead to the alienation of fans and create incoherent plot lines. The books are meticulously crafted with attention to detail, and while making slight alterations can enhance a series, introducing too many changes can have a cascading effect that undermines the essence of the show's world. This issue was exemplified by the alterations made to the Tolkien canon in the adaptation of Rings of Power, which left many fans feeling disheartened.

7 Fantasy Action Is Difficult To Pull Off On A TV Budget

The Surprising Challenges Behind Adapting Fantasy TV Shows: Unveiling the Truth

Regarding action, the show's budget can be a limiting factor in fantasy. Game of Thrones did not heavily rely on action. Especially in the beginning, there were not many magical elements, and mystical creatures like direwolves and dragons were small and rare. If a book series like The Stormlight Archive were to be adapted, the budget could prevent the portrayal of numerous immense battles and epic fight sequences. Television adaptations of high-magic fantasy fights have been disappointing thus far.

6 Production Design Is Overshadowed By CGI

The production design played a crucial role in creating an immersive experience in both the Lord of the Rings films and Game of Thrones. Unlike many other projects that heavily rely on CGI, these two series only used it when necessary, such as for dragons and fell beasts. The intricate designs of Middle-Earth and Westeros were meticulously crafted to ensure complete believability. Attention was paid to every detail, including the lighting, the realistic aging of wood, and even the filth on the characters. This level of dedication sets these shows apart from others that rush through production, often resorting to fixing discrepancies in post-production, resulting in worlds that lack authenticity.

The Surprising Challenges Behind Adapting Fantasy TV Shows: Unveiling the Truth

5 Hollywood Doesn't Understand The Fantasy Genre Yet

The Surprising Challenges Behind Adapting Fantasy TV Shows: Unveiling the Truth

The studios' attempts to fill the void left by Game of Thrones with The Wheel of Time and The Witcher can be perceived as Hollywood's lack of understanding. The Wheel of Time had its own reputation as one of the most prolific fantasy series even before Game of Thrones reached its pinnacle of success. It is unnecessary for The Wheel of Time to compete with Game of Thrones and try to fulfill a cultural void that it is not meant to fill. Each fantasy series is unique, and it is only by recognizing and embracing the strengths of the book series that they can truly be portrayed on screen.

4 Not Everything Can Be Adapted To The Screen Cleanly

The Surprising Challenges Behind Adapting Fantasy TV Shows: Unveiling the Truth

Adapting from a novel often necessitates changes. Budget constraints play a significant role, but there are other factors to consider. The episodic format calls for a distinct pace that differs from that of a novel. As a result, alterations to the narrative may be required to accommodate time limitations and maintain the momentum of each episode. Additionally, it is more challenging to depict internal monologues and character observations in visual medium compared to written novels.

3 Fantasy Worlds Are Complicated

The Surprising Challenges Behind Adapting Fantasy TV Shows: Unveiling the Truth

2 Epic Fantasy Often Requires In-World Historical Context

It is crucial for fantasy narratives that the audience comprehends the intricacies of the fictional world. These realms are multifaceted, encompassing political structures, magical systems, and religious beliefs, and understanding such notions is often pivotal to the story's development. However, conveying this information on television can prove challenging, as the series aims to avoid excessive explanations and overwhelming data. Attempting to incorporate too many intricate details early on can disrupt the show's rhythm. The Wheel of Time possesses an abundance of world-building and mythology that the series can gradually delve into.

The Surprising Challenges Behind Adapting Fantasy TV Shows: Unveiling the Truth

In addition to present-day events, fantasy stories often rely on past historical context to set the stage for their narratives. For instance, Game of Thrones delved into Robert's Rebellion, while The Lord of the Rings explored The Hobbit and the War of the Last Alliance. These backstories are integral to understanding the current timeline, but revealing everything that happened between Robert's Rebellion and Game of Thrones would disrupt the story's flow and authenticity. Providing this context can present another obstacle and may hinder early character development.

1 Fantasy Characters Have To Relate To Modern Audiences

The Surprising Challenges Behind Adapting Fantasy TV Shows: Unveiling the Truth

Great fantasy revolves around its characters, whether they are heroic, wise, or villainous. The success of a fantasy show hinges on its ability to create characters that the audience can relate to. While not every character needs to be intricately layered, they should possess conflicts and growth that captivate the viewers and encourage them to embark on the journey alongside them. Jon Snow's quest to protect the Wall from the White Walkers may not be the most relatable experience, but his yearning for a sense of belonging and his innocent pursuit of romance make him a beloved character to watch.