The Sinking City 2 Revealed as a Thrilling Horror Experience

The Sinking City 2 Revealed as a Thrilling Horror Experience

Delve into the chilling world of The Sinking City's highly anticipated sequel, promising an intensified horror experience. Prepare to be captivated by the sequel to the underrated detective adventure game of 2019, as it takes horror to new heights.

A sequel to the 2019 detective horror title, The Sinking City 2 was announced at Xbox's Partner Preview event, diving deeper into its Lovecraftian roots. The event showcased upcoming third-party games for Xbox, such as the March 21 release of Final Fantasy 14, the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Legends of the Zone Trilogy, Capcom's Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess, and more exciting titles.

Frogwares, the studio behind Sherlock Holmes adventure games, developed The Sinking City in 2019. Despite flying under the radar, the Lovecraftian horror detective game was set in the eerie fictional 1920s fishing city of Oakmont, Massachusetts. Featuring third-person shooting combat reminiscent of Resident Evil, the game also incorporated detective mechanics where players could investigate crime scenes and make deductions to progress the narrative.

At Xbox's recent Partner Preview showcase, The Sinking City 2 had its first reveal trailer, set for a 2025 release. The trailer is filled with scary elements, taking inspiration from H. P. Lovecraft's famous cosmic horror stories. Sergey Oganesyan, Frogwares' Head of Publishing, talked with Xbox Wire about what fans of The Sinking City and horror lovers can look forward to in the sequel. "The Sinking City has been a hit for us due to its strong horror theme and was a breakthrough, and we are thrilled to be working on a full-fledged horror game."

The top priority for The Sinking City 2 is a shift towards a more intense horror experience. While the first game had its share of spooky moments and a dark, damp atmosphere, it wasn't classified as a true horror game, as its scares were more on the mild side.

The sequel, The Sinking City 2, will bring more changes beyond just a darker horror tone. Set in the new town of Arkham, players will control a fresh protagonist. Arkham will be slightly smaller than Oakmont from the first game. These changes aim to make new players feel more welcome, without the pressure to play the original. The focus in the sequel will be on combat, with detective mechanics being optional but still useful. Improvements in combat are expected, especially after feedback on the third-person shooting in the original game.

the sinking city 2

the sinking city 2

When Can Fans Expect To Learn More About The Sinking City 2?

Fans may get more information about The Sinking City 2 later this year, possibly at events like Gamescom or The Game Awards. The game started pre-production around two years ago, so it's safe to assume that the sequel is targeting a release in 2025. It's important to note that the game is being developed by Frogwares, a studio based in Ukraine, amidst the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war.

Editor's P/S:

The announcement of The Sinking City 2 has me filled with both excitement and anticipation. The first game's unique blend of cosmic horror and detective gameplay captivated me, and I'm eager to see how the sequel will expand upon these elements. The shift towards a more intense horror experience is particularly intriguing, as it suggests that Frogwares is embracing the Lovecraftian roots of the franchise.

While the changes to the protagonist and setting may initially seem jarring, I believe they are necessary to make the sequel more accessible to new players. The smaller size of Arkham and the reduced emphasis on detective mechanics will remove potential barriers to entry, allowing a wider audience to enjoy the game. I'm confident that Frogwares will strike the right balance between satisfying existing fans and welcoming newcomers.