The Sims 5: Unveiling a Captivating New Family Dynamic, Exceeding the Curious Brothers Legacy

The Sims 5: Unveiling a Captivating New Family Dynamic, Exceeding the Curious Brothers Legacy

The Sims 5 should introduce a new family akin to the iconic Curious Brothers from Sims 2, offering players a thrilling journey into the world of extraterrestrial encounters Join the ranks of alien involvement and dive into the captivating history of the Curious household It's time for another out-of-this-world adventure!


For players of The Sims franchise, the existence of aliens has always been a captivating and enduring element, starting from The Sims 2. Hence, introducing a new family with an obsession for aliens in The Sims 5 would undoubtedly be a delightful inclusion.

The Curious Brothers in The Sims 2 had a strong connection to alien encounters. Their father was abducted and several family members were impregnated by aliens. Fans were captivated by their story, which brought an intriguing element to the game's lore. Considering that The Sims 4 still includes supernatural beings, it would be fitting to bring back an alien-obsessed family in The Sims 5, keeping in line with the franchise's themes and traditions.

The science fiction community has long been captivated by the idea of alien life, as seen in popular franchises like Star Wars. Games have also started incorporating extraterrestrial beings in creative ways, generating excitement for upcoming releases such as Starfield. The Sims series has always incorporated aliens into its lore, with The Sims 4 still featuring these otherworldly characters. In The Sims 2, the Curious Brothers had a deep connection to these creatures, and it would be great if Maxis introduced another family with a similar alien fascination in The Sims 5.

One of the appeals of The Sims is the variety and unique traits of each Sim. Pre-made Sims often have small backstories that align with their behaviors and interests. In The Sims 2, the Curious Brothers had multiple alien encounters due to their relentless pursuit of truth. Their thirst for knowledge is an admirable trait, and it would be fantastic to see The Sims 5 include another family dedicated to exploring the mysteries of the universe.

It's Time for Another Curious Brothers Household in Sims 5

The Sims 5: Unveiling a Captivating New Family Dynamic, Exceeding the Curious Brothers Legacy

In The Sims, a life simulator game, various species have a significant influence on the game's events. Extraordinary beings such as the eerie Cowplant, Grim Reaper, vampires, werewolves, and aliens play a major role in shaping the game's lore. Among these species, aliens stand out as they have a direct impact on the storyline of The Sims.

The mysterious disappearance of Bella Goth in The Sims 2 has made the alien species highly intriguing to players. The community often discusses and explores ways to initiate encounters with aliens in the game.

One notable family in The Sims 2, known as the Curious Brothers, became the face of alien interactions. As their name suggests, they had an insatiable curiosity about the universe. Glarn Curious, their father, experienced an abduction by Pollination Technician 9 and later gave birth to twin daughters whom he abandoned. He later went on to have four children with Kitty Hogleg, including three boys (Pascal, Vidcund, and Lazlo) and a girl, who ironically married Glarn's alien abductor. After Glarn's death and just before the events of The Sims 2, Pascal and Vidcund also faced abductions and impregnation by aliens, with Vidcund meeting the same fate when using the in-game telescope.

Lazlo successfully avoids his family's peculiar behavior, but many fans of The Sims 2's nerdy family were perplexed by the regular occurrence of alien abductions. Both Pascal and Vidcund are scientifically inclined, working as Lab Assistants, while Lazlo pursues a career as a Field Researcher. Pascal enjoys collecting conspiracy theories as a hobby, while Vidcund aspires to condense the universe into a compact form. Lazlo, on the other hand, differs slightly from his siblings with his easy-going nature, although he still has nerdy interests. One popular theory suggests that the brothers actively sought out the aliens, potentially seeking answers about their father's abduction.

In The Sims 4, Pascal is still pregnant, but the identity of the unborn child's parentage is unclear since only aliens can impregnate males in the Maxis series. The brothers' passion for science remains in the latest version, but the series of abductions has seemingly disappeared from their household. Although mermaids, vampires, and other supernatural creatures still exist in The Sims 4, it would be in line with the franchise's traditions for an alien-obsessed family to make a return in The Sims 5.

The Sims 5 is in development.