The Sims 5: The Ultimate Must-Have Feature from Sims 4, Right from the Start!

The Sims 5: The Ultimate Must-Have Feature from Sims 4, Right from the Start!

The Sims 5 should incorporate a key feature from The Sims 4's post-launch era as a fundamental aspect of the game: Scenarios Enhancing gameplay possibilities, scenarios need to be included in the base game for an immersive and engaging experience


The Sims 4's post-launch support has been impressive, with Maxis releasing multiple DLCs and Stuff Packs to keep players entertained.

The inclusion of Scenarios as a core feature in The Sims 5 has the potential to captivate fans and give a competitive advantage to the upcoming title. Additionally, it would give players a refreshing break from the demanding task of overseeing a complete household.

The Sims 4 has set a new standard for post-launch support, with Maxis consistently releasing DLCs and Stuff Packs to enhance gameplay and keep players engaged. The introduction of innovative features, such as Neighborhood Stories, has been well-received by the community, adding depth to the world and characters. As The Sims 5 is still in development (Project Rene), it would be wise to include Scenarios - a popular post-launch feature from The Sims 4 - right from the start to captivate fans. While Maxis and Electronic Arts have faced criticism for their DLC practices, the undeniable appeal of these new features has led players to eagerly purchase each pack. The Scenario mechanism has transformed the gameplay experience and its success justifies its inclusion in The Sims 5.

Scenarios Need to Be a Base Feature of The Sims 5

The Sims 5: The Ultimate Must-Have Feature from Sims 4, Right from the Start!

Designing a Sim's life can be exhausting, with numerous factors to consider such as jobs, aspirations, family life, and more. These choices make The Sims the ultimate life simulator, but at times, players want to relax without having to plan goals for their virtual character. The Scenario feature revolutionized The Sims 4, presenting unique challenges that require focused efforts from gamers to accomplish. Some scenarios serve as tutorials to introduce players to new additions like the Horse Ranch DLC and its exclusive quests, while others offer captivating storylines to spice up the otherwise repetitive nature of The Sims 4.

Scenarios cover various aspects of The Sims 4, accompanied by brief descriptions that outline the requirements, starting position, and potential outcomes of the challenge. Players can create a new virtual avatar or import from the Gallery, as using existing Sims to play through scenarios is not allowed. Most challenges require one Sim, typically a Young Adult or Adult, although some also involve toddlers. Players have the option to switch between playing scenarios and their regular Sim lives, but must be mindful of the limited time available to complete certain challenges.

One example of scenarios is the Power Couple, where married Sims share the same ambitious dreams of becoming a CEO. However, there is a catch as the couple will both be working in the same careers in The Sims 4. It is up to the player to decide if the rivalry will negatively affect their relationship. The couple's workaholic attitudes make maintaining their love a challenge. Despite their short durations, scenarios greatly enhance the playability of The Sims 4 by allowing gamers to focus on completing challenges without the distractions of everyday life in the various Sim worlds.

Fans have high expectations for The Sims 5, hoping it will outperform The Sims 4 in every category. However, this creates a hurdle for The Sims 5. Maxis could give the upcoming title an advantage by including the scenarios feature in the base game, enticing fans to invest in the game without having to pay extra. Through playing temporary lives, players can become familiar with the mechanics of the new installment. Scenarios also provide much-needed relief from the pressures of managing an entire household's needs.

The Sims 5 is in development.