The Shocking Twist Behind the Mysterious Door in Lockwood & Co S1 - Will Season 2 Be an Absolute Tragedy?

The Shocking Twist Behind the Mysterious Door in Lockwood & Co S1 - Will Season 2 Be an Absolute Tragedy?

Unlock the mysteries of Lockwood & Co Season 2 as a tragic revelation loomed Sadly, the show was canceled, leaving fans yearning for the secrets behind the door that would have shaped Lockwood's journey

The content behind Anthony Lockwood's door had the potential to create a tragic storyline for the character in season 2 of Lockwood & Co. The first season of Lockwood & Co. ends on a suspenseful note, as Anthony Lockwood prepares to reveal what is behind the forbidden second landing door to Lucy Carlyle and George Karim. This pivotal moment signifies Lockwood's personal growth as he chooses to share his mysterious past. While the Lockwood & Co. TV series has some differences from the book series by Jonathan Stroud, season 1 draws inspiration from The Screaming Staircase and The Whispering Skull. The Whispering Skull concludes with Lockwood's decision to disclose the contents of his secret room, which is further revealed in book 3, The Hollow Boy. Although the specifics of the reveal may differ in the Netflix adaptation, it is certain that it would have had tragic consequences for Lockwood & Co. in season 2.

Lockwood & Co Season 2's Door Reveal Was Set For Tragedy

The Shocking Twist Behind the Mysterious Door in Lockwood & Co S1 - Will Season 2 Be an Absolute Tragedy?

The room beyond the door in the books belonged to Jessica, Lockwood's deceased sister. If Lockwood & Co. season 2 had followed this plotline, it would have delved into Lockwood's tragic past and his guilt surrounding Jessica's demise. Jessica passed away shortly after their parents, while they were sorting through their belongings, a task that Lockwood refused to assist with. During this process, she stumbled upon an artifact that unleashed a ghost, ultimately causing her death. This tragic event left Lockwood as the sole surviving member of his family.

Additionally, Lockwood & Co. season 2 could have provided further insight into the fate of Lockwood's parents. It is likely that their deaths were also connected to ghosts. The loss of his entire family at the hands of these spirits would have fueled Lockwood's present occupation as a ghost hunter, as well as his inclination towards self-sacrifice.

How Lockwood & Co's Season 2 Reveal Could Have Set Up Lockwood's Arc

The Shocking Twist Behind the Mysterious Door in Lockwood & Co S1 - Will Season 2 Be an Absolute Tragedy?

Lockwood & Co. season 2 could have delved deeper into the impact of Jessica's death on Lockwood and his relationships with Lucy and George. His willingness to sacrifice himself for their safety, evident in his plea to Winkman and getting shot while protecting them, would have been further emphasized. With the revelation of his lost sister, it would have become clear that his sacrifices stem from his sense of guilt for Jessica's death.

Although Lockwood partially resolved his trust issues by revealing the secret room to Lucy and George at the end of season 1, Lockwood & Co. season 2 could have examined the remaining trust issues instead of treating them as completely resolved. He would have to learn to not only trust them with his secrets but also trust their ability to take care of themselves. Additionally, his character arc would address his death wish, which Lucy noted was less prominent at the end of season 1 but would likely resurface as he continued to confront his guilt.

Unfortunately, Lockwood & Co. Was Canceled Before Season 2

The Shocking Twist Behind the Mysterious Door in Lockwood & Co S1 - Will Season 2 Be an Absolute Tragedy?

Regrettably, Lockwood & Co. season 2 will not be seen as the Netflix series has been cancelled instead of renewed. The audience will never discover what lies behind the locked door, although subtle hints were provided in season 1. In the second book of the Lockwood & Co. series, the secret behind the door is fully unveiled. This room holds significant meaning as it belonged to Lockwood's deceased sister and also serves as the place of her untimely death. Jessica was attacked by a ghost within this room, and Lockwood, being young and inexperienced at the time, was unable to save her. Consequently, the door remains locked, containing her residual presence, and various measures, such as lavender, are taken to diminish its haunting effects.

Apart from Jessica's tragedy, the room was brimming with various keepsakes from the family. Merely opening the door and allowing the camera to scan the room would have offered the audience abundant clues about Lockwood's ancestral background. However, without delving into the Lockwood & Co. novels, the audience will remain unaware of the complete narrative. Nonetheless, it remains uncertain how the Netflix series would have depicted the story in season 2.