The Shocking Truth: Mikasa's Ultimate Act Against Eren in Attack on Titan

The Shocking Truth: Mikasa's Ultimate Act Against Eren in Attack on Titan

The heart-wrenching climax in Attack on Titan, where Mikasa Ackerman kills Eren Yeager, remains a fiercely debated and emotionally charged moment Delve into the profound bond between Mikasa and Eren, as well as Eren's ominous transformation, leading to Mikasa's agonizing decision

The moment when Mikasa Ackerman kills Eren Yeager is a highly debated and emotionally charged event in the Attack on Titan series. Fans worldwide were left in disbelief, filled with sorrow, and desperately seeking answers. This heartbreaking and puzzling act is even more impactful due to the deep bond between Mikasa and Eren, forged since childhood and tested through numerous trials. To truly understand this pivotal event in Attack on Titan, we must examine the complex dynamics of their relationship, the evolving storyline, and the moral dilemmas faced by the characters.

This article seeks to explore the motives behind Mikasa's devastating choice to terminate Eren's existence, placing it within the larger narrative and concepts of the Attack on Titan series.

Note: Please be aware that this article includes spoilers from the Attack On Titan manga.

The deep bond between Mikasa and Eren in Attack on Titan

From the very beginning, the bond between Mikasa Ackerman and Eren Yeager was extraordinary. Following a devastating event in which Mikasa's parents were brutally murdered, she found solace with the Yeager family. This act of kindness formed a solid connection between the two children, with Mikasa often taking on the role of Eren's guardian. Whether it was shielding him from local bullies or the daunting threats that threatened humanity, Mikasa served as Eren's unwavering protector.

However, as time passed and they grew older, their relationship dynamics gradually changed. Mikasa's feelings for Eren evolved beyond mere friendship, delving into something much deeper. While her fiercely protective nature stemmed from genuine love and concern, Eren sometimes viewed her actions as overwhelming. His comments about her protectiveness, attributing it to the instincts of the Ackerman lineage, further strained their once unbreakable bond.

Eren's descent into darkness in Attack on Titan

Eren's journey in Attack on Titan revolves around transformation. He begins as a young boy with an eagerness to explore the world outside the walls, but ultimately becomes a central figure in the fate of humanity. Throughout the series, Eren's character undergoes significant development. However, as he acquires the powers of Ymir's Founding Titan, his perspective undergoes a dramatic shift. He reveals a plan that poses a serious threat to their world, involving the activation of the Rumbling and the release of the titans within the Walls of Eldia.

This decision to essentially destroy the world, starting with Marley, causes a divide among the characters. While some, such as the Yeagerists, support and even idolize Eren's radical actions, others, including Mikasa, grasp the extensive and devastating consequences of his plan. As a result, an alliance forms, encompassing both former friends and enemies, with the sole objective of halting Eren's catastrophic path.

Historically, the Rumbling served as a means of deterrence; however, Eren's motives were much more complex. He sought to put an end to the unceasing suffering endured by the Eldians and believed that eradicating the world beyond Paradis Island would bring about genuine freedom for his people. While some interpreted this drastic course of action as a route to liberation, it was widely perceived as a plunge into darkness.

Mikasa's heartbreaking choice

In spite of her deep affection and unswerving devotion for Eren, Mikasa is faced with a moral dilemma. The gravity of Eren's deeds, the countless lives sacrificed, and the imminent catastrophe he represents compel her to reflect inward. Guided by her moral principles and awareness of the wider ramifications involved, she is compelled to make a distressing choice.

In a highly emotional moment, Mikasa gathers her courage to confront Eren, resulting in the tragic act of beheading him. This act not only ends his life but also puts an end to the potential terror he could have unleashed upon the world. Mikasa's decision to take such drastic action was not made lightly. It demonstrates her growth as a character, her ability to prioritize the greater good over her personal feelings, and her immense inner strength. Killing Eren becomes a testament to her love for him, as it allows her to look beyond her own loss and focus on saving humanity.

However, the conclusion of Attack on Titan generated a whirlwind of reactions among its vast fanbase. While the series was praised for its intricate storytelling, the finale, where Eren Yeager transformed into an antagonist, divided fans. Some criticized the seemingly bleak resolution and Eren's portrayal as irredeemable, while others saw it as a true reflection of the series' central themes.

To wrap it up, Attack on Titan skillfully intertwines a tale that thoroughly explores the intricacies of human behavior, ethics, and the repetitive nature of aggression. The way the story concludes, specifically with Mikasa's heart-wrenching choice and the controversial depiction of Eren, embodies these overarching themes, sparking self-reflection and engendering passionate discussions among fans.

The ending, evoking a multitude of emotions, serves as a testament to the narrative's ability to challenge, stimulate contemplation, and secure a lasting place in the annals of anime and manga history.

Editor's P/S

As an Attack on Titan fan, I was deeply moved and conflicted by Mikasa's decision to kill Eren. Their relationship has always been complex and multifaceted, and this moment marked a tragic turning point. Eren's transformation into a villainous figure who was willing to sacrifice countless lives for his own goals was heartbreaking, and Mikasa's struggle to reconcile her love for him with the need to stop him was palpable.

Ultimately, I believe Mikasa made the right choice. Eren's plan to activate the Rumbling and destroy the world was unconscionable, and Mikasa could not allow him to go through with it. Her decision to kill him was not only an act of love but also an act of mercy, sparing him from the guilt and destruction he would have caused. It was a heartbreaking moment, but it was also a necessary one, and I believe it was the only way to bring the story of Attack on Titan to a satisfying conclusion.