The Shocking Truth Behind Order 66 Unveiled by Darth Vader & His Inquisitors

The Shocking Truth Behind Order 66 Unveiled by Darth Vader & His Inquisitors

Discover the hidden truth of Order 66 as Darth Vader and his Inquisitors unveil its true magnitude Delve into the final phase, where the Inquisitors' demise could have signaled the ultimate downfall of this infamous decree


Order 66 was not a one-time event, but an ongoing law enforced by the Empire. The Inquisitors played a vital role in its final stage.

Vader and the Emperor considered the Inquisitors, who possessed Force abilities, as a danger. To eradicate the Jedi completely, they had to eliminate them entirely. The elimination of all Inquisitors would have represented the completion of Order 66. Given their internal power conflicts, Vader deemed it necessary to eradicate them.

The execution of Order 66 in Star Wars is a tragic event, but its true magnitude goes beyond what many realize. Darth Vader and his Inquisitors reveal the vast extent of this operation. These Inquisitors, prominent figures in the animated Star Wars Rebels series, played a crucial role in carrying out Order 66 long after Emperor Palpatine initially issued the command to the clones. As Darth Vader assumed control over these skilled hunters with Force sensitivity, their performance remained exceptional in their mission to eliminate the Jedi Order.

Despite their close collaboration, it has been widely known that Vader never held a fondness for the Inquisitors. This sentiment stems partly from the Sith Rule of Two, as Vader feared being replaced by another wielder of the dark side. However, there were other factors at play. Due to his disdain for them, Vader often pitted the Inquisitors against one another. Additionally, he managed to eradicate their influence in the galaxy during the Galactic Civil War. Surprisingly, it becomes clear that Vader's actions were more closely tied to Order 66 than his personal animosity towards the Inquisitors.

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The Shocking Truth Behind Order 66 Unveiled by Darth Vader & His Inquisitors

Emperor Palpatine transformed Order 66 from a singular occurrence at the conclusion of the Clone Wars into an official law. Consequently, any affiliation with the Jedi or the Force not only transgressed the initial Order 66 but also violated the actively enforced legislation of the Empire. Although the Inquisitors directly confronted Jedi and other Force-sensitive threats, stormtroopers possessed the authority to apprehend individuals suspected of maintaining any semblance of a connection to the Force. As Order 66 had a sustained impact, it unfolded in multiple stages, with the Inquisitors playing a crucial role in its ultimate culmination.

The Inquisitors Were The Final Stage Of Order 66

The Shocking Truth Behind Order 66 Unveiled by Darth Vader & His Inquisitors

Seeing as the Inquisitors were also Force-sensitive individuals, they had to be eliminated in accordance with the law of Order 66. While they excelled at hunting Jedi, it was crucial for Palpatine's safety that they were eradicated, as many of them had once been Jedi themselves. Thus, Vader, Palpatine, and the Empire were left with no alternative: the Inquisitors had to be eliminated. However, this concept was often difficult for many of them to comprehend or accept. Instead, they believed that their power struggles amongst themselves would lead to future growth, unaware that it actually helped identify who needed to be eliminated first.

The Inquisitors' Deaths Would Have Been The End Of Order 66

The Shocking Truth Behind Order 66 Unveiled by Darth Vader & His Inquisitors

With the Inquisitors' mission accomplished and the majority of the Jedi and other Force-sensitive individuals eradicated, the demise of all the Inquisitors would have effectively put an end to Order 66. Despite this grim reality, Inquisitors like Iskat Akaris persisted in their belief that their allegiance to the Empire would grant them freedom. However, both Vader and Palpatine were aware that if the Inquisitors were allowed to survive, their internal power struggles could have eventually posed a threat to the two formidable Sith themselves. The sole survivor, if any, appears to be Inquisitor Marrok from Ahsoka, although numerous theories suggest that he may simply be a reanimated Inquisitor brought back to life through Nightsister magic.

That is why there are no Inquisitors during the Galactic Civil War, instead of Vader eliminating them solely out of his own desire. However, it is likely that Vader took pleasure in ending Order 66 with the demise of the Inquisitors, particularly due to his strong animosity towards them. Since the establishment of the Inquisitorius, it has always been inevitable that they would be the final victims of Order 66, whether they acknowledged this reality or not. The order has consistently encompassed all individuals with a connection to the Force, primarily focusing on the Jedi Order, and the Inquisitors have never been exempted from this governing principle. This not only expands the magnitude of Order 66 in the Star Wars universe, but also serves as a proper explanation for the absence of Inquisitors during the events portrayed in the movies.