The Shocking Truth Behind Bart Bass's Twisted Demise on Gossip Girl – Season 2 & Season 6 Explained

The Shocking Truth Behind Bart Bass's Twisted Demise on Gossip Girl – Season 2 & Season 6 Explained

Bart Bass's double demise in Gossip Girl: Unraveling the mystery behind his shocking deaths and the flaws in the show's plot


Gossip Girl killed off Bart Bass as a way to create more drama and move the plot forward, despite his lack of contribution to the show.

The decision to resurrect Bart after his demise was an implausible twist, transforming him into a caricature of villainy and generating a storyline that was perceived unfavorably by fans.

Throughout the series, Gossip Girl presented various plot holes, such as unexplained character disappearances and the shocking revelation that Dan Humphrey was behind the notorious Gossip Girl persona.

Why did Gossip Girl make the decision to have Chuck's father, Bart Bass, feign his own death in the show's second season, only to later bring him back and ultimately kill him off again in the sixth season? Gossip Girl, which aired from 2007 to 2012, can be described as a wealthy American teenage soap opera filled with intense relationships, overly dramatic plotlines, and seemingly random deaths and surprise family members. The affluent group of teenagers residing in New York's Upper East Side not only navigate through their own personal dramas and relationships, but also have to face the complexities of their parents' lives.

Bart Bass, a wealthy New Yorker despised by his son Chuck, meets an unexpected demise in the second season of Gossip Girl. Bart had married Lily, the mother of Serena Van der Woodsen, and decided to hire a private investigator to uncover her past. At the end of the episode titled "It's a Wonderful Lie," Bart's character appears to be killed in a car accident along with the private investigator, Andrew, who possessed valuable information about Lily. For the following three seasons, Bart is presumed dead, only appearing to Chuck in visions. Then, in the fifth season, Bart miraculously resurfaces, claiming that he had faked his death to protect his family from being targeted by his enemies. Although Bart's initial death created an emotional episode, his subsequent return proved to be an unpopular storyline among the show's fans.

The Reason Gossip Girl Killed Off Bart Bass

The Shocking Truth Behind Bart Bass's Twisted Demise on Gossip Girl – Season 2 & Season 6 Explained

The writers of Gossip Girl strategically chose to kill Bart in season 2 in order to propel various plot developments. By eliminating Bart, they were able to resolve the union of Lily and Rufus, showcase Chuck's reckless handling of immense wealth, and add further obstacles to Chuck and Blair's reunion. Bart's character had limited significance, mainly serving as a catalyst to bring the Basses and Van der Woodsens together. His demise resulted in several compelling storylines for the remainder of the second season. It is notable that Chuck's father had little significance throughout the series, as he never acted as a parental figure to Chuck, who essentially portrayed a mature individual trapped in a high school mindset. Considering Lily's initial reluctance and her intention to eventually abandon Bart for Rufus, it was evident that their marriage was doomed. Therefore, his removal from the narrative was inevitable, and his death became a means to amplify the drama.

Gossip Girl Made The Bart Bass Death Worse By Bringing Him Back

"O Brother, Where Bart Though?" is undoubtedly one of the show's finest episodes, focusing on the aftermath of a character's demise. Chuck finds himself engulfed in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions at his father's funeral as he tries to come to terms with his complicated relationship with him. While he recognizes the need to grieve his loss, Chuck is also aware of the years of mistreatment he endured from his father. This particular episode excellently highlights the dynamics between Chuck and Blair, with Leighton Meester and Ed Westwick delivering standout performances that capture the raw intensity of Chuck's emotional journey.

The Shocking Truth Behind Bart Bass's Twisted Demise on Gossip Girl – Season 2 & Season 6 Explained

In a further display of Gossip Girl’s fantastical storyline, the decision was made by the writers to reintroduce Bart in season 5's conclusion, heightening the threat he posed to Chuck. Gossip Girl had previously left Bart's sudden and unexplained demise mostly untouched, but in a startling turn of events, he is unexpectedly discovered alive and in good health, occupying a hotel room during Chuck and the gang's investigation into Diana Payne.

Bart reveals that he survived the car accident and staged his own demise. In order to shield Chuck and Lily from harm, he arranged for the hospital to announce his death, as his real estate rivals have a reputation for resorting to extreme measures. Chuck later takes action by involving Andrew the P.I. and his competitor who intended to harm him, ensuring their arrest. Unbeknownst to Bart, his emergence from hiding coincides with his transformation into one of Gossip Girl's most notorious villains.

Although Bart's initial death provided compelling material for Ed Westwick's acting, it lacked sufficient dramatic impact. To rectify this, Gossip Girl orchestrated a second death for Bart, incorporating his own son Chuck. While Bart's return initially offered a chance for Chuck to have a father figure again, Bart ultimately betrayed him by ousting Chuck from the company he had diligently managed for years. This second incarnation of Bart turned him into a caricature of a villain, going to the extent of attempting to kill his own son, kidnapping Blair, and endangering Lily's life, despite his previous intentions of safeguarding her.

Bart's transformation into a supervillain is widely despised by fans of Gossip Girl. Both instances of his death are consistently ranked as the worst storylines on Ranker due to their ongoing connection long after the series ended.

In the final showdown between Bart and Chuck in season 6 of Gossip Girl, a physical altercation takes place on the roof of a building. In a moment of desperation, Bart lunges at Chuck but accidentally falls off the building. As he clings to a ledge, he pleads with Chuck and Blair to save him, but they choose to let him perish, putting an end to his control over the company and their lives. This marked the conclusion of Bart's character on the show, but it occurred just before the series finale, leaving the audience with no respite from the threat Bart posed to the other characters.

Bart Bass' Death Isn't The Only Gossip Girl Plothole

The Shocking Truth Behind Bart Bass's Twisted Demise on Gossip Girl – Season 2 & Season 6 Explained

Gossip Girl heavily relied on the dramatic relationships between its characters to drive the storyline. However, this approach resulted in numerous plot holes throughout the series. The fact that Bart miraculously returned to life without any logical explanation was just one of the show's many concerns.

Viewers were left with bigger questions while watching, such as the whereabouts of Rufus and Lily's son, who mysteriously disappeared after attending their wedding. Additionally, the truth about Chuck's mother remained elusive, as he initially claimed she had died during childbirth, then later believed he had found her, only to discover it was all a fabrication. Gossip Girl often sacrificed continuity, opting to retroactively change certain story elements for the sake of creating heightened drama.

The biggest plot hole in Gossip Girl was the revelation that Dan Humphrey was the mysterious Gossip Girl. This twist in the series finale posed a significant problem for most fans. By being Gossip Girl, Dan purposefully undermined his own relationships with Serena and Blair, jeopardized his sister's well-being, and obsessively monitored his high school friends. What made matters worse was the depiction of Dan reacting to the Gossip Girl blog posts as if he had never seen them before, despite being the one who authored them.

Throughout the course of Gossip Girl, it is evident that the writers often changed their direction in various storylines, such as reintroducing Bart Bass or identifying Dan as Gossip Girl. These decisions possibly resulted in plot inconsistencies for astute viewers. Nonetheless, the series excelled at crafting gripping and emotive narratives that captivated the audience, ensuring they remained engaged until the very last episode.