The Shocking Truth About Football Concussions and CTE: What You Need to Know

The Shocking Truth About Football Concussions and CTE: What You Need to Know

Report states that there is a reasonable link between head impacts in sports and CTE, but more research is needed to establish it firmly Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport highlights the limited studies conducted on the long-term effects of concussion

According to a significant document that influences sport policy regarding concussion, it is appropriate to acknowledge that there may be a correlation between recurrent head impacts and the emergence of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Recently, it was revealed that three additional ex-Football League players, namely Jimmy Conway, Jim Fryatt, and Jimmy Gabriel, were diagnosed with CTE after their passing. This disease is both degenerative and lethal.

The number of publicly confirmed diagnoses within English football has nearly doubled with the recent findings, which include cases involving Jeff Astle, Rod Taylor, Billy McEwan, and Nobby Stiles. The Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport, a document that has influenced concussion policies and protocols of sports governing bodies, now acknowledges that extensive exposure to repetitive head impacts, like those experienced by some professional athletes, could potentially lead to the development of CTE-NC (CTE neuropathologic change).

The Shocking Truth About Football Concussions and CTE: What You Need to Know


In recent years, concussion has become a prominent topic in professional sports. To mitigate the risk of concussive and sub-concussive impact, sports like football and rugby have implemented changes such as limiting heading in football training at all levels and experimenting with lowering the tackle height in rugby.

Studies on the long-term effects of concussion and repetitive head impacts on athletes' health have been limited, according to the new Statement. However, the 2019 FIELD Study discovered that professional footballers were three and a half times more likely to develop neurodegenerative disease than individuals of the same age in the general population. This finding has raised concerns about the potential link between their increased exposure to concussive and sub-concussive impacts and the elevated risk.

The published Statement acknowledges that further research is necessary to conclusively establish any connection. The studies conducted thus far have been limited in methodology, as many have been unable to thoroughly analyze or account for numerous factors that may be associated with the neurological outcomes under investigation.

The studies on cognitive impairment and neurological outcomes lacked examination of genetic factors and overlooked key contributors to brain health in the general population, including educational attainment, socio-economic status, smoking, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, white matter hyperintensities, social isolation, diet, physical activity or exercise. To establish a definitive causal relationship between early sports participation and later cognitive impairment or dementia, comprehensive case-control and cohort studies that account for individual risk-modifying and confounding factors are necessary.

The report proposed the formation of a fresh working group that would actively pursue financing for additional research on the potential lasting effects of brain injuries and continue discussions on the subject with a focus on athlete welfare. During a briefing regarding the statement's release, Dr Jon Patricios, one of the report's primary authors, emphasized the importance of a "low threshold" for suspected concussion in football if the sport intends to maintain its current approach of quick, on-field evaluations.

Campaigners for head injury and major football organizations such as FIFPRO, Premier League, and Major League Soccer in the US, urged for a trial of temporary concussion substitutes this year. The proposal would permit a player suspected of concussion to have a 10-minute off-field assessment. However, the International Football Association Board denied the suggestion in January, and instead focused on the existing additional permanent concussion substitute trial, which involves a shorter on-field evaluation.

According to Dr. Patricios, a concussion can be suspected within three minutes, but if a player is only given a three-minute evaluation, the threshold for removing them should be low. If there is any suspicion of a concussion, the player should be immediately taken off the field and not allowed to return without a proper evaluation.

Dr. Patricios is a member of the Concussion In Sport Group and has expressed support for a trial of temporary concussion substitutes in a letter to IFAB in February. The Consensus Statement, which is the product of the group's work since 2018, reflects the input of over 100 expert clinicians who discussed the issue of concussion in sport at a conference held in Amsterdam in October of that year.

According to Dr Kathryn Schneider, joint first author of the Statement, the CISG has made strides in improving its process and inclusivity in the creation of their latest document, which has been published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. However, in the past, the group has faced criticism from head injury campaigners for being too protective of sports organizations. It's worth noting that the Conference is organized and funded by major sports bodies, including FIFA, World Rugby, and the International Olympic Committee.

Clinicians suggest in the Statement that engaging in light physical activity that does not worsen symptoms is beneficial within the first 24 to 48 hours following a concussion, as opposed to strict rest until all symptoms have resolved. Additionally, the clinicians reviewed data indicating that limiting screen-time during the initial 48 hours post-injury can also assist in the recovery process.