The Shocking Death in Secret Invasion Episode 3 Sparks Intense MCU Casting Speculation

The Shocking Death in Secret Invasion Episode 3 Sparks Intense MCU Casting Speculation

G'iah's death in Secret Invasion Episode 3 fuels speculation about Abigail Brand's entrance into the MCU, shedding light on the rumored connection

Warning! The content below contains spoilers for episode 3 of Marvel's Secret Invasion.

In episode 3 of Secret Invasion, a major character meets their demise, adding credibility to a casting rumor concerning the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Secret Invasion continues to deliver its signature blend of intense action and high stakes, as expected from a show that places Nick Fury at the heart of a conspiracy involving 1 million Skrulls residing on Earth. Among them, a faction of shape-shifting aliens, led by Kingsley Ben-Adir's Gravik, seeks to usurp Earth as their new home.

Secret Invasion does not involve the Avengers, except for Don Cheadle's Rhodey without his War Machine suit, as Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury takes on the Skrull invasion alone. Despite the absence of many prominent MCU heroes, the Disney+ series has assembled a diverse cast of intriguing characters portrayed by A-list actors. Returning MCU stars and newcomers make up the cast of Secret Invasion, and there is a casting rumor suggesting that one of the new actresses who joined the MCU through the series could potentially take on dual roles in the future. This rumor has gained more credibility following the release of Secret Invasion episode 3.

G'iah's Secret Invasion Episode 3 Death Makes Abigail Brand's MCU Introduction Possible

The Shocking Death in Secret Invasion Episode 3 Sparks Intense MCU Casting Speculation

Episode 3 of Secret Invasion concluded with the demise of Emilia Clarke's character, G'iah, who was shot by Gravik for her betrayal of the Skrulls. In the process, it was revealed to the alien general that G'iah had assisted her father, Talos (played by Ben Mendelsohn), in thwarting the Skrulls' plan to detonate a United Nations aircraft. While G'iah appears to be dead, this echoes the fate of Cobie Smulders' character, Maria Hill, in the premiere episode of Secret Invasion. This leaves room for Clarke to continue her involvement in the series, portraying a different character, as previously speculated about her role in Secret Invasion.

Why Abigail Brand Was Rumored To Be In Secret Invasion

Clarke's potential role in Secret Invasion has been the subject of speculation, with early rumors suggesting that she would portray Abigail Brand. However, it was later revealed that her character's name is G'iah, a Skrull entity. Interestingly, G'iah's demise paves the way for Clarke to reappear as the actual human being that G'iah was imitating. It is highly likely that this individual is being held captive and connected to one of the Skrulls' intricate machines at their headquarters, as demonstrated in previous instances in Secret Invasion. Should Clarke's character make a comeback, she could possibly assume the identity of Abigail Brand, thereby aligning with the initial rumors surrounding the show.

The Shocking Death in Secret Invasion Episode 3 Sparks Intense MCU Casting Speculation

Abigail Brand’s involvement in the Secret Invasion event in the comics was significant but brief. She played a crucial role in freeing Reed Richards from the Skrulls and also developed a device to identify Skrulls alongside other heroes. In anticipation of the Disney+ series, Marvel launched an official Tenor account to share Secret Invasion GIFs. One GIF featuring Clarke was titled "Its The Beginning Abigail Brand," sparking speculation that she may portray the hybrid SWORD leader who is part-alien and part-mutant. Despite G'iah's demise, there remains a possibility that Clarke could portray Abigail Brand in Secret Invasion, which would finally affirm the casting rumors circulating within the Marvel Cinematic Universe.