The Secret Connection Behind The Rise Of Skywalker's Sith Cult

The Secret Connection Behind The Rise Of Skywalker's Sith Cult

Delve into the mysterious origins of Palpatine's Sith cultists in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and uncover the hidden truths behind their dark purpose.

Unraveling the Enigma of the Sith Cultists

The enigmatic presence of the Sith cultists in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker left fans bewildered and intrigued. Standing as silent spectators to the epic battle between Rey, Kylo Ren, and Palpatine, these faceless figures raised questions about their origins and purpose. Who were they, and what role did they truly play in Palpatine's grand scheme?

Amidst the secrecy shrouding the Sith Eternal, recent revelations from the Star Wars comics shed light on the true nature of Palpatine's minions. In the 2020 Darth Vader #11 comic, Palpatine hints at the formidable power possessed by his cultists, suggesting a deeper connection to the Force than initially perceived. These revelations challenge the conventional understanding of the Sith cultists and their significance in the Star Wars universe.

Palpatine on Exegol with the Sith Eternal Cultists behind him - Star Wars Comics Have Revealed Palpatine's Sith Eternal Minions Had The Force

Palpatine on Exegol with the Sith Eternal Cultists behind him - Star Wars Comics Have Revealed Palpatine

The Sith Eternal, a secretive cult of Sith loyalists, was first introduced in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Their origins and purpose were largely unknown, leaving fans speculating about their significance. The Sith Eternal was founded by Emperor Palpatine after his apparent death in Return of the Jedi. He used the cult to secretly rebuild his power and prepare for his return. The cultists were fanatically devoted to Palpatine and believed in his vision of a Sith-dominated galaxy.

The Dark Legacy of Midi-Chlorians

A pivotal element in the Sith Eternal's involvement emerges from the resurgence of midi-chlorians in The Bad Batch season 3. Palpatine's relentless pursuit of Project Necromancer, aimed at transferring his essence into a more potent vessel, unveils a chilling truth. The scarcity of midi-chlorians poses a significant obstacle in Palpatine's quest for immortality, leading to drastic measures to overcome this limitation.

Midi-chlorians are microscopic organisms that live in all living beings and are believed to be the source of the Force. In the Star Wars prequels, it was revealed that the number of midi-chlorians in a person's blood determines their potential for Force sensitivity. Palpatine's Project Necromancer involved transferring his essence into a new body with a higher midi-chlorian count. The Sith Eternal cultists may have sacrificed their own midi-chlorians to increase Palpatine's power and facilitate his resurrection.

Split image of the Wellspring, and a microscopic Midi-chlorian from Star Wars - The Sith Eternal Must Have Given Their Midi-Chlorians For His Resurrection

Split image of the Wellspring, and a microscopic Midi-chlorian from Star Wars - The Sith Eternal Must Have Given Their Midi-Chlorians For His Resurrection

The Legacy Continues

As the saga of the Sith Eternal unfolds, the implications of their actions reverberate through the Star Wars galaxy. The legacy of Palpatine's cultists serves as a haunting reminder of the sacrifices made in the pursuit of power and immortality. Their enigmatic presence on Exegol symbolizes a darker truth lurking beneath the surface, waiting to be unveiled in the shadows of the Sith's legacy.

The Sith Eternal's actions had far-reaching consequences for the Star Wars galaxy. Their involvement in Palpatine's resurrection and their sacrifice of midi-chlorians left a dark legacy that would continue to haunt the galaxy. The Sith Eternal's defeat in The Rise of Skywalker did not completely destroy the Sith threat. Remnants of the cult may still exist, waiting for an opportunity to strike again. The legacy of the Sith Eternal serves as a warning about the dangers of unchecked power and the sacrifices that people will make in its pursuit.

Venture deeper into the mysteries of the Sith cultists and their connection to Palpatine's grand design. Explore the hidden truths that bind the Sith Eternal to the fate of the galaxy, and unravel the secrets that lie within the shadows of the dark side.

Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 3, episodes 1-3 are available now on Disney+. Future episodes release Wednesdays at 12:00 AM PT, 3:00 AM ET, and 8:00 a.m. GMT.