The Science Behind Grogu's Force Powers

The Science Behind Grogu's Force Powers

An in-depth look at the impressive Force powers displayed by Grogu in The Mandalorian, and a scientific explanation of his abilities.

Grogu's Remarkable Display of Force Power

When Grogu lifted the Mudhorn in The Mandalorian season 1, episode 2, it was a true display of his power with the Force, and real-world science can explain just how impressive it was. For many young and beginning Force-users, even lifting the smallest of objects can prove extremely challenging. Grogu was able to far exceed those limitations even at such a young age.

Grogu being held in The Mandalorian season 2.

Grogu being held in The Mandalorian season 2.

Throughout Star Wars, there have been many fantastical feats of strength, but they can often seem otherworldly. Grogu's feat, considering how young he is and how untrained he is, seems more fantastical than most. While it can be hard to tell how old Grogu is in each season of The Mandalorian, he was only 50 years old when he lifted the Mudhorn. His species ages differently than humans, so he was still a child developmentally. To lift and hold such a huge weight, let alone the added force required to stop all that mass from a full charge, at such a young age proves Grogu was extremely powerful in the Force.

The Physics Behind Grogu's Feat

Even Luke Skywalker, one of the most powerful Jedi of all time, had trouble trying to lift the (admittedly heavier) X-Wing from the swamps of Dagobah during his training. Comparing the two shows how deep Grogu's connection to the Force ran. Author Mark Brake used real-world physics in his book The Science of the Mandalorian to show how much power went into lifting a Mudhorn.

“Assuming the gravity field on Arvala-7 is the same as Earth's, we can calculate that Muddy's [the Mudhorn] 7,700 pounds equates to roughly 34,250 Newtons (this seems reasonable, as the weight of a typical elephant on Earth is 19,600 Newtons, and Muddy is some beast). Grogu needs to use the Force to conjure an oppositional force to Muddy's 34,250 Newtons. […] It's little wonder Grogu paid the price of exhaustion for coming to Mando's rescue. Yoda might be famous for saying 'size matters not,' but Grogu is a mere fifty years of age. Levitating the charging might of a mudhorn that weighs the equivalent of 34,250 quarter-pound burgers has simply got to take it out of you. That snooze in the repulsorlift cradle was well earned.”

Grogu's Potential and Future

Since Grogu had such a profound mastery of the Force as a child, there is no telling how powerful he would be as an adult. Grogu left the Jedi and joined the Mandalorians in The Book of Boba Fett, and he likely won't become the second Mandalorian Jedi. Because of this choice, his training in how to use the Force will not proceed as quickly or as thoroughly as it would if he had become a Jedi and studied under Luke. His life as a Mandalorian will likely pressure him into using the Force going forward, so he will have plenty of chances to improve through practice.

With as much natural talent as he has with the Force, it seems The Mandalorian has only scratched the surface of Grogu's power. Wherever his future path takes him, Grogu will definitely have a huge effect on the galaxy, and could even become one of its most powerful Force-users.