The Return of a Fourth Doctor Companion: Exploring the Impact on Doctor Who Lore

The Return of a Fourth Doctor Companion: Exploring the Impact on Doctor Who Lore

The return of a Fourth Doctor companion has sparked excitement among Doctor Who fans. This article delves into the significance of this return and the implications for the Doctor Who universe.

The Last Great Time War: A Cornerstone of Doctor Who Lore

The Last Great Time War is a cornerstone of lore for the modern era of Doctor Who, and the franchise may have just tied the conflict in with the classic run of the show going into its new season. Despite having a huge impact on the world of Doctor Who, there are still many unanswered questions about the famous conflict. The Time War broke the Doctor, and between the Time Lords and the Daleks, it caused the loss of a great many lives. However, the Doctor has often been sparing with the details of who exactly they lost.

John Hurt as the War Doctor looking serious with Billie Piper as Bad Wolf over his shoulder

John Hurt as the War Doctor looking serious with Billie Piper as Bad Wolf over his shoulder

The Time War was introduced in Doctor Who's 2005 revival. Before the return of the show, the last installment was Paul McGann's 1996 Doctor Who TV movie. As such, the War retroactively took place between the events of McGann's debut as the Eighth Doctor and the arrival of Christopher Eccleston. The War is referenced throughout the revival era, but it wasn't shown on-screen until Doctor Who's 50th-anniversary special, 'The Day of the Doctor.' Scenes on the Doctor's home world of Gallifrey have since become more common, and the BBC's YouTube channel has recently uploaded a short featuring footage from the heart of the action ahead of Doctor Who season 14.

Leela looking at the Citadel in a Doctor Who short from the BBC

Leela looking at the Citadel in a Doctor Who short from the BBC

The nature of the War has also fluctuated over time, both in terms of the show's lore and in how prominent it has been in the story. While having the Doctor alone for a time did wonders for their character, the return of the Time War and the Gallifreyans at large also offer a compelling emotional journey for the Doctor. So, even after so long, the Last Great Time War still has plenty left to offer the rich tapestry of Doctor Who, as proven by the recent rescue of Leela from the Time Lord battlefield.

Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor looking surprised

Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor looking surprised

The Fourth Doctor Saved Leela From Dying During The Time War (& Others?)

The intervention from Tom Baker's Doctor has been revealed. The BBC short, 'Leela vs the Time War,' shows Louise Jameson's return to the franchise. Leela traveled with Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor, eventually falling in love with another Time Lord and settling on Gallifrey. 'Leela vs the Time War' would seem to line up with 'The Day of the Doctor,' as the Fourth Doctor's presence is confirmed during the War in the show's 50th-anniversary special. As Leela watches the Citadel fall to Dalek forces, she's approached by a Gallifreyan soldier who gives her a device called a Wayfinder. The soldier informs Leela that the device is from the Doctor and that she is to survive.

Louise Jameson as Leela in a Doctor Who short looking thoughtful and morose

Louise Jameson as Leela in a Doctor Who short looking thoughtful and morose

Leela uses the Wayfinder, which acts as a teleporter, allowing her to take refuge in the Fourth Doctor's TARDIS. Although the short has been released to promote the next remastered installment of Doctor Who's classic era, events are so meticulously scripted that it would be difficult to see the addition as anything other than part of the official canon. If so, then the Doctor could have distributed Wayfinders to others on Gallifrey whom he wished to be saved. While this could include other companions from the classic era like Romana, a fellow Time Lord, it's possible that the Doctor could also have chosen to save family members.

Louise Jameson as Leela in a Doctor Who short wearing Gallifreyan robes and using a Wayfinder

Louise Jameson as Leela in a Doctor Who short wearing Gallifreyan robes and using a Wayfinder

Leela's Survival Sets Up More Doctor Who Cameos In Season 14

The fact that Leela has been confirmed to have survived the violence on Gallifrey makes it possible for Louise Jameson to once more reprise her role in Doctor Who itself. A run-in with Ncuti Gatwa's Fifteenth Doctor in season 14 would mean centuries passing for Fifteen while Leela is still within her comparatively short human lifespan. Such a cameo would make for an interesting dynamic between Leela and the show's title character. Similarly, another meeting between the Doctor and Romana would make for exciting viewing. Romana also being a Time Lord allows the show to recast the part due to her ability to regenerate.

Louise Jameson as Leela in a Doctor Who short smiling after appearing in the Fourth Doctor's TARDIS

Louise Jameson as Leela in a Doctor Who short smiling after appearing in the Fourth Doctor's TARDIS

As well as classic companions, Leela's survival and the implication of other Wayfinders could allow for the debut of characters who have only ever been mentioned in passing. For instance, the Doctor mentions that he was once a father in Doctor Who season 2, episode 11, 'Fear Her.' The claim is also reinforced by the fact that William Hartnell's First Doctor traveled with Susan, his granddaughter. As a Gallifreyan herself, it's possible that Susan was also on her home world at the same time as Leela, and also supplied with a Wayfinder. So, Leela may not be the only character capable of making a return to Doctor Who. Susan and other blood relations of the Doctor could also make their way back into the show. The introduction of additional biological family members of the Doctor could transform the title character's relationship with their past.

Louise Jameson looking emotional as Leela in a BBC Doctor Who short

Louise Jameson looking emotional as Leela in a BBC Doctor Who short