The Remarkable Significance of Starfield's Food: Unveiling its Underrated Impact

The Remarkable Significance of Starfield's Food: Unveiling its Underrated Impact

Discover why the food in Starfield holds a crucial role beyond just a skill-building mechanic Explore the cultural significance of Starfield's diverse culinary offerings, both within the game and in relation to our real-world experiences


Food in Starfield plays a crucial role in establishing the cultures of different factions and conveying information about the resources and climate of the world.

The cuisine in Starfield will showcase a rich blend of diverse and multicultural influences, drawing inspiration from a range of real and fictional cultures.

Notably, the influence of food in the game reaches beyond the virtual realm, as iconic and easily recreatable dishes have the potential to leave a lasting impact and gain popularity in the real world, akin to Skyrim's famous sweet roll.

Food is an often underestimated yet powerful aspect of worldbuilding. It can provide valuable insights into the culture, technology, resources, and even religion of a fictional world. Just like any other component of worldbuilding, the food within that world must be logical and cohesive, avoiding any jarring inconsistencies. For instance, including a hamburger and fries in the fantastical realm of Skyrim would break the immersion for players. Therefore, careful thought and consideration must be given to determining the appropriate food choices for a setting. This becomes even more crucial for a fresh intellectual property like Starfield.

Food not only aids in creating a sense of a lived-in world within video games, but it also serves a practical purpose. Gamers often encounter food in games, recognizing its function as a means to restore health or provide temporary boosts. Excitement surrounding the release of Starfield has been amplified by the tantalizing glimpses of mouthwatering food options showcased in teasers prior to its launch.

Starfield's Food Should Build More Than a Skill

The Remarkable Significance of Starfield's Food: Unveiling its Underrated Impact

In a game like Starfield, where new cultures are introduced in unfamiliar settings, food plays a crucial role in shaping the identities of different factions. The ingredients and dishes available to players offer insights into the resources accessible to each faction. As Starfield is a fresh intellectual property, meticulously crafting the world is paramount to establishing credibility.

One effective method Starfield can employ is environmental storytelling, which entails conveying information through the game's settings rather than relying on characters' explanations. For instance, inhabitants of a particular planet may specialize in insect-based cuisine accompanied by a variety of vegetables, excluding meat. This approach tactfully communicates aspects of the culture and climate, allowing players to naturally immerse themselves in the world without resorting to reading codex entries or relying on non-playable characters for explanations.

The Cultural Influence of Food In and Out of Starfield

The Remarkable Significance of Starfield's Food: Unveiling its Underrated Impact

The food selection in Starfield is still mostly undisclosed, but glimpses have been provided of items like the Patty Melt, Orange Juice of Transcendence, Alien Jerky, and Boom Pop! Cola. These menu options carry an American influence, reminiscent of the cuisine in Fallout 4. With the release of the game, players will have the opportunity to discover more ingredients and explore the variety of dishes that can be created. This will likely result in a wider range of food items influenced by various cultures, both real and fictional. For instance, the Ta’ameya Pita, consisting of falafel-filled flatbreads with a yogurt sauce, represents the Middle-Eastern culture and will be accompanied by other cultural meals. Given the presence of a Chef background and the Gastronomy skill dedicated to crafting meals from alien and familiar ingredients, Starfield's food will undoubtedly offer a diverse and multicultural experience.

The impact of food in video games goes beyond the game itself, extending into the real world. This was evident with Skyrim's sweet roll, which gained popularity and became a cultural phenomenon, thanks to the Hold guards. In order for Starfield to leave a lasting impression, it must incorporate dishes that resonate with players, similar to the sweet roll. These dishes should be iconic, uncomplicated, and easy to recreate at home. Just like the sweet roll in Skyrim, the food in Starfield should seamlessly blend into the game world without any questioning from the players. Starfield is scheduled to launch on September 6 for PC and Xbox Series X/S.