The Quest for Restoration: A Guide to Rebuilding the Magnificent Narvi's Forge in Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria

The Quest for Restoration: A Guide to Rebuilding the Magnificent Narvi's Forge in Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria

Unleash your inner blacksmith and restore the majestic Great Forge of Narvi to its former glory in Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria Master the art of crafting powerful Steel items and forge a legend that will withstand the test of time

The Great Forge of Narvi, crafted by a skilled dwarven artisan, was renowned for producing the highest quality weapons and armor in the realm of Middle-earth. Its invaluable contributions led the dwarves to victory in numerous battles against orcs and other adversaries. Tragically, the Great Forge was deserted and now lies in ruins within Moria, after the dwarves were forced to abandon their homeland due to the Balrog's invasion.

To gain access to the creation of more advanced weapons like the Steel Hammer and Steel Pickaxe, players must undertake the reconstruction of the Great Forge. This comprehensive guide provides players with all the necessary information to restore the Great Forge of Narvi in Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria.

How to Repair the Great Forge of Narvi

The Quest for Restoration: A Guide to Rebuilding the Magnificent Narvi's Forge in Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria

When venturing to the Great Forge of Narvi, situated in the renowned Elven Quarters at the rear of Moria's Western Halls, players should be well-equipped and vigilant as they may come across Goblin Men or Cave Bears in the vicinity. To ensure preparedness, it is recommended that players carry an ample supply of Wood Scraps.

Iron Ingots




To restore the former glory of the Great Forge of Narvi at The Great Forge, players must locate and replace the three crucial components that are missing, all of which are visibly emphasized. One such part that needs to be sourced and replaced is the crank.



The Replacement Crank and Gear can be easily located near the Forge itself.

To find the replacement crank, players should look to the right of the Forge on the ground. Pressing the E key will allow them to pick it up and insert it into the designated slot. As for the replacement gear, it can be found on the ground to the left of the Forge. Players can carry it up the stairs and fix it by pressing the E key.

In different playthroughs, the specific locations may differ due to the game's procedural generation.

The third missing piece presents a greater challenge. It is possible to find the replacement pipe on the ground near the hall entrance, typically protected by a small orc camp. Players must then transport the pipe back to the Forge and attempt to insert it in the correct slot. However, the right-hand staircase of the Forge is damaged, preventing players from carrying heavy objects while climbing or jumping. Thus, an alternate route must be discovered to reach the desired location.

The Quest for Restoration: A Guide to Rebuilding the Magnificent Narvi's Forge in Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria

One way to proceed is by attempting to replace the pipe by aiming at the designated slot and pressing the R key. Another option for players is to construct several wooden platforms using Wood Scraps, which can be done by pressing V on the keyboard. This enables players to conveniently transport the pipe and achieve a successful replacement.

If players cannot locate any of the missing components, they can create their own replacements using Iron Ingots. The crafting instructions can be acquired by interacting with the highlighted areas.

After successfully replacing all three pieces of the Great Forge of Narvi and initiating its activation, players will be confronted by a multitude of foes. Players should be prepared for battle or swiftly retreat to their base camp without delay.

Repairing The Great Forge of Narvi unlocks the following crafting recipes:

Steel Ingots

Steel Pickaxe

Steel Hammer

Eregion Spear


Replacement Pieces of other Forges

The Quest for Restoration: A Guide to Rebuilding the Magnificent Narvi's Forge in Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria

The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria

Franchise The Lord of the RingsPlatform(s) PC, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series SReleased October 24, 2023Publisher(s) North Beach GamesGenre(s) Survival

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan of the Lord of the Rings series, I am thrilled to see the return of the Great Forge of Narvi in Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria. Rebuilding this iconic landmark is a monumental task, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Not only will players be able to craft powerful Steel items, but they will also contribute to the restoration of Moria's former glory.

The guide provided in the article is comprehensive and easy to follow, making the process of restoring the Great Forge of Narvi much more manageable. The detailed instructions and helpful tips ensure that even novice players can successfully complete the task. I appreciate the inclusion of alternative methods for replacing the missing pipe, as this allows players to adapt to different scenarios and find a solution that works best for them.

Overall, I believe that the restoration of the Great Forge of Narvi is a fantastic addition to Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria. It adds a sense of purpose and accomplishment to the game, while also providing players with powerful new tools and weapons. I can't wait to see what other iconic locations and challenges await in this exciting new title.