The PlayStation 4 Gaming Nightmare You Need to Know About

PS4 gamers are being denied access to their purchased games and the PS Plus store without explanation, causing frustration and anger in the gaming community
Players of the PlayStation 4 are reporting a bug that is causing them to be locked out of their purchased games, with some even unable to access the digital PlayStation Plus store. Despite the PlayStation 5 being the newer console, Sony has not neglected the PlayStation 4, which has seen ports of many popular multiplatform games this year. With the console's impressive lifetime sales of 106 million units and dedicated playerbase, it would be wise for Sony to continue supporting the console for a little while longer, especially considering that some gamers may not have been able to upgrade to the newer model yet.
The PS4 playerbase has been hit with a frustrating glitch that prevents them from accessing their games or purchasing new ones through PS Plus. This issue has sparked a flurry of discussions across various gaming forums, with players sharing their grievances and potential solutions to the problem. Sony's loyal fanbase has a history of banding together to voice their concerns about PlayStation issues, and this collective outcry is likely to bring more attention to the current problem and hasten its resolution. On Reddit, users have identified four possible workarounds, although none of them are foolproof and may require multiple attempts. These include restoring licenses, restarting the network connection, making the PS4 the primary console, and manually updating DNS settings. Given that the PlayStation 5 is reportedly facing a similar issue, some of these solutions may prove useful there as well.
It seems that Sony is solely responsible for the issue at hand. Despite no action taken or statement released by the console gaming giant, it is likely that they will address and resolve the problem soon, especially considering the recent system updates released for PlayStation 4 in late 2022.