The Perplexing Enigma of Doctor Who's Sixth Doctor continues to captivate after 37 Years
The enigmatic Valeyard, a long-standing mystery in Doctor Who, continues to confound fans even after 37 years Steven Moffat's attempt to retcon the character only added to the distraction Discover how RTD's Doctor Who can finally resolve this enduring enigma
The Valeyard, introduced in the "Trial of a Time Lord," remains a mysterious and rarely revisited character in Doctor Who canon.
Steven Moffat hinted at the Valeyard's presence without actually bringing him back, leaving fans intrigued and hungry for more answers.
To resolve the Valeyard mystery, Russell T. Davies could incorporate him into a multi-Doctor story, offering enough information without fully exploring his past.
The end of the Sixth Doctor's era in Doctor Who featured a captivating storyline that still demands an explanation to this day. It concluded with the "Trial of a Time Lord," a 14-episode arc that introduced the enigmatic Valeyard. Surprisingly, subsequent installments have yet to explore this concept further.
With renowned showrunner Russell T. Davies rumored to be planning significant revisions and additions to Doctor Who's extensive lore, there is a possibility of the Valeyard mystery being revisited. As the driving force behind the show's revival years (2005-present) and a beloved figure among fans, any solutions Davies proposes concerning the Valeyard would likely be well-received.
Doctor Who STILL Hasn’t Explained The Valeyard
Very little is known about the character known as the Valeyard. The Valeyard makes his first appearance in the 23rd season of "The Trial of a Time Lord," where the Doctor is accused of crimes involving interference in other worlds and breaking Time Lord laws. Presiding over the Doctor's trial is the enigmatic and mysterious Valeyard, who serves as both inquisitor and prosecutor. Throughout the course of the episodes, more details about the Valeyard emerge, including his manipulative schemes such as stealing the Doctor's remaining regenerations, as well as the corruption of the Time Lord High Council.
Apart from the information revealed in "The Trial of a Time Lord," little is known about the Valeyard, and there have been no subsequent appearances. The Valeyard's main objective is to obtain the Doctor's remaining regenerations, and it is revealed in the serial that he is a future incarnation of the Doctor, existing between the twelfth and final lifetimes. Essentially, the Valeyard represents a combination of the Doctor's darkest traits, but beyond these details, he remains a mysterious figure who has rarely been revisited in Doctor Who canon. Although his name has been mentioned multiple times since his introduction in 1986, he has only appeared in teasers.
Steven Moffat Tried To Retcon The Valeyard
The Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi eras of Doctor Who, which spanned from 2010 to 2017, saw showrunner Steven Moffat cleverly address the Valeyard. As Smith played the eleventh Doctor and Capaldi the twelfth, Moffat faced pressure to either provide answers about the Valeyard or reintroduce the character, as audiences knew he existed beyond the twelfth incarnation. Moffat opted for caution, choosing not to turn the Doctor into a villain or bring back the Valeyard.
To appease fans, Moffat subtly referenced the Valeyard to indicate that he hadn't forgotten about the character entirely. In one of Smith's final episodes, "The Name of the Doctor," the Great Intelligence villain, played by Richard E. Grant, glimpses the Doctor's future and confirms that the Doctor would adopt the name Valeyard, although it is not made as clear as the Master's transformation in 1986. According to the Great Intelligence, the Doctor would only become the Valeyard "before the end," rather than after his twelfth incarnation. While this doesn't necessarily contradict the original timeframe, it grants future writers more flexibility to avoid fully addressing the Valeyard issue.
The Valeyard Mystery Has Become Distracting In Doctor Who
By this stage in the extensive history of Doctor Who, the looming presence of the Valeyard has become a significant aspect of each new season. This is particularly true as the current era of the show continues to defy fan expectations regarding the Doctor and their regenerations. Hardcore Whovians and fans of the classic series have eagerly awaited answers regarding the Valeyard for a considerable amount of time. While the expectation for the Doctor to regenerate into the Valeyard may not be immediate, it is possible that the Valeyard could make a return in a multi-Doctor storyline.
Predictions about the enigmatic villain have persisted for nearly 15 years, speculating on possibilities such as the Valeyard undergoing a regeneration or a new foe secretly assuming the identity of the Valeyard. However, these theories and forecasts have consistently proven to be incorrect, and very little information about the Valeyard has been revealed since the Moffat era, despite continued mentions of the character. At this point, the shadow cast by the Valeyard's presence looms large over new content, and Russell T. Davies may need to address this in order to prevent his upcoming era from being overshadowed by the persistent speculation, questions, and demands surrounding the Valeyard. Fortunately, Davies should not encounter significant difficulties in addressing this matter.
How RTD’s Doctor Who Can Resolve The Valeyard Mystery
To appease eager fans hoping for the return of the Valeyard, one possible solution would be to incorporate him into a multi-Doctor story. This could involve either Ncuti Gatwa's fifteenth Doctor or multiple returning incarnations. Russell T. Davies, who is bringing back the legendary Toymaker villain for the Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials, may be inclined to bring back more classic elements considering his avid childhood viewing of the series. Exploring the Valeyard's background may not be necessary for a couple of episodes, as sometimes the mystery surrounding a villain can be compelling enough. However, the mere appearance of the Valeyard would undoubtedly be noteworthy.
Given Doctor Who's tendency to retcon its own history, which is almost inevitable for a long-running show, Davies could take the opportunity to establish that the Valeyard is not truly a future incarnation of the Doctor. If Davies wishes to leave the responsibility of including a Valeyard regeneration to a future showrunner, he could easily clarify that the previous knowledge was incorrect. Alternatively, the show could depict Gatwa's Doctor transforming into the Valeyard, followed by a few specials centered around this incarnation. Stretching this storyline any longer may not be as effective since a villainous hero might not remain compelling. However, this approach would finally settle the debate and satisfy fans.