The Origins of Yellowstone: Unveiling the Start Behind a Terrifying Horror Film

The Origins of Yellowstone: Unveiling the Start Behind a Terrifying Horror Film

Discover the shocking origins of Yellowstone's creator! Uncover the horrors of Vile, a critically panned movie Dive into Taylor Sheridan's thoughts on this disturbing film Stream Vile for free on Tubi and witness the darkness that kickstarted Sheridan's career

Taylor Sheridan's origin story as a theater enthusiast spending weekends at a Texas ranch is nearly too perfect. His Yellowstone franchise revitalized the Western genre, propelling it to unprecedented TV success. As Paramount Network's inaugural scripted series, Sheridan has taken on multiple roles throughout its ongoing run. This triumph has led to the creation of two prequels and a remarkable new show centered around Bass Reeves. However, prior to these achievements, Sheridan learned some valuable lessons while working on the set of Vile, an abominable torture horror film. Everyone must have a couple of trial runs.

During the 2000s, torture horror seemed to dominate the industry. Strangely, audiences grew weary of witnessing underdeveloped characters being torn apart in grimy basements. While Saw still maintains its presence, it is viewed nostalgically and celebrated for its adherence to traditional methods. Like slasher films, numerous lesser imitations inspired by the genre gradually stifled interest. Vile may not be the worst film riding on Saw's coattails, but it comfortably resides in that realm.

What is Vile about?

The Origins of Yellowstone: Unveiling the Start Behind a Terrifying Horror Film


Taylor Sheridan


Eric Jay Beck and Rob Kowsaluk


Eric Jay Beck, April Matson, Greg Cipes


88 Minutes

Vile chronicles the harrowing experience of Nick, Tayler, Tony, and Kai, a group of young adults embarking on an adventurous camping expedition. Upon encountering a scarcity of fuel, their journey leads them to a secluded gas station. Little do they know, their fateful encounter with a captivating woman named Diane will change their lives forever. Nick, being a gentleman, agrees to give Diane a ride, unaware of the sinister intentions that lie beneath her seemingly innocent facade. As they travel a few miles to her stranded truck, the unsuspecting friends fall victim to Diane's treacherous scheme. Disguised behind a mask, she swiftly renders them unconscious by deploying a canister of sleeping gas. Awakening in a squalid dwelling, the four friends find themselves bound to chairs, joined by five unfamiliar faces. A haunting video presentation provides a grim explanation of their predicament. Each individual is equipped with a device attached to their neck, designed to monitor the secretion of various brain hormones. By dexterously accumulating oxytocin, dopamine, and adrenaline, these nine strangers must endeavor to fill a jar. However, any attempt to remove the devices will result in their imminent demise. Desperate for survival, the group scours their surroundings and discovers an array of weapons at their disposal. The video grimly outlines that the only escape route hinges on their ability to inflict torment upon one another in order to procure the necessary hormones and unlock the door to freedom. Failure to accomplish this task within the designated 24-hour timeline will seal the fate of all nine strangers. Trapped in a macabre experiment, these individuals are compelled to subject themselves and each other to unimaginable violence in a relentless struggle for survival.

What is Vile's Rotten Tomatoes score?

The Origins of Yellowstone: Unveiling the Start Behind a Terrifying Horror Film

Vile lacks sufficient accepted reviews to receive an official critic's score on Rotten Tomatoes. It only has three professional opinions, all of which harshly criticize the film. Positive reviews are scarce, with only around 30% of over 250 audience members granting it a favorable rating. The average rating stands at 2.7 out of 5 stars. Most reviews accurately label it as an unoriginal imitation of the Saw franchise. The film suffers from numerous flaws common in its genre, such as poorly developed characters who lack humanity and personality. It is challenging to feel invested in the plight of the nine insignificant individuals trapped in the house as they endure one brutal torment after another, constantly screaming and crying. To most viewers, they are seen as nothing more than bodies waiting to be slaughtered.

The acting in the film is unimpressive, with a mix of actors who appear to lack belief in the material. Greg Cipes, renowned for voicing Beast Boy in Teen Titans, makes one of his final live-action film appearances before seemingly transitioning solely to voice acting. While the premise of the film may have some appeal, the script itself highlights one of its biggest flaws in logic. The devices in the story gather hormones, and it is pointed out that these hormones can be generated through means other than pain. In fact, sex would provide a more effective solution than violence, with minimal side effects or risk of death. However, despite acknowledging this, the writers, Beck and Kowsaluk, included it in the script but continued with the violent plotline regardless. This decision showcases their confidence in their storytelling, albeit a questionable one.

Vile is available to stream for free on Tubi

What did Taylor Sheridan have to say about Vile?

The Origins of Yellowstone: Unveiling the Start Behind a Terrifying Horror Film

During an interview with Rotten Tomatoes while promoting his film Wind River in 2017, Sheridan discussed his perspective on Vile, stating that he does not view it as his directorial debut but recognizes its significance within his body of work. He stated:

A friend of mine raised a significant amount of money, around 20 grand or so, and gathered his buddies to write and produce a horror movie. Despite my advice not to direct it himself, he initially took on the role but soon became overwhelmed. Desperate for help, he reached out to me, and I agreed to lend a hand. Although I assisted with keeping things on track, I hesitate to label myself as the director. I believe he was trying to express gratitude in his own way. This experience provided me with valuable lessons in handling a camera and eventually proved beneficial in my work on Wind River.

Eric Jay Beck has since taken on writing and acting roles in episodes of Yellowstone, maintaining his professional connection with Sheridan. It seems that he views this particular film, which will forever be recognized as his directorial debut, more as a practice opportunity rather than a true artistic endeavor.

Vile may be overlooked by many, yet it remains firmly among Taylor Sheridan's credited works. The film can be seen in two perspectives: either as a pathetic attempt to profit from an outdated subgenre or as a collaborative effort by a group of friends creating their very first horror film for fun. Regardless, it will persist as a visually captivating poster on Tubi, often disregarded by most viewers.

Editor's P/S

Taylor Sheridan's journey to success was not without its setbacks. Before creating the hit TV series Yellowstone, Sheridan worked on the set of Vile, a critically panned torture horror film. Despite its flaws, Vile provided Sheridan with valuable lessons that shaped his future endeavors.

Sheridan's experience on the set of Vile taught him the importance of creating well-developed characters with humanity and personality. In Yellowstone, Sheridan has crafted complex and relatable characters that audiences can invest in. Unlike the forgettable characters in Vile, the characters in Yellowstone feel like real people with their own motivations and struggles. Sheridan's ability to create compelling characters is one of the reasons why Yellowstone has become such a popular and successful show.