The Office's Mind-Boggling Secrets: Unmasking Creed's Top 10 Enigmas

The Office's Mind-Boggling Secrets: Unmasking Creed's Top 10 Enigmas

Unravel the enigma of Creed Bratton in The Office as we delve into the 10 biggest mysteries surrounding this intriguing character Discover his age, hiring process, involvement in cults, criminal activities, and how he managed to evade capture Explore the unanswered questions and find out if Creed faced incarceration after the series finale

Dwight Schrute was definitely an eccentric character in The Office, but he couldn't hold a candle to the enigma of Creed Bratton. Viewers were left puzzled and intrigued by Creed's strange actions and cryptic words throughout the comedy series. From his ability to identify specific strains of weed under pressure from Dwight, to recommending his shady connections to Michael Scott, Creed never failed to bring humor to the show.

Throughout the nine seasons of the NBC sitcom, instead of providing answers about Creed's past, the writers continued to introduce new mysteries. But that was part of what made Creed so captivating - he didn't need to be deciphered, even though many viewers were desperate for explanations about some of his questionable stories. As The Office came to its conclusion, there remained ten unsolved mysteries surrounding Creed, mostly related to his criminal history.

10 How Old Is Creed In The Office?

The Office's Mind-Boggling Secrets: Unmasking Creed's Top 10 Enigmas

In the season 4 premiere of The Office, Creed made the bold claim that he was born on November 1, 1925, making him nearly 82 years old. However, given his youthful appearance and agility, it seemed highly unlikely that he was actually born in 1925. Surprisingly, in the following episode, Creed completely changed his story and informed the documentary crew that he was 29 years old and turning 30. He went to great lengths to maintain this facade, even hiring an elderly couple to pretend to be his parents, though no one bought into his deception.

The truth behind Creed's real age may have been revealed in episode 8 of season 4, when he displayed a passport to the cameras belonging to William Charles Schneider. According to the passport, Schneider was born on February 8, 1943, making him 64 years old. It is possible that Schneider is just one of the many aliases that Creed uses, but it could also be his true identity. This would align with the fact that the actor who portrayed Creed is named William Charles Schneider and was indeed born on February 8, 1943. Unfortunately, the truth about Creed's age will forever remain a mystery to the fans.

9 How Did Creed Get Hired At Dunder Mifflin?

The Office's Mind-Boggling Secrets: Unmasking Creed's Top 10 Enigmas

Throughout The Office's nine-season run, Creed rarely seemed to actually do any work at Dunder Mifflin. His official job title may have been Quality Assurance Representative, but he mainly occupied himself by playing solitaire at his desk. It's safe to say that Creed wasn't exactly excelling in his role, as evidenced by Michael's attempt to fire him during the Halloween episode in season 2. Surprisingly, however, Creed's skills of persuasion proved to be far superior to his quality assurance abilities. He managed to convince Michael to let go of Devon White instead. Considering Creed's questionable past and less-than-stellar performance in the workplace, it's truly baffling that he was initially hired and somehow managed to keep his job for so long.

8 Was Creed As Clueless As He Seemed?

The Office's Mind-Boggling Secrets: Unmasking Creed's Top 10 Enigmas

In The Office, Creed's memory was notoriously unreliable. He would frequently forget his co-workers' names, their lengths of tenure, and other basic details. Moreover, his comments would often be completely nonsensical. However, it all becomes clear when we learn that Creed had been on the run from the police for the entirety of his time at Dunder Mifflin. It's plausible that he was intentionally playing dumb to deceive others, as it would have required some level of intelligence to elude capture for so long. Perhaps his seemingly clueless behavior was merely a façade to downplay his true potential threat to the other characters in The Office.

7 How Did Creed Get Blood On His Shirt On Halloween?

The Office's Mind-Boggling Secrets: Unmasking Creed's Top 10 Enigmas

One of the most hilarious moments in The Office season 9, episode 5 involves none other than Creed. Clad in a shirt splattered with blood, he wittily remarks to the cameras, "It's Halloween. That is really really good timing." It remains a mystery whose blood stained his attire or how it happened, but considering Creed's eccentricities, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that he may have been involved in some sort of mischief or even harm before his arrival at the office on Halloween.

6 Was Creed The Leader Of A Religious Cult?

The Office's Mind-Boggling Secrets: Unmasking Creed's Top 10 Enigmas

Throughout The Office, Creed was known for his propensity to lie, making it challenging to trust anything he claimed. One of his most intriguing fabrications occurred in season 4 when he casually revealed his involvement in various cults, assuming both leadership and follower roles. Although such a revelation may seem consistent with Creed's mysterious persona, there remains a possibility that he fabricated this information.

At the end of the NBC sitcom, Dwight revealed a shocking truth about Creed, stating that he was wanted by the police for engaging in drug sales, illegal trafficking of an endangered species' meat, and theft of weapons-grade LSD from the military. Surprisingly, there was no mention of Creed being involved in leading a cult. This leads us to question if Creed was simply lying, unless his band, The Grass Roots, also had cult-like tendencies. Sadly, the truth about Creed's potential cult leadership status in The Office may forever remain a mystery.

The Office's Mind-Boggling Secrets: Unmasking Creed's Top 10 Enigmas

One of the greatest enigmas in The Office revolves around the mysterious figure known as the Scranton Strangler. This individual, a ruthless serial killer, instilled fear and terror in the town of Scranton throughout the events of season 6. Astonishingly, the authorities believed they had succeeded in capturing the culprit during season 7, when the arrest of George Howard Skub took place. Moreover, Toby Flenderson, a key character, took on the responsibility of serving on the jury for Skub's trial, during which they reached the decision to sentence him to death. However, in a shocking turn of events, Toby later confessed that they might have apprehended the wrong person.

Some fans believe that Toby might have actually been the Scranton Strangler, but others consider the possibility that the true culprit could have been Creed. In the ninth season's Halloween episode, it was revealed that Creed had undoubtedly taken lives. To make matters more intriguing, Creed confessed to assuming the identity of the real Creed Bratton after he mysteriously vanished. Despite these perplexing details, there is ultimately no concrete evidence to support this theory. As a result, The Office fans will forever find themselves pondering the true identity of the enigmatic Scranton Strangler.

4 Why Did Creed Agree To Be Filmed For The Documentary?

The Office's Mind-Boggling Secrets: Unmasking Creed's Top 10 Enigmas

The Office series finale uncovered a shocking revelation – Creed had been living life on the run as a fugitive for several years. This begs the question – why would Creed willingly participate in a documentary that would undoubtedly attract the attention of law enforcement to the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin Paper Company? It seems logical to assume that Creed must have been aware of the inevitable consequences that would follow the release of the documentary. Perhaps Creed had already devised a plan to vanish and fake his own demise, but fate had a different agenda, and he was apprehended nevertheless. Had Creed simply chosen to resign, the unfortunate turn of events that led to his arrest in the concluding moments of The Office might have been avoided.

3 How Did Creed Evade Capture For So Long?

The Office's Mind-Boggling Secrets: Unmasking Creed's Top 10 Enigmas

Creed's ability to elude the authorities for over nine years is truly astounding. It's baffling that the police couldn't track him down until after the documentary premiered in The Office. Despite appearing completely clueless, Creed may have possessed a level of intelligence that went unrecognized. His success in evading capture for such a significant period suggests that he must have been incredibly cunning. Not only did he masterfully assume other identities, but he may have also resorted to violence, making him a dangerous individual. However, it wasn't until The Office's series finale that the cops finally caught up with him.

2 Why Was Creed Hiding From The Cops At His Place Of Work?

The Office's Mind-Boggling Secrets: Unmasking Creed's Top 10 Enigmas

One of Creed's most significant blunders occurred in The Office series finale when he thought it was clever to seek refuge at his former workplace, all while attempting to elude the authorities. His plan involved feigning his own death, but he only managed to deceive his gullible coworker, Kevin Malone. Consequently, Creed became a fugitive once again, successfully evading law enforcement for an entire year. Regrettably, his hiding spot at Dunder Mifflin was eventually discovered, leading to his swift arrest during the concluding moments of the NBC sitcom. After remaining incognito for nearly a decade, Creed somehow thought it was a wise move to return to Dunder Mifflin. This decision may have been fueled by a wave of nostalgia.

1 Was Creed Incarcerated After The Office Series Finale?

The Office's Mind-Boggling Secrets: Unmasking Creed's Top 10 Enigmas

In the final scene of The Office, Creed delivers a heartfelt speech, reminiscing about his time at Dunder Mifflin during his last interview with the documentary crew. However, as the cameras pull back, a surprising revelation unfolds - Creed is being apprehended by two police officers positioned on either side of him. The fate of his past crimes remains uncertain, leaving viewers in suspense. Despite his criminal background, Creed has managed to capture the hearts of fans, prompting some to envision an alternate ending where he evades capture, escapes to a foreign land, and spends his days immersed in the exhilarating world of scuba diving following the series finale of The Office.