The Mysterious Secrets of Baylan Skoll: Unveiling the True Power Behind 'We Are No Jedi'

Unveiling the Enigma: Baylan Skoll, the Resilient Survivor of Order 66, Emerges as a Mysterious Mercenary Delve into the Intricate World of Dark Jedi as Baylan and Shin Embrace Their Unique Identities, Drawing Inspiration from Iconic Figures like Darth Vader and Maul
Baylan Skoll survived Order 66 and became a mercenary in the service of Morgan Elsbeth, with goals beyond working with her.
Baylan and Shin Hati are not Sith, but rather Dark Jedi, since they abide by specific principles of the defunct Jedi Order while still harnessing the power of the dark side.
While Baylan and Shin bear resemblance to Darth Vader and Darth Maul in appearance, they are distinctive adversaries of the dark side in their own right, wielding orange-red lightsabers.
A new adversary for Ahsoka is introduced in the form of Baylan Skoll, who initially appears to be a Sith Lord. However, the reality is more complex. Alongside his apprentice Shin Hati, it has been hinted that Baylan has experienced significant darkness but has transformed into something different, rather than conforming to the traditional archetype of a Dark Lord of the Sith in the upcoming Star Wars series.
The trailers for Ahsoka reveal that Baylan Skoll (played by Ray Stevenson) and Shin Hati (played by Ivanna Sakhno) are aligned with Morgan Elsbeth, an agent in the service of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn, a former strategist for the defeated Empire, has gone missing but is anticipated to make his return. Baylan believes that Thrawn can grant him immense power and has explicitly stated that he and his apprentice "are no Jedi" as they ruthlessly massacre the crew of a New Republic cruiser. Additionally, their orange-red lightsabers signify that they wield the dark side in a manner that goes beyond conventional Sith practices. Here is everything we currently know about Baylon Skoll and his true nature.
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Baylan Skoll Survived Order 66, And Has Become A Mercenary
From the glimpses provided in the trailers and promotional material, it has been confirmed that Baylan Skoll was previously a member of the esteemed Jedi Order. During that time, Baylan had the privilege of knowing and interacting with Ahsoka Tano's mentor, the legendary Anakin Skywalker. Remarkably, Baylan managed to survive the dreadful Jedi Purge, a period that facilitated the ascent of Palpatine's Empire. However, unlike many other Jedi who endured the same fate, Baylan did not align with the Rebel cause. Nor did he succumb to the allure of darkness and join the ranks of Darth Vader's Imperial Inquisitors.
Baylan & Shin Are Dark Jedi, Not Sith
Instead, it has been revealed that Baylan has embarked on a mercenary journey, aligning himself with Morgan Elsbeth in the upcoming Ahsoka show. He has further taken on the role of mentor to Shin Hati, showcasing his ambitions in the New Republic Era that extend beyond his collaboration with Elsbeth. However, the intentions that Baylan harbors regarding the potential acquisition of power, particularly in the event of Grand Admiral Thrawn's eventual discovery, remain ambiguous.
Instead of being classified simply as Sith Lords, Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati can be more accurately described as Dark Jedi. Despite their allegiance to the dark side, it appears that Baylan and Shin still embrace certain customs of the fallen Jedi Order. A notable example is Shin's donning of a Jedi Padawan's braid, although according to the Star Wars timeline, she is likely not a survivor of the Jedi Purge like Baylan. Rather, it is probable that Baylan discovered her and trained her years later during the Empire's rule, leading to the braid being a deliberate choice made by Baylan as part of Hati's training.
Baylan Has Been Styled After Darth Vader, Shin After Maul
Regarding Baylan's desire for power, it is undeniably of a sinister nature, as is his alliance with Elsbeth in order to enhance the might of the Imperial Remnant through Thrawn's resurgence as the "Heir to the Empire." However, it is crucial to note that both Baylan and Shin should not be classified as Sith. Additionally, the absence of the full crimson hue in their lightsabers serves as a visually distinct indication that they exist as a separate entity within the realm of the dark side of the Force. It is possible that the color of Baylan and Shin's lightsabers originates from an alternative process or even from the presence of a natural orange kyber crystal.
Furthermore, the Ahsoka trailers feature captivating imagery that mirrors the Sith through Baylan and Shin. An intriguing parallel can be drawn between Baylan Skoll and Darth Vader. Notably, the scene depicting Baylan descending from his spacecraft's ramp evokes strong nostalgia for Vader's iconic appearances in the original Star Wars trilogy. Similarly, the trailers tantalizingly hint at Skoll's personal and merciless encounter in a corridor, reminiscent of Darth Vader's relentless assault on Rebel soldiers in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
Shin possesses an aggressive and flourishing style that strongly resembles Darth Maul from The Phantom Menace in the prequel trilogy. Consequently, both Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati are clearly adversaries aligned with the dark side, although they may not be traditional Sith Lords. It will be intriguing to witness Ahsoka Tano (portrayed by Rosario Dawson) and her apprentice Sabine Wren (played by Natasha Liu Bordizzo) test their abilities as they strive to prevent Grand Admiral Thrawn's resurgence in the Star Wars universe. The first and second episodes of Ahsoka are set to premiere on Tuesday, August 22 on Disney+.