The Most Outspoken TV Characters of All Time

The Most Outspoken TV Characters of All Time

A look at the TV characters who always speak their minds and capture the hearts of their audience.

The Unapologetically Honest Characters

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TV characters who always speak their minds tend to capture the hearts of their audience. Even if viewers don't agree with the blunt sentiment imparted by a character, they can at least respect their no-nonsense approach to communication. The reason behind a character's lack of ceremony often differs depending on factors, such as their backstory and the genre of the show in which they appear. Regardless, some of the best TV characters of all time do not care about what others will think.

Jared Harris as Hari Seldon in Foundation looking off camera

Jared Harris as Hari Seldon in Foundation looking off camera

Dr. Hari Seldon, Foundation - He Needs To Be Heard For The Good Of The Galaxy

Best of Sherlock's Lines

Dr. Seldon developed a fictional branch of mathematics in Foundation, known as psychohistory. The field allows him to essentially predict the future of humanity, given a large enough sample size. His studies reveal a coming darkness, so he needs to be very vocal about his plan to shorten approaching disaster. His predictions lead to him becoming Empire's public enemy number one, but this doesn't weaken his resolve. If he stops preaching his findings, then the entire galaxy will pay the price. As a result, Seldon develops techniques to allow him to continue spreading the word about psychohistory in Foundation for much longer than any human should be able to.

Lisa Kudrow as Phoebe with a guitar in Friends

Lisa Kudrow as Phoebe with a guitar in Friends

Phoebe Buffay, Friends - She Is Unapologetically Herself

In a group of very vocal friends, Phoebe finds herself one of the most outspoken. A classic case of a person with no filter, Phoebe often just speaks whatever thought enters her mind. Although for some this would land them in hot water, Phoebe's inner monologue is so wholesome that her outpourings often just take the form of nothing more than quirky observations. Phoebe's tendency to spill her musings without being prompted makes her an essential part of the Friends cast.

Alan Ritchson smirking as Jack Reacher in the Prime Video show Reacher

Alan Ritchson smirking as Jack Reacher in the Prime Video show Reacher

Jack Reacher, Reacher - He Has No Time For Delays

Reacher's military backstory and propensity for life on the road means his patience is often razor-thin. While this can manifest itself as violence in certain settings, it leads to a brash demeanor in others. He rarely speaks in anything other than clipped phrases, wanting to keep the conversation moving. However, when he does deliver a monologue, every word is carefully selected and brutally honest. He's a man who doesn't just speak his mind; Reacher always enacts his intentions too.

Alan Ritchson as Jack Reacher with cuts on his face in the Prime Video show Reacher

Alan Ritchson as Jack Reacher with cuts on his face in the Prime Video show Reacher

Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory - He Likes Things A Certain Way

Sheldon is another character who struggles to stop himself voicing every thought that pops into his head. His doing so is often a result of either wanting to correct someone, or alter his surroundings so he's more comfortable. Sheldon can come across as quite selfish as a result at times, but this doesn't stop fans of the show from gravitating to him. In fact, his honesty has led to some of Sheldon's most emotional moments. Although he lacks decorum, those around him often bend to his will.

Alan Ritchson as Jack Reacher in Reacher season 2 looking stern

Alan Ritchson as Jack Reacher in Reacher season 2 looking stern

Lucifer Morningstar, Lucifer - The Devil Himself

Lucifer's temperament stems from his natural demeanor, but also a concerted effort to uphold his reputation as lord of the Underworld. Although it seems to some that he's endlessly hiding behind humor, it's more accurate to say that his honest opinion of things is just amusing. What certain people may call satire would actually fall under the category of one of Lucifer's witty observations about humans. Tom Ellis' character also tends to hide behind his bravado, with his endless stream of consciousness often being a technique for concealing how he's really feeling. Despite being a supernatural being, Lucifer has still gone through his fair share of emotional turmoil. While he may not openly share his experiences in this regard, he compensates by venting other views instead.

Jack Reacher wears sunglasses in a prison bathroom

Jack Reacher wears sunglasses in a prison bathroom

Temperance 'Bones' Brennan, Bones - The Passion For Her Work Shines Through

Bones always gives an honest response when confronted with a difficult question. Lies and deception just don't seem to be in her wheelhouse. Her focus on her work as a forensic anthropologist leaves little time for small talk, so many of the exchanges between her and her colleagues often come back to facts, figures, and potential scenarios. Although she does have personal relationships, many of them tend to revolve around her occupation.

Reacher and Finlay walking together in Reacher season 1

Reacher and Finlay walking together in Reacher season 1

The Doctor, Doctor Who - Saving The Day Requires Urgency

The Doctor is often the most intelligent person in the room, and the Time Lord makes sure everyone knows this. Often thinking out loud, the Doctor often uses speaking as a way of processing information and formulating a plan. Given the vast array of knowledge they possess, the words pouring out are not only the Doctor speaking their mind, but also factually correct in the world of the show. Some iterations of the Doctor land themselves in hot water more than others for their endless imparting of opinions. Matt Smith's version of the character, for example, would often be more obvious in his portrayal of the Doctor as an alien by voicing opinions that would confuse and sometimes offend those in his presence. However, everyone who has played the Doctor has done a good job of establishing this trait. The Doctor can be described in many ways, but they're rarely one who holds back on what they're thinking.

Jim Parsons as Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory, looking to his right

Jim Parsons as Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory, looking to his right

Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock - His Mind Is Always Racing

Of the many portrayals of Sherlock Holmes through the years, Benedict Cumberbatch most encapsulates the character's intense honesty. As a man who deals almost primarily in facts and figures, Sherlock has little need for idle conversation. This is a stance he makes known by asking the difficult questions required to get to the bottom of a case, as well as being straightforward about what he thinks. He lives for the chase, and dishonesty would only slow him down. As with many characters that value honesty over ceremony, Sherlock is a divisive person within the world of the show. His social circle is small, as people tend to either tolerate him for his brilliance or cast him aside for his lack of filter. For the people who remain near, Sherlock becomes a good friend, but this is an opportunity often missed by those who fail to see past his abrasiveness.

Tom Ellis in the TV Show Lucifer with his boodied wings spread

Tom Ellis in the TV Show Lucifer with his boodied wings spread

Dr. Cox, Scrubs - His Honesty Is Mixed With Anger

A textbook narcissist, Dr. Cox believes he's the best person for the job at all times, and he isn't afraid to make this known to his friends and colleagues. Cox gets infuriated when his opinion is not accepted as truth, despite the fact he is quite often correct. However, instead of trying a new approach to bringing people around to his way of thinking, he opts to keep hammering home his views with anger and raised voices. It's one thing to be outspoken, but Dr. Cox is loud too.

Emily Deschanel as Agent Brennan examining a skull in Bones

Emily Deschanel as Agent Brennan examining a skull in Bones

Lt. Commander Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation - His Lack Of Emotion Is The Reason

Part of what makes a character speaking their mind so difficult to deal with is the risk of upsetting those around them. However, if they have no concept of what negative emotions feel like, that's one less roadblock to overcome. This is the situation in which Data finds himself. Although he aspires to be more human, the android was not built to experience emotion. The failure to understand the impact of what he says leads to him speaking his mind with no consideration of what the fallout may be. By the time Data gets his hands on an emotion chip in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 7, he already has habits formed regarding how he communicates. So, although Data's emotion chip allows him to pick up on certain cues a little better, he remains as outspoken as he always has been. In a TV show full of Starfleet etiquette and protocol, Data's attitude is a breath of fresh air.

Matt Smith as Eleventh Doctor in Doctor Who, smoking and covered in soot

Matt Smith as Eleventh Doctor in Doctor Who, smoking and covered in soot