The Most Intriguing Unresolved Storylines of Scarlet Witch in the MCU: What's Next After WandaVision?
Discover the lingering mysteries of Scarlet Witch's journey in the MCU Unravel her complex storylines post-WandaVision and delve into unanswered questions about her powers, family, identity, and her place in the ever-expanding Marvel universe
Several Scarlet Witch storylines from WandaVision remain unresolved, indicating that Wanda's story in the MCU is not yet over.
Future MCU projects will explore the unresolved mysteries surrounding Wanda's children, Agatha's fate, and the prophecy of the Scarlet Witch, adding to the intrigue created by WandaVision regarding Vision, Agatha Harkness, and the true nature of Wanda's powers.
WandaVision's finale aired over three years ago, but there are still unresolved Scarlet Witch storylines in the MCU. While Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness touched upon the aftermath of Westview, it only scratched the surface. The events of WandaVision provided insight into Wanda's potential villainous transformation in Doctor Strange 2, but it seems that Scarlet Witch's journey is far from over. With lingering questions from WandaVision and her connection to the multiverse, Wanda's return to the Multiverse Saga is highly probable.
WandaVision is widely regarded as one of the top Disney+ MCU shows, largely due to its effective use of mystery boxes throughout its weekly release. However, the finale left viewers with unanswered questions. In fact, WandaVision introduced new mysteries surrounding Wanda, Vision, and Agatha Harkness. Here are 10 Scarlet Witch storylines that were established in WandaVision but have yet to be resolved.
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10 Will White Vision & Wanda Reunite After WandaVision?
While Vision's death in Avengers: Infinity War was not retconned, the character has actually been resurrected twice. First, we had the "Hex Vision" who was created by Wanda within her own little reality in Westview. It is assumed that this version of Vision ceased to exist when Wanda reversed the Hex. However, in WandaVision, we were introduced to another iteration of the character known as White Vision. Unlike the previous version, White Vision was created by SWORD as a weapon and now possesses the memories of the original Vision. What happened to White Vision after the events of WandaVision still remains a mystery within the MCU. Moreover, it is uncertain whether White Vision and Wanda will ever cross paths again in the future.
9 Is Evan Peters’ Ralph Bohner Wanda’s Actual Brother In Another Universe?
When Evan Peters made his appearance in WandaVision as the "recast" Pietro Maximoff, it appeared that the MCU's Phase 4 was finally embracing the concept of the multiverse. This was a significant development as Marvel Studios now had the ability to incorporate X-Men characters, with Evan Peters having originally played Quicksilver, Magneto's son, in the FOX X-Men movies. On the other hand, Elizabeth Olsen's Wanda had never been portrayed as a mutant in the MCU. Despite the exciting possibilities, it was eventually revealed in WandaVision's finale that Evan Peters' character was not truly Pietro. Instead, he was revealed to be "Ralph Bohner," a resident of Westview whom Agatha Harkness had used to play the role of Pietro Maximoff in Wanda's Hex. This twist also served as a meta-joke relating to the X-Men movies. Looking ahead, given the MCU's direction towards exploring the multiverse, the storyline involving the "fake Pietro" feels like it could have been part of a larger narrative. With various legacy Marvel characters from the FOX movies now being incorporated into the MCU, such as Professor X and Wolverine, there is still potential for revisiting WandaVision's Ralph Bohner and confirming Evan Peters' character as an alternate version of Quicksilver.
8 How Much Influence Did The Darkhold Have On Scarlet Witch In Doctor Strange 2?
WandaVision introduced Marvel Comics’ Darkhold into the MCU, which explained the rapid evolution of Wanda’s magic. Additionally, the Darkhold played a significant role in Agatha Harkness’ plans for Wanda and served as a McGuffin in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Moreover, Doctor Strange 2 revealed that the Darkhold was corrupting Wanda, similar to its impact on all users. However, the movie did not definitively address the extent of the Darkhold's influence on Scarlet Witch during the events depicted. The influence of the Darkhold could potentially support a future redemption arc for Scarlet Witch, depending on the level of agency she possesses.
7 How Long Will Agatha Harkness’ Mind Prison Last?
Scarlet Witch incorporates Agatha Harkness into a mental confinement, mirroring how Wanda had ensnared Westview's inhabitants. Agatha now exists within the same fabricated reality she once assisted Wanda in constructing, albeit without any other individuals. This could have marked the conclusion of Agatha Harkness' narrative arc in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, it has been confirmed that the character will make a comeback in Phase 5. Agatha will have her own series titled "Agatha: Covent of Chaos," likely taking place after the events of WandaVision. The duration of Wanda's delusion and how Agatha managed to liberate herself from its grasp remain unanswered queries that Coven of Chaos will endeavor to address.
6 Were Scarlet Witch’s Children Real At Any Point?
How exactly
5 Will WandaVision’s Billy & Tomy Return In Another MCU Project?
worked remains undisclosed. Initially, one could easily assume that anything Wanda conjured within5 Will WandaVision’s Billy & Tomy Return In Another MCU Project?
was not genuine. Nonetheless, the conclusion of WandaVision and the revelation in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness indicated that Tommy and Billy existed in alternative universes. This raises the question of whether Scarlet Witch's children were ever real during the events of WandaVision. In the comics, Wanda's reality-altering abilities are not necessarily connected to the multiverse. However, within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it is possible that Wanda's creations within5 Will WandaVision’s Billy & Tomy Return In Another MCU Project?
are linked to other iterations of herself in the multiverse.
Billy and Tommy make their return in Doctor Strange 2, although they are not the same incarnations as seen in WandaVision. In Multiverse of Madness, Wanda from Earth-616 attempts to transition to another universe where her children exist, despite the potential consequences. Eventually, Scarlet Witch recognizes that she cannot hijack another Wanda's life and acknowledges that she has transformed into a monstrosity in the eyes of those versions of Billy and Tommy. However, it is worth noting that Wanda's children, who grow to become superheroes known as Wiccan and Speed, hold significant importance in Marvel Comics. With the MCU laying the groundwork for a Young Avengers project, it is highly likely that at least one version of Billy and Tommy will make a return in Phase 5.
4 Did Wanda Give Pietro His Powers?
3 Can Scarlet Witch Still Be A Mutant In The MCU After WandaVision?
: The portrayal of Wanda's powers in WandaVision deviated from the initial introduction of her character as an "enhanced human" in Avengers: Age of Ultron, a differentiation made due to the unavailability of the X-Men's mythology in Marvel Studios' Phase 2. Instead, Wanda and Pietro were depicted as "enhanced humans" whose powers were derived from the Mind Stone. Nevertheless, WandaVision revealed the presence of inherent magic within Wanda, with the Mind Stone serving as a catalyst for unleashing her abilities. This revelation raised questions about the true origin of Pietro's powers, as it became evident that Quicksilver's capabilities were unrelated to magic, unless Wanda unintentionally transferred her powers to him during the HYDRA experiments.
With Wanda's introduction into the MCU, the prospect of Marvel Studios incorporating mutants and the X-Men seemed improbable. Yet, after Disney's acquisition of 20th Century Fox, mutants are now seamlessly integrated into the MCU. In principle, Marvel could retcon Wanda and Pietro as mutants, thus completing their journey in the comics. However, Wanda's powers have already undergone a retcon in WandaVision. She is now portrayed as a magical being in the MCU, and "The Scarlet Witch" is no longer simply a superhero alias but an ancient legend. While WandaVision does not dismiss the possibility of her being a mutant, it certainly complicates any further retcons.
2 What Does The Scarlet Witch Prophecy Mean For Wanda’s Future In The MCU?
1 Who Were The Other Scarlet Witches?
: The prophecy of the Scarlet Witch, introduced in WandaVision, transforms Wanda's comic book alias into an ancient title used by other Nexus beings. In Doctor Strange 2, this prophecy is referenced by Wong, who states that the Scarlet Witch will either conquer or destroy the multiverse. If Wanda did not perish in Doctor Strange 2, it is possible that the Scarlet Witch prophecy will still be significant. The Marvel Multiverse Saga will culminate in Avengers: Secret Wars, where it is expected to explore Incursions and the future of the multiverse itself. Wanda's involvement in the future of the multiverse might play a central role in Secret Wars, potentially involving a confrontation between Scarlet Witch and Kang the Conqueror.
The portrayal of Scarlet Witch in both WandaVision and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness suggests that Scarlet Witch is not exclusive to Wanda, but rather a title. This raises the possibility that Wanda was not the first to bear the name Scarlet Witch, as evidenced by ancient temples and prophecies dedicated to this persona. Intriguingly, the vision Wanda had as a child, depicting the Scarlet Witch, bore a striking resemblance to her adult self. It is plausible that Wanda could be the reincarnation of previous Scarlet Witches, providing an explanation for her innate uniqueness. The retcon of Scarlet Witch's backstory in WandaVision brought about a significant change to the character's mythos, and it remains open to further exploration within the Marvel Cinematic Universe.