The Most Hated and Frustrating Quest in Skyrim That Fans Can't Stop Talking About!

The Most Hated and Frustrating Quest in Skyrim That Fans Can't Stop Talking About!

Join the Skyrim fan community as they engage in a lively debate on the game's most dreaded quest, discussing which ones are worth skipping during replays Dive into this passionate discussion and discover the quests that divide opinion among avid players

Diehard fans are currently engaged in a debate over which quest in Skyrim is deemed the absolute worst. Despite being released over a decade ago, the fifth installment of the Elder Scrolls series continues to captivate players and stimulate online discussions. Skyrim remains a cherished title brimming with immersive content, and it appears there is always a topic of conversation, even if it pertains to the lackluster aspects of an otherwise exceptional game.

The game offers a plethora of quests to explore, including hidden side quests that many players missed and can still be discussed. However, when it comes to pinpointing quests that are unequivocally bad and merit consideration for the title of "worst in the game," several recurring contenders consistently arise. It comes as no surprise that these quests have become the focal point of the recent debate.

The discussion on Reddit started on January 17th when a fan named Low-Cat-1274 inquired about the quest that players would never do again. Low-Cat-1274 shared a snapshot from the Taste of Death questline, expressing their aversion towards repeating it. This sparked a lengthy conversation regarding the merits of that particular quest and suggestions for other quests that could be considered the worst.

Several quests emerged as strong contenders based on the number of votes received from fans. These included the No Stone Unturned quest, the quest involving the destruction of the Dark Brotherhood, and the entire Thieves' Guild questline. Players cited various reasons for their choices, ranging from weak storytelling, monotonous gameplay, and the possibility of contradicting preferred moral values or play styles. While there is a useful Skyrim trick for making the Thieves' Guild questline easier, the other quests often prove to be tedious to complete, and the aforementioned criticisms hold true.

Certainly, there were supporters for each of these quests as well. Some suggested ways to make the quests more manageable or highlighted the rewards they offered, arguing that the benefits outweighed any possible annoyances. However, it is challenging to argue that all of these quests are worthwhile. In the past, Skyrim fans have expressed disappointment with the No Stone Unturned quest reward, and other quests do not fare much better.

Each fan is likely to have their own opinion on the worst quest, and every proposed quest will undoubtedly have its defenders. This debate demonstrates the enduring passion of Skyrim's fan base, even during times when the game may not be at its peak. It is no surprise that Skyrim continues to achieve significant milestones and attract both old and new fans, even years after its release, as Elder Scrolls 6 prepares to launch.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Anniversary Edition is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.