The Mind-Blowing Twist You Missed in Silo Season 1 Finale

The Mind-Blowing Twist You Missed in Silo Season 1 Finale

A concise breakdown of Silo Season 1's ending, exploring the desolate wasteland outside the silo, the toxic world beyond, why Juliette is sent outside, how she survives, the creation of Silo 18, the death of George Wilkins, and the true meaning behind the season's finale

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What's Outside The Silo: Is It Really Toxic Outside?

Why Bernard Sent Juliette Outside In Silo's Ending & How She Survives

Silo 18's Creation Explained

George Wilkins' Death Explained & What It Means For Juliette In Silo Season 2

The True Significance of Silo Season 1's Conclusion

Caution: This article contains spoilers for Apple TV+'s Silo. The first season of Silo comes to a close with a multitude of revelations, while also introducing new enigmas to set the stage for season 2 - here's an analysis of its ending. In the final episode of Silo season 1, Juliette covertly utilizes the garbage chute to move between floors. In her quest to expose the Silo's hidden truths to its inhabitants, she even endeavors to broadcast the Jane Carmody video on all Silo screens. However, Bernard becomes aware of her usage of the chute and thwarts her plans by requesting law enforcement to throw heavy debris down the hatch. Consequently, Juliette is finally apprehended and Bernard seizes George Wilkin's hard drive, shattering it into irreparable fragments.

What's Outside The Silo: Is It Really Toxic Outside?

In the closing moments of episode 10 of Silo season 1, Bernard strikes a deal with Juliette. He asks for her compliance and, in return, offers to guide her through the depths of his knowledge about the Silo. In an attempt to provide some closure, he even presents her with a video recounting George Wilkins' final moments. As Silo season 1 comes to a close, Lukas is punished by being sent to the mines due to his failure to report Juliette's previous visit to him. Simultaneously, Juliette says her goodbyes to her father and receives a mysterious message from Martha. Just before the credits roll, Juliette steps outside and gains unexpected insights into the world beyond the Silo.

The Mind-Blowing Twist You Missed in Silo Season 1 Finale

Throughout its 10-episode run, season 1 of Silo brought forth numerous enigmas. One of the most pressing queries revolved around the state of the world beyond the Silo's confines. Initially, episode 1 of Apple TV+'s Silo revealed that the air outside is highly toxic, forcing people to reside within the Silo's enclosed environment. However, subsequent episodes turned this assumption on its head, showcasing how Sheriff Holston discovers a livable atmosphere as he steps out, only to meet an untimely demise moments later for unknown reasons. As season 1 draws to a close, Silo finally unveils the truth about what lies beyond the subterranean city.

A Desolate Wasteland Is Outside The Silo

Upon leaving the Silo, Juliette is greeted by a world that mirrors the one Holston beheld before her. The splendor of vibrant greens envelops her senses. However, her perception is soon rattled when she witnesses a flock of birds elegantly soaring through the sky in a perfectly formed V-formation. This peculiar sight triggers a realization within her. Juliette comes to understand that this captivating spectacle bears an eerie resemblance to the footage from the Jane Carmody cleaning video she had encountered. It dawns on her that the outside world she stands in is nothing more than a virtual reality simulation, cleverly projected onto the screen of her helmet. Anomalies begin to emerge in her simulated surroundings, but Juliette, resourceful as ever, adapts to her predicament by relying on her tactile senses to navigate her environment.

After ascending the hill that enclosed the Silo, she finally reaches Holston's lifeless body and pays homage to him by returning his badge. Casting one last poignant gaze at the expanse below, she begins her ascent. Suddenly, her virtual reality simulation shatters, and she is abruptly confronted with the harsh reality of the outside world. It is a barren wasteland devoid of any trace of humanity or living beings. In the distance, a solitary city stands, but the unsettling visuals in the climactic scene of Silo season 1 unequivocally confirm that humans have long deserted the city. The desolate state of the external world further validates the accuracy of the visuals displayed on the Silo's cafeteria screen.

The World Outside The Silo Is Toxic: What That Means

The Mind-Blowing Twist You Missed in Silo Season 1 Finale

The air outside confirms that it is indeed toxic, providing evidence that Holston and Allison were not killed by the Silo's authorities supplying their suits with poisonous gases to uphold a falsehood. Their deaths occurred because their suits were deliberately made with faulty tape, allowing the toxic gases from the surrounding environment to penetrate. Instead of accepting the belief that humans cannot survive on the outside due to the toxic air, Holston and Allison mistakenly relied on the virtual reality simulation provided by their helmets. Fortunately, Juliette managed to uncover many of the Silo's secrets before her departure.

Why Bernard Sent Juliette Outside In Silo's Ending & How She Survives

The lack of information in Silo season 1 regarding the cause of pollution in the outside world leaves room for speculation. However, given the show's exploration of human morality, corruption, and power dynamics, it is plausible to suggest that a human-made catastrophe led to the downfall of society. It is likely that either climate change rendered Silo's surrounding environment toxic or a nuclear disaster rendered it uninhabitable.

The Mind-Blowing Twist You Missed in Silo Season 1 Finale

Juliette seals her destiny when she defies the authorities of the Silo in season 1. Once Bernard and Sims apprehend her at the crop fields in the finale of Silo episode 8, they formulate a plan to frame her for wanting to escape the Silo. However, even after managing to evade arrest, Juliette further violates numerous Silo laws, making it nearly impossible for her to be acquitted. In the concluding moments of Silo season 1, it seems that Bernard intends to punish her by banishing her, but his final words suggest that his motives run much deeper.

Bernard Sent Juliette Outside To Stop A Brewing Rebellion

In the finale of Silo season 1, Juliette is informed by Bernard that her contributions to the underground city's technical aspects have made her one of the most important members. Despite her act of defiance, Bernard's confession indicates that he does not hold any grudge against her and would prefer to have her stay in the Silo. However, he is left with no choice but to make her leave. He realizes that if she were to remain in the Silo after breaking numerous laws, it would undermine the importance of following the city's rules for the other citizens.

As a result, they will refrain from allowing fear to cloud their judgement of right and wrong, thus avoiding the initiation of a rebellion. Considering the hazardous nature of the outside world, any rebellion could potentially jeopardize the integrity of the Silo if the citizens become too inquisitive and decide to breach the protected hatch. In order to exemplify the severe consequences of defying the Silo's rules, Bernard elects to send Juliette outside, hoping to maintain order within the Silo. Echoing this sentiment, Hugh Howey, the author of Silo, provided further insight via Reddit, emphasizing that the Silo's authorities deliberately bewilder the citizens to instill a sense of blind obedience.

How Juliette Survives Outside The Silo

The Mind-Blowing Twist You Missed in Silo Season 1 Finale

After being captured by the Silo's enforcement in the finale of Silo season 1, Juliette finds herself in a desperate situation. However, Martha, who had been living in seclusion for many years, realizes that she is the only one who can save Juliette. Determined to do whatever it takes, Martha pays a visit to Carla, a member of the Silo's Supplies unit, and makes a heartfelt request. Shortly after, Juliette receives a box of hush puppies from Martha along with a touching note. The note reads: "You sought the truth, and the truth is that I love you. There is nothing to fear. These supplies will sustain you." Martha's note confirms that she has taken the necessary steps to ensure Juliette's survival in the unforgiving outside world.

Upon leaving the Silo, Juliette reflects on Martha's wise words and comes to the realization that the people from the Supply who aided her in donning her suit had carefully sealed her sleeves with high-quality heat tape, ensuring an airtight seal. Sadly, Allison and Holston met their demise outside the Silo due to intentionally faulty tape sealing their suits. It became evident that they were provided suits not for protection, but rather as part of the VR simulation deception created by their helmets. Fortunately, Juliette had the support of her friends and family, particularly Martha, who ensured she was well-prepared before embarking on her journey from the underground city.

Interestingly, Juliette's fate had already been foreshadowed in the early episodes of Silo season 1 through references to the heat tape. During her time as sheriff, Bernard repeatedly accused Juliette of stealing a particular tape from the IT department. Juliette even expressed frustration with the poor quality of the tape, as it wore out considerably faster than the tape she had previously used. This indicated that the IT department was using faulty tape to seal the suits of those departing the Silo. However, Juliette managed to avoid the same unfortunate fate as others, thanks to Martha's request for the Supply workers to use high-quality heat tape on her suit.

Why Juliette Doesn't Clean The Screen

Contrary to her predecessors who diligently wiped the screen, Juliette defiantly drops her wool in protest. They were swayed by the illusions projected by their VR helmets, leading them to believe that the external world wasn't as bleak as they once thought. Their intention was to clear the screen, hoping that those inside the Silo would witness the same optimistic facade. However, Juliette sees through the deception of her helmet's virtual reality, recognizing that the bleakness observed within the Silo mirrors the true state of the outside world. Consequently, she refuses to comply with the authorities of the Silo, choosing instead to expose the harsh reality outside.

Silo 18's Creation Explained

The Mind-Blowing Twist You Missed in Silo Season 1 Finale

Although the ending of Silo season 1 resolves numerous lingering mysteries, it hints at the existence of a broader Silo world. By introducing the presence of various other Silos, the conclusion of season 1 creates the opportunity for a multitude of new narratives and characters in future seasons. This exciting prospect builds anticipation for Silo season 2 and sparks engaging discussions surrounding unresolved questions within the Silo universe.

Why Silo 18 Was Created

As Bernard delivers his closing speech to Juliette in the tenth episode of Silo season 1, he acknowledges his limited knowledge regarding the origins and purpose of the Silo. In contrast to Juliette, he maintains a firm belief that the creators of their underground refuge had good intentions and aimed to preserve humanity in the post-apocalyptic era. The existence of a toxic external environment suggests that the Silos were intended to shield humans from harm, at least initially. However, it is conceivable that unknown to the Silo's inhabitants and leaders, portions of the outside world may still harbor safety and provide a habitable environment for humans.

How Many Silos Are Out There

Silo's final scene concludes with a captivating zoom-out from the central Silo-18, uncovering numerous other Silos in close proximity. This revelation confirms the existence of many additional Silos, although the exact count remains undisclosed. The designation of the central Silo as "Silo-18" strongly implies the presence of at least 17 other Silos. However, the expansive view unveiled during Silo's concluding moments suggests that the total number transcends 30. Bernard's unease towards the conclusion of Silo season 1 also alludes to the existence of individuals in higher positions within other Silos, who anticipate him to uphold the order of Silo-18.

George Wilkins' Death Explained & What It Means For Juliette In Silo Season 2

The Mind-Blowing Twist You Missed in Silo Season 1 Finale

In Silo season 1, Juliette had doubts about the fate of George Wilkins. The final episode of Silo season 1 reveals that Doug was not responsible for Wilkins' death. Sims instructed Doug to capture Wilkins alive, intending to extract information about the location of his hidden hard drive through torture. Wilkins came to understand that the quest for truth in Silo was larger than himself. Thus, he made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the hard drive fell into the right hands. Realizing Wilkins' genuine love for her and his willingness to give his life for a higher cause, Juliette is now more determined than ever to uncover the truth in Silo season 2.

The Real Meaning Of Silo Season 1's Ending

The Mind-Blowing Twist You Missed in Silo Season 1 Finale

Silo season 1 merely scratches the surface of Hugh Howey's original Silo books, raising moral questions about freedom and the illusory power of choice. The closing scene shows Juliette breaking free from the Silo's oppressive leaders, but the reality of a world devoid of human existence challenges her newfound freedom. One must question whether Juliette made the right decision in leading a rebellion, considering the toxic conditions outside.

In Silo season 2, we anticipate Juliette's attempts to infiltrate another Silo and potentially utilize underground passages to return to Silo-18. However, the path she takes to uncover the mysteries she encountered in season 1's finale remains unknown. With so much yet to be unraveled, the promise of another season in the Silo series already generates excitement.

Sources: Reddit