The Mind-Blowing Twist in Outlander Season 7 That Deviates from the Books!

The Mind-Blowing Twist in Outlander Season 7 That Deviates from the Books!

Outlander Season 7 Premiere takes an unexpected twist as Roger encounters Donner, altering the Frasers' reunion in a compelling departure from the original books Donner's story intensifies the time travelers' ongoing struggle with legal complications

In Starz's Outlander season 7, episode 1, the return of a familiar time traveler brought back painful memories for Claire and introduced a significant deviation from the books. While the Frasers and the Mackenzies were previously believed to be the only experienced time travelers in the series, season 1 introduced the concept of other time travelers with the introduction of Geillis Duncan, who was accused of witchcraft alongside Claire. Unlike Claire, who unintentionally traveled through the stones, Geillis deliberately went back in time to alter history and support the Jacobite cause.

Later seasons of Outlander introduced additional time travelers who were not part of the Fraser family. These characters, like Geillis, were also dedicated to researching and understanding the time period they had traveled to. As Claire's journey took her to America, she encountered two fellow time travelers in seasons 4 and 5 of Outlander. These individuals were part of the Montauk 5, a group that traveled back in time to persuade Native American tribes to not support the revolutionaries. While Otter Tooth's story was deeply emotional at times, Wendigo Donner's story intersected with Claire's multiple times, both in the Starz TV show and the original Outlander book series.

Roger Meeting Donner Changes How The Frasers Meet Him Again From The Outlander Books

In the Outlander books, Donner encounters Brianna at River Run, who immediately recognizes him as a time traveler upon hearing the song "Yellow Submarine." She informs him that he requires gemstones in order to return to his own time. However, the Outlander season 7 premiere takes a different approach by reintroducing Wendigo Donner through Roger's training as a reverend. This alteration in the TV show not only changes the sequence of events, with Donner not meeting Brianna first, but it also reveals that he already possesses a gemstone. In contrast, the book version of Wendigo gradually discovers the importance of gemstones and eventually resorts to destroying Fraser's Ridge in an attempt to steal them from Jamie and Claire.

Donner's character in the Starz TV show was never portrayed in a positive light, particularly due to his failure to assist Claire in escaping before she was raped by Lionel Brown's group. In the upcoming season 7, episode 1 of Outlander, Wendigo's reappearance manages to further complicate Roger and Bree's relationship when he seeks Roger's help. However, the fact that Wendigo already possesses certain knowledge and a gemstone could potentially impact the destruction of Fraser's Ridge in Outlander. Regardless of whether or not the events in the season 7 premiere ultimately alter the fate of Fraser's Ridge, they will undoubtedly lead to significant changes in the dynamics between Donner and the Frasers in Outlander.

Donner's Outlander Story Continues Time Travelers' Troubles With The Law

Wendigo Donner, a conscripted soldier for the British in the Outlander season 7 premiere, had his story updated from the books. In the show, he is still involved in illegal activities but is not shown being imprisoned. However, Donner's storyline in Outlander season 7 further emphasizes the recurring theme of time travelers facing legal issues and conflicts within the communities they visit. Apart from Claire, who faced accusations of witchcraft in Outlander seasons 1, 5, and 6, characters like Geillis and Master Raymond were also accused of witchcraft. Geillis, in particular, was charged and ultimately killed due to the belief that she was a witch.

In contrast to other time travelers, Wendigo Donner stood out in Outlander season 7 by being accused of a regular crime instead of an anachronistic act.