The Latest Update on Episode 6 of The New Look: Unveiling the Top 11 Surprises

The Latest Update on Episode 6 of The New Look: Unveiling the Top 11 Surprises

Follow Christian as he navigates the challenges of juggling work responsibilities and personal transformations in this captivating episode recap.

Caution: Spoilers ahead for episode 6 of The New Look!

Episode 6 of The New Look continues the story from the previous episode, focusing on Coco dealing with financial difficulties and Christian managing his new house plans alongside Catherine's unexpected return. The conclusion of episode 5 marked significant changes in Christian's personal and professional life. A highlight in The New Look's narrative was the debut of Christian Dior's first collection, which shares the same name as the show. While this pivotal moment is yet to occur in The New Look, episode 6 brings the series one step closer to showcasing one of the fashion industry's major turning points.

Christian's Support for Catherine

Catherine was very sick & traumatized

Maisie Williams As Catherine Dior With Her Head Shaved In The New Look.jpg - Catherine was very sick & traumatized - Christian Took Care Of Catherine

Maisie Williams As Catherine Dior With Her Head Shaved In The New Look.jpg - Catherine was very sick & traumatized - Christian Took Care Of Catherine

In the final scenes of The New Look episode 5, Catherine arrived at Christian's house in a very poor condition. She had not yet talked about what had happened to her, but she displayed symptoms of trauma, dehydration, ulcers, and malnutrition. Despite her suffering, Catherine was considered fortunate just to have survived.

Catherine was plagued by nightmares and experienced bouts of amnesia. There were times when she woke up screaming in the middle of the night and did not even recognize Christian. Christian did his best to provide physical and emotional support to Catherine, although he too struggled with the fact that he could not recognize his own sister after being apart for over a year.

Coco Sued The Wertheimers

The Wertheimers violated their contract

Juliette Binoche As Coco Chanel Speaking On The Phone In The New Look.jpg - The Wertheimers violated their contract - Coco Sued The Wertheimers

Juliette Binoche As Coco Chanel Speaking On The Phone In The New Look.jpg - The Wertheimers violated their contract - Coco Sued The Wertheimers

In the previous episode of The New Look, Coco found out that her business partners, the Wertheimers, were still producing and selling Chanel No. 5. Despite her lawyer's advice, she decided to take legal action against them. During the war, Coco attempted to use Aryan laws to gain complete control of Chanel from the Jewish Wertheimer brothers. However, her efforts were unsuccessful, leading to the Wertheimers seeking revenge.

Elsa Lombardi Was In Switzerland

Elsa Lombardi found herself in Switzerland.

Elsa wanted money from Coco

Emily Mortimer As Elsa Lombardi In The New Look.jpg - Elsa wanted money from Coco - Elsa Lombardi Was In Switzerland

Emily Mortimer As Elsa Lombardi In The New Look.jpg - Elsa wanted money from Coco - Elsa Lombardi Was In Switzerland

In The New Look episode 2, Coco attempted to meet with Winston Churchill, with her old friend Elsa Lombardi playing an unexpected role. Unfortunately, the mission failed after Elsa falsely accused Coco of kidnapping her with the help of a Nazi official to the authorities in Madrid. This false testimony led the French government and MI6 to consider charging Coco as an enemy of France.

Despite being in exile in Switzerland like Coco, Elsa showed up unannounced, seeking financial assistance. Coco had promised Elsa a share in her planned new shop to persuade her to go to Madrid, but the shop never materialized. Feeling owed money by Coco, Elsa persisted in demanding payment, even though Coco had nothing to offer, even if she had been willing to do so.

Christian Regretted Making A Leap In His Career

Christian didn’t know Catherine would be coming home

Ben Mendelsohn as Christian Dior from The New Look Season 1 - Christian didn’t know Catherine would be coming home - Christian Regretted Making A Leap In His Career

Ben Mendelsohn as Christian Dior from The New Look Season 1 - Christian didn’t know Catherine would be coming home - Christian Regretted Making A Leap In His Career

In The New Look episode 5, Christian pitched his House of Dior idea to Marcel Boussac, who agreed to partner with him. However, in episode 6, Boussac regretted the decision as Christian's busy schedule kept him away from Catherine. Unlike Lelong, Boussac was impatient and didn't allow Christian much time off.

Hervé Went To See Catherine

Hervé didn’t show up in The New Look episode 6, and Christian still hasn’t told him about his decision to leave and establish his own fashion house. Christian appeared to be avoiding the topic altogether, to the point where he even skipped a significant meeting to be with Catherine. With these two significant developments happening simultaneously for Christian, he found himself in a challenging situation.

Catherine was scared of Hervé

Hugo Becker As Herve & Maisie Williams As Catherine Dior In The New Look.jpg - Catherine was scared of Hervé - Hervé Went To See Catherine

Hugo Becker As Herve & Maisie Williams As Catherine Dior In The New Look.jpg - Catherine was scared of Hervé - Hervé Went To See Catherine

The Wertheimers Hosted A Party At Coco’s Hotel

Despite Christian's request for no visitors until Catherine was fully recovered, Hervé unexpectedly showed up at their apartment. Christian harbored some blame towards Hervé for Catherine's abduction, and it seemed that Catherine shared similar feelings upon seeing him. She had a disturbing flashback to the Gestapo interrogation, recalling another man in the room with her and the interrogator. The identity of this man was not revealed in The New Look episode 6, but with all the trauma Catherine had endured, she appeared frightened of Hervé. However, Hervé remained unperturbed and assured Catherine that he would visit again.

The Wertheimers didn’t invite Coco

Coco Chanel and Eva Colozzi walking in The New Look-1 - The Wertheimers didn’t invite Coco - The Wertheimers Hosted A Party At Coco’s Hotel

Coco Chanel and Eva Colozzi walking in The New Look-1 - The Wertheimers didn’t invite Coco - The Wertheimers Hosted A Party At Coco’s Hotel

Pierre Wertheimer Threatened Coco

In The New Look episode 6, the Wertheimers decided to respond to the lawsuit by throwing a party in Switzerland at Coco's hotel to celebrate the end of the war. Unfortunately, Coco only found out about the event through an invitation received by Elsa, one of the hotel guests. The Wertheimers mistakenly believed that Coco's invitation had been lost and denied her entry to the party. This exclusion made it clear to Coco that the Wertheimers were not intimidated by her.

Pierre said he’d expose Coco

Juliette Binoche As Coco Chanel In The New Look.jpg - Pierre said he’d expose Coco - Pierre Wertheimer Threatened Coco

Juliette Binoche As Coco Chanel In The New Look.jpg - Pierre said he’d expose Coco - Pierre Wertheimer Threatened Coco

The Clairvoyant Visited Catherine

Catherine was visited by a clairvoyant who delivered a message from the spirit world. The clairvoyant warned Catherine about an upcoming event that would change her life forever. She was told to be prepared for challenges and to trust her intuition. The message left Catherine feeling both anxious and intrigued about what the future held.

Madam Delaaye Wanted To Help Catherine Return To Her Body

Madam Delaaye With Her Hand On Christian Dior's Chin In The New Look.jpg - Madam Delaaye Wanted To Help Catherine Return To Her Body - The Clairvoyant Visited Catherine

Madam Delaaye With Her Hand On Christian Dior's Chin In The New Look.jpg - Madam Delaaye Wanted To Help Catherine Return To Her Body - The Clairvoyant Visited Catherine

Christian sought guidance from Madam Delaaye, who had always believed in Catherine's return. Despite being thankful for Catherine's recovery, he still felt like something was missing. With Madam Delaaye's support, they aimed to help Catherine reconnect with herself.

During that time, there was no term like posttraumatic stress disorder, and people struggled to understand and support those dealing with trauma. Christian and Madam Delaaye tried their best to assist Catherine, but she was not ready to confront her past. The session came to a halt when Madam Delaaye mentioned Catherine's nightmares and the mysterious man from the interrogation room, a secret she had never shared before.

Jean’s Friend Visited Catherine

Catherine saved the student’s life

Christian & Catherine Dior At The Cemetery With Jean's Friend In The New Look.jpg - Catherine saved the student’s life - Jean’s Friend Visited Catherine

Christian & Catherine Dior At The Cemetery With Jean's Friend In The New Look.jpg - Catherine saved the student’s life - Jean’s Friend Visited Catherine

After Catherine's meeting with Madam Deelaye in The New Look episode 6, she was taken aback by another unexpected visitor. It turned out that the Gestapo had been searching for her and a group of students. Among them was Jean, a young man who tragically lost his life during his capture. Catherine found herself grappling with the overwhelming guilt she felt over his death.

The man in the room with Catherine was Christian.

Catherine didn’t remember Jean’s friend, but he showed up at the apartment to both thank her and take her to visit his grave. His friend had been the final student the Gestapo were looking for but never found. Because Catherine refused to break and give his name away, even through the intense torture, he was able to survive and live freely. Through learning that she’d saved his life, Catherine was able to let go of some of the guilt she’d been carrying.

Catherine hallucinated Christian

Ben Mendelsohn As Christian Dior In The New Look Black And White Poster.jpg - Catherine hallucinated Christian - The Man In The Room With Catherine Was Christian

Ben Mendelsohn As Christian Dior In The New Look Black And White Poster.jpg - Catherine hallucinated Christian - The Man In The Room With Catherine Was Christian

Pierre Made A Move On Coco

After visiting Jean’s grave, Catherine finally remembered who the other man in the interrogation room was. The Gestapo had kept Catherine awake for days in an attempt to break her, leaving her delirious from lack of sleep, food, and water. Left in that state, Catherine had hallucinated Christian, who gave her the strength to stand her ground against the interrogator. Unbeknownst to her, Catherine gave Christian the strength to keep working and looking for her while she was gone. The New Look episode 6 highlighted the beauty of their relationship as siblings.

Pierre claimed his brother was the one who had a problem with Coco

Juliette Binoche As Coco Chanel In The New Look.jpg - Pierre claimed his brother was the one who had a problem with Coco - Pierre Made A Move On Coco

Juliette Binoche As Coco Chanel In The New Look.jpg - Pierre claimed his brother was the one who had a problem with Coco - Pierre Made A Move On Coco

At the end of episode 6 of The New Look, Pierre Wertheimer unexpectedly appeared at Coco's hotel room. He not only offered an apology to Coco, explaining that his brother had pressured him to act against her, but he also made a romantic gesture towards her. Coco seized the opportunity to assert her dominance, enjoying the satisfaction of finally having something he desired. She playfully teased him and took charge of the situation. The episode concluded before revealing whether they ended up together or if she turned him down, but it is evident that Coco regained a sense of control.

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Editor's P/S:

This episode of The New Look delves into the complex emotional dynamics between the characters, particularly Christian and Catherine. Christian's unwavering support for his sister amidst her trauma is heartwarming, yet the haunting mystery of the unknown man in the interrogation room adds an unsettling layer to their relationship. The article effectively captures the challenges of dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder in a time when it was not recognized as a formal diagnosis.

The subplot involving Coco's legal battle with the Wertheimers adds a touch of intrigue and highlights her determination to regain control. The surprise appearance of Pierre Wertheimer at Coco's hotel room introduces a potential romantic twist, leaving viewers curious about the outcome. Overall, this episode showcases the show's ability to balance historical events with compelling character development, making it an engaging and thought-provoking watch.