The Last of Us: Unveiling a Compelling Side Story for an Intense DLC Experience

The Last of Us: Unveiling a Compelling Side Story for an Intense DLC Experience

Uncover the untold story of The Last of Us' hero, Ish, in a new DLC akin to Left Behind Delve into his past and witness his struggles and triumphs in the post-apocalyptic world, in a story that is sure to captivate and enthrall players

The Last of Us captured the essence of human survival in gaming like never before. Centered around Joel and Ellie, the game's primary content revolved around their life-and-death decisions. The game's DLC, Left Behind, gave fans a glimpse into Ellie's past, providing an intimate and heart-wrenching experience. Players were also able to discover the side stories of other survivors whose histories intertwined with that of Joel and Ellie. One such survivor, Ish, had a particularly vivid and open-ended story, making it the perfect candidate for a DLC like Left Behind. The game takes players on a journey across seven of the United States' major cities, each containing unique side stories that players can uncover by picking up objects and notes. These stories shed light on the struggles and fates of other groups of survivors, with Ish's story being one of the most memorable.

The Last of Us Part 1's Ish Side Story

The Last of Us: Unveiling a Compelling Side Story for an Intense DLC Experience

Ish's story in The Last of Us is a fascinating one, despite the fact that he never actually appears in the game. After surviving the early stages of the outbreak on a ship, Ish is forced to take refuge in a Pittsburgh sewer. Determined to survive, he ventures out to find supplies and eventually meets a family with whom he trades resources. Impressed by their resilience, Ish invites the family to join him in his safe house, and soon after, he meets another survivor named Danny who becomes the group's secondary protector. Over time, the once desolate sewer transforms into a thriving community, complete with a school, bedrooms, and colorful artwork, including a touching illustration of Ish and Danny together.

Ish's Story is Perfect for a Left Behind-Style DLC

After Ish's final note, disaster strikes as the safe house is overrun by a swarm of infected, all because someone carelessly left the main door open. Ish, Susan, and a handful of children manage to escape, but they are forced to trap the infected within the ruins of their community and flee to the suburbs of Pittsburgh. The whereabouts of Ish's group are never revealed, leaving their ultimate fate shrouded in mystery.

The Last of Us: Unveiling a Compelling Side Story for an Intense DLC Experience

The Last of Us' Left Behind DLC served as an exemplary platform for expanding on the game's lore. It delved into the backstory of the main title, revealing crucial details about the world and its current state while depicting an intimate tale of hardship. This DLC also gave Ellie the much-needed spotlight, providing insights into how she perceives the world around her. Moreover, it laid the foundation for Ellie's character development in The Last of Us Part 2, where she undergoes a rollercoaster of emotions, experiencing unprecedented levels of love and loss.

Many fans of The Last of Us have been eagerly awaiting news of Ish's fate, and a DLC in the style of Left Behind could be the perfect opportunity to explore his story further. The release of the television adaptation this year is sure to attract new fans to the franchise, further increasing interest in Ish's group and what happened to them. While there's no official word yet on whether Naughty Dog will return to this storyline, fans remain hopeful for a continuation of Ish's story in some form. The original game is currently available on both PC and PS5 for those who want to experience it again or for the first time.