The Last Kingdom's Romantic Entanglements: A Different Ranking of Uhtred's Love Interests

The Last Kingdom's Romantic Entanglements: A Different Ranking of Uhtred's Love Interests

Exploring the intricate web of romantic relationships in The Last Kingdom, this article delves into Uhtred's various love interests and ranks them based on their impact on his life.


Among Uhtred's love interests, Aethelflaed stands out as a beacon of strength and compassion. Their love story, marked by mutual respect and admiration, transcends societal barriers. Despite the challenges they face, including Aethelflaed's vow of chastity, their bond remains unbreakable. Sadly, their romance is cut short by fate, leaving a lingering sense of what could have been.

Aethelflaed, the daughter of King Alfred the Great and sister of King Edward the Elder, was known for her intelligence, strength, and political acumen. As Lady of the Mercians, she ruled Mercia from 911 to 918, playing a crucial role in the defense against Viking invasions. Her marriage to Uhtred was a strategic alliance to unite Wessex and Mercia against the Vikings, demonstrating her dedication to her people and her commitment to securing a better future for their kingdoms.

Millie Brady as Aethelflaed wearing a crown in The Last Kingdom


In the tapestry of Uhtred's loves, Gisela shines as a true soulmate. Their union is a testament to enduring love and shared values. Gisela's untimely demise brings a tragic end to their happiness, yet her memory lingers as Uhtred's one true love. Their bond, forged in love and loss, remains a poignant chapter in Uhtred's tumultuous journey.

Gisela, the daughter of a Saxon nobleman, was Uhtred's first true love. Their marriage was a happy one, filled with love and companionship. However, their joy was short-lived as Gisela tragically died in childbirth. The loss of Gisela devastated Uhtred, leaving a lasting scar on his heart. Her memory and the love they shared continue to influence Uhtred's decisions and shape his character throughout the series.

Gisela looks upset in The Last Kingdom season 2.


Brida, Uhtred's first love, weaves a complex thread in his life. Their youthful romance blossoms amidst turmoil and separation. Despite Brida's descent into darkness, Uhtred's love for her endures, a testament to the depth of their connection. As their paths diverge, the echoes of their shared past continue to resonate in Uhtred's heart.

Brida, a Danish warrior and Uhtred's childhood friend, shared a passionate and intense romance with him. Their love blossomed amidst the chaos of Viking invasions and the clash between their Saxon and Danish identities. However, Brida's conversion to Christianity and subsequent betrayal of Uhtred led to their estrangement. Despite the pain and heartbreak, Uhtred's love for Brida remains a constant presence in his life, shaping his choices and influencing his actions.

Brida raising an eyebrow in The Last Kingdom


Iseult, a fleeting flame in Uhtred's life, holds a place of intrigue and longing. Their brief yet intense connection is overshadowed by tragedy, leaving their story unfinished. The promise of a future together is shattered by Iseult's untimely demise, a reminder of the fragility of love in a tumultuous world.

Iseult, a mysterious and enigmatic character, captivated Uhtred with her beauty and wisdom. Their relationship was intense, fueled by passion and desire. However, their time together was cut short by tragedy, leaving their story incomplete. Iseult's untimely death serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of life and the fleeting nature of love. Uhtred carries the memory of their connection with him, forever longing for what could have been.

Iseult looks worried in a barn in The Last Kingdom


Mildrith, Uhtred's first wife, represents a chapter of fleeting happiness and profound loss. Their diverging paths, marked by religious differences, lead to a bittersweet separation. Despite the sorrow that follows, Mildrith's presence in Uhtred's life leaves a lingering ache, a reminder of love's transient nature.

Mildrith, a woman of faith, married Uhtred in a time of peace and stability. Their marriage brought them moments of happiness and contentment, but their differing religious beliefs created a rift between them. As Uhtred's destiny took him on a different path, their marriage ended in a bittersweet separation. Mildrith's presence in Uhtred's life serves as a reminder of the sacrifices and compromises that love sometimes demands.

Amy Wren as Mildrith and Uhtred in The Last Kingdom.


Skade, a dark shadow in Uhtred's journey, embodies a twisted dance of power and manipulation. Their tumultuous relationship teeters on the edge of obsession and destruction. As Uhtred grapples with Skade's allure, he confronts the darkest corners of his desires. In the end, Skade's legacy lingers as a cautionary tale of love's treacherous paths.

Skade, a powerful sorceress, ensnares Uhtred in a web of desire and manipulation. Their relationship is marked by a dangerous dance of power, as Skade exploits Uhtred's vulnerabilities for her own gain. Uhtred's attraction to Skade forces him to confront his own inner demons and the consequences of his choices. Skade's legacy serves as a cautionary tale, reminding Uhtred of the dangers of succumbing to destructive passions.

Uhtred embracing Skade in The Last Kingdom.


In the intricate tapestry of Uhtred's romantic entanglements, each love interest leaves a unique imprint on his soul. From enduring love to tragic endings, Uhtred's heart bears the scars of passion and loss. As The Last Kingdom's epic tale unfolds, the legacy of Uhtred's loves remains a poignant reminder of the complexities of the human heart.