The Kitchen: A Dystopian Tale of Resilience and Community

The Kitchen: A Dystopian Tale of Resilience and Community

Get ready to dive into the world of The Kitchen, a dystopian future in London where residents fight to navigate the challenges of a society that has abandoned them. Here's everything you need to know about the cast, characters, and the compelling story of The Kitchen.


The highly anticipated movie, The Kitchen, is set to make its debut on Netflix on January 19, and it promises to take viewers on a gripping journey through a dystopian future in London. Directed by the talented Daniel Kaluuya in his directorial debut, the film portrays a world where all social housing has been eliminated, leaving its residents to fend for themselves. The main characters, Izi and Benji, find themselves at the center of this compelling narrative as they strive to survive and thrive in a community known as The Kitchen, a place that refuses to surrender to the forces that seek to uproot them.

Kane Robinson in The Kitchen

Kane Robinson in The Kitchen

In our review of the movie, we found that The Kitchen delivers solid performances, realistic and heartwarming connections, and a stark reminder of the harsh realities of the world. The characters' resilience and determination in the face of adversity make this film a must-watch for audiences seeking an immersive and thought-provoking experience.

Benji in The Kitchen

Benji in The Kitchen

As the release date approaches, it's essential to delve into the details of the cast and characters that bring The Kitchen to life on the screen. From established actors to rising stars, the ensemble cast has garnered attention for their compelling portrayals of the diverse and multifaceted characters in the film.

Staples in The Kitchen

Staples in The Kitchen

The Cast of The Kitchen

The cast of The Kitchen features a talented lineup of actors who breathe life into the characters that inhabit the dystopian world of London. From seasoned performers to newcomers, each member of the cast brings a unique dimension to the story, enhancing the overall cinematic experience.

Ruby in The Kitchen

Ruby in The Kitchen

Henry Lawfull, BackRoad Gee, Alan Asaad, Reuben \\u2018Trizzy\\u2019 Nyamah, Ewart James Walters, Fiona Marr, Rasag Kukoyi Cristale, Bradley Wj Miller, Rania Chakir, Teija Kabs, Arabella McMurray, and Lesley-Anne Miller are among the actors who play supporting roles, adding depth and richness to the narrative.

Ian Wright in The Kitchen

Ian Wright in The Kitchen

One of the central characters in the film is Izi, portrayed by the talented Kane Robinson, known for his successful grime career and his role in Top Boy. Izi is a complex and sometimes hostile member of The Kitchen, navigating the challenges of his environment while working at an ecological funeral home called Life After Life.

Another pivotal character is Benji, played by Jedaiah Bannerman in his first acting role. Benji, the orphaned son of Izi's ex-girlfriend, finds solace and guidance under Izi's wing, forming a bond that shapes the narrative of the film.

Staples, portrayed by Hope Ikpoku Jr, leads a daring group of bike riders in The Kitchen, embarking on a perilous journey that adds an element of excitement and tension to the storyline. Teija Kabs takes on the role of Ruby, a young girl who forms a meaningful connection with Benji, adding depth and emotion to the narrative.

Exploring the Characters

The characters in The Kitchen bring a dynamic and compelling dimension to the dystopian world they inhabit. Izi, portrayed by Kane Robinson, embodies resilience and determination as he grapples with the challenges of The Kitchen, infusing the character with a raw and authentic energy that captivates audiences.

Benji, portrayed by Jedaiah Bannerman, undergoes a transformative journey from being an orphaned young boy to finding a sense of belonging and purpose under Izi's guidance. The emotional depth and vulnerability conveyed in Bannerman's performance add a poignant and relatable element to the character of Benji.

Staples, brought to life by Hope Ikpoku Jr, exudes charisma and leadership as the head of the young bike riders in The Kitchen. Ikpoku's portrayal adds an edge of daring and determination to the character, creating a captivating presence on screen.

Ruby, played by Teija Kabs, embodies innocence and resilience, forming a heartwarming bond with Benji that underscores the themes of friendship and connection amidst adversity. Kabs' portrayal brings a sense of authenticity and emotion to the character of Ruby, resonating with audiences on a deeply human level.

Lord Kitchener, portrayed by Ian Wright, serves as the enigmatic and revered DJ of The Kitchen, captivating the residents with his magnetic presence and mysterious allure. Wright's performance adds an air of intrigue and fascination to the character, enriching the fabric of the community within The Kitchen.