The Key to a Blissful Matrimony: Unleashing the Power of Honest Communication

The Key to a Blissful Matrimony: Unleashing the Power of Honest Communication

Discover the perils of silence in a relationship as Kiyoka and Miyo confront their fears in My Happy Marriage: The Dangers of Not Speaking Your Mind Join them on a journey of self-discovery and learn the consequences of withholding the truth


Lack of communication threatens Kiyoka and Miyo's relationship as they both keep their worries and burdens to themselves, leading to overwhelming stress.

Arata Tsuruki, a suspicious individual, endangers the future of Kiyoka and Miyo due to his enigmatic affiliations and obsessive interest in Miyo. The reluctance of Kiyoka and Miyo to confide in each other about their fears and insecurities hampers their relationship, creating tension.

Warning: The following contains spoilers for Episode 9 of My Happy Marriage, titled "Drowning in Dreams", currently available on Netflix.

My Happy Marriage is a show that delves into various genres, including romance, action, politics, and mystery. With so many different elements at play, it is understandable that the characters may feel overwhelmed by the constant chaos. To prevent situations from escalating, effective communication is crucial. Failing to express their thoughts and concerns can lead to disastrous consequences.

Kiyoka’s Concern, Miyo’s Worry

The Key to a Blissful Matrimony: Unleashing the Power of Honest Communication

After years of loneliness and refusing to connect with any woman who crossed his path, Kiyoka finally found his true love. Miyo, who had endured a lifetime of abuse and ridicule, finally found someone who genuinely loved her for who she was. After overcoming numerous hardships and obstacles, Kiyoka and Miyo were finally ready to embark on a real relationship. However, a new issue now threatens the future of their love - a lack of communication.

With the growing threat of the Grotesqueries looming over the Imperial Capital, Kiyoka finds himself buried in work. He is responsible for everything related to investigating and exterminating these creatures. Consequently, Kiyoka has little time to spend with his new fiancé. He is aware of Miyo's troubling nightmares and deeply concerned about their negative impact on her health. However, he is hesitant to discuss it with her, fearing it will only add to her worries. Therefore, he resolves to find a solution on his own.

There’s A Snake In Our Midst

For the first time in Miyo's life, she has encountered someone whom she genuinely cares for, apart from her late mother. This newfound attachment has prompted her to seek ways to impress Kiyoka, and thus she has embarked on learning Western etiquette under Hazuki's guidance. Although the lessons themselves prove to be enjoyable, they unexpectedly take a toll on both her mental and physical well-being, exacerbated by the constant nightmares that drain her energy slowly but surely. As a consequence, Miyo constantly finds herself in a state of fatigue and exhaustion. However, she is aware that Kiyoka is preoccupied with work, and thus she chooses to dismiss her own condition to spare him from any worries.

The Key to a Blissful Matrimony: Unleashing the Power of Honest Communication

Kiyoka and Miyo's failure to communicate their thoughts leads to detrimental consequences. Kiyoka's mind is preoccupied with worry, causing her to overlook her future wife's deteriorating health. Meanwhile, Miyo, out of consideration, refrains from raising the issue with his busy fiancé. Both individuals' politeness, reserve, and genuine concern for one another result in them shouldering their respective burdens alone, rather than upholding their promise to share them.

Unbeknownst to them, Kiyoka and Miyo have unknowingly allowed a dangerous individual, Arata Tsuruki, to infiltrate their lives. Arata poses as a government contractor, summoned to handle troublesome and sensitive matters. However, there is something sinister lurking beneath his façade. His connections to the Imperial family and enigmatic upbringing raise suspicions, and his disturbing fixation on Miyo only adds to the unsettling picture.

Regrettably, Kiyoka remains oblivious to the warning signs. Consumed by his own thoughts, he fails to recognize the threat that Arata poses to his home and the safety of his future wife. Admittedly, Kiyoka becomes increasingly suspicious of Arata as the episode unfolds, but it is clear that the damage has already been done, with more sinister plans yet to be revealed. The man has skillfully laid the groundwork for his malicious intentions, all while Kiyoka's determination to handle everything alone prevents him from spotting the snake that has slithered into his midst.

You Can’t Handle The Truth!

The Key to a Blissful Matrimony: Unleashing the Power of Honest Communication

Not sharing their burdens with each other to avoid worrying their loved ones is understandable. However, expressing their thoughts can have its advantages. Firstly, their partners are likely to appreciate their honesty and willingness to seek their opinions. Moreover, opening up to each other can lead to finding solutions that address both their problems.

Ironically, both Kiyoka and Miyo expect their partners to do these very things, but do not practice them themselves. They believed that shouldering everything alone would protect their partners from unnecessary concerns. However, they may not realize that there is a limit to how much one person can handle before becoming overwhelmed. As the episode progresses, both Kiyoka and Miyo are clearly overwhelmed.

However, there's a hindrance preventing this new couple from sharing their thoughts and concerns. For Kiyoka, confiding in Miyo about his worries would mean acknowledging his inability to protect the woman he truly loves. Similarly, for Miyo, opening up to Kiyoka would be admitting that she is merely a burden to him and incapable of offering any support. Fearing the truth of these circumstances, they choose to remain quiet.

These thoughts and assumptions stem from the experiences they have had in their lives thus far. Changing this mindset will require time, honesty, and possibly drastic measures or tragic events. Hopefully, we will witness this transformation in the upcoming episode.