The Jaw-Dropping Transformation: Disney's Revival of Clone Wars Will Blow Your Mind!

The Jaw-Dropping Transformation: Disney's Revival of Clone Wars Will Blow Your Mind!

Discover why Season 7 of The Clone Wars surpasses all expectations With improved animation, a stronger narrative structure, and a thrilling depiction of the Siege of Mandalore and Order 66, this revival is a testament to the show's evolution and its seamless integration with the Star Wars movies

Six years after its 2014 conclusion, Star Wars: The Clone Wars saw the release of its seventh season by Disney. This addition proved to be a standout moment for the show, set between Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. The series chronicles the conflict that erupts following the Battle of Geonosis, known as the Clone Wars, a subject previously mentioned by Obi-Wan Kenobi in the original Star Wars but never fully explored until now.

In addition to expanding on established movie details, such as Anakin's interactions with Obi-Wan, Padmé, and Chancellor Palpatine, the show introduces several new elements to the story. These include the introduction of Anakin's Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, the exploration of individuality among the clones, and the ongoing struggle against General Grievous. Originally intended to fill in the gaps of an intriguing yet unexplored period in the Star Wars movies, the series quickly captivated audiences and became a beloved addition to the franchise. The Clone Wars season 7 took this adoration to new heights.

Clone Wars Season 7's Creators Had Learned Since The Original Show's Cancelation

The Jaw-Dropping Transformation: Disney's Revival of Clone Wars Will Blow Your Mind!

After the conclusion of the sixth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the writers and directors had the chance to expand their knowledge and expertise within the Star Wars universe. Dave Filoni, the show's creator, took on various Star Wars projects during the show's hiatus, including the follow-up series Star Wars Rebels. This allowed him to bring a fresh perspective to The Clone Wars season 7, incorporating both familiar elements and exciting new additions that remained true to the original storyline.

Season 7 of The Clone Wars presented an opportunity to fully explore and build upon the foundations laid by earlier seasons. With a deeper understanding of which storylines resonated with audiences and which characters were beloved by fans, the creators crafted the seventh season to seamlessly blend the show's standout elements with the themes and atmosphere of the Star Wars movies.

Clone Wars Season 7's Animation Is Far Stronger

The Jaw-Dropping Transformation: Disney's Revival of Clone Wars Will Blow Your Mind!

The animation style of Star Wars: The Clone Wars divided fans due to its blocky and stylized characters, creating a visual disconnect from the live action movies. This initially made it less appealing to older Star Wars fans. However, as the show gained popularity, the animators were able to improve the animation throughout the seasons, allowing the series to explore new settings and storylines. During the show's hiatus, The Clone Wars season 7 made even stronger changes to the animation style.

Not only did the style receive slight updates, but the animators also took the opportunity to make the characters more closely resemble their live-action counterparts in the next movie of the timeline. While the characters had already aged and evolved in earlier seasons, season 7 completed their transformation. In Anakin's case, this change in appearance highlighted his journey from a fearless and confident young general to a Jedi Knight with newfound anxieties that would ultimately lead to his fall to the dark side.

The Narrative Structure For Clone Wars Season 7 Is Much Stronger

The Jaw-Dropping Transformation: Disney's Revival of Clone Wars Will Blow Your Mind!


When The Clone Wars season 7 aired, it had evolved far beyond being just a children's series. While earlier seasons were filled with action and engaging storylines, the later seasons delved into darker and more serious aspects of the narrative, directly influencing the entire saga. Season 7 pushed this even further by crafting its story to coincide with the events of Revenge of the Sith, making it a perfect continuation.

Ahsoka's departure from the Jedi Order and Maul's escape from Darth Sidious created intense drama for the seventh season. The writers skillfully captured this excitement in a concise manner. The final season, especially the last few episodes, presented the show's excitement in a more cinematic fashion. The intertwining of The Clone Wars season 7 and Revenge of the Sith heightened the thrill of the show's conclusion.

The Siege Of Mandalore & Order 66 Builds Perfectly Into The Movies

The Jaw-Dropping Transformation: Disney's Revival of Clone Wars Will Blow Your Mind!

Season 7 of The Clone Wars successfully bridges the gap between the show and the live-action movies. While season 6 concluded the series, there was still a significant time difference from the end of the war. However, season 7 aligns with the beginning of Revenge of the Sith, allowing for a seamless integration between the events. This season gives special attention to Ahsoka and Darth Maul, with Maul foreseeing Sidious' plan to turn Anakin to the dark side. The anticipation for Order 66 is heightened by Maul's prediction.

What sets Star Wars: The Clone Wars apart is its focus on individual clone troopers. Although they were initially seen as expendable soldiers, the show emphasizes their individual stories. In season 7, the perspective on Order 66 is explored from different angles, giving the clones more depth and complexity. They are no longer just tools of Palpatine or companions of the Jedi but are actual characters that fans have grown attached to over the course of seven seasons. The direct connection between the series' events and Order 66 intensifies the emotional impact of this tragic event.

The addition of the seventh season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars not only reignited excitement for the show, but also enhanced everything that was already great about it.