The Irresponsible Matchmaking of MAFS Experts: Can They Be Trusted Again?
The Married at First Sight experts are under scrutiny for their irresponsible matching in season 17, particularly in the case of Michael Shiakallis Jr. who was left at the altar by his original bride. The experts are now planning to rematch Michael, but the question remains: can they be trusted? This article delves into the controversies, the experts' accountability, and the hopes for redemption in this tumultuous season.
The Mismatched Couples of Season 17
The Married at First Sight experts have acted irresponsibly in season 17 and may not deserve to be trusted in matching Michael Shiakallis Jr. again. The panel of Married at First Sight experts tasked with matching up the couples are Dr. Pepper Schwartz, Pastor Calvin 'Cal' Roberson, and Dr. Pia Holec. They went through each participant's non-negotiables, personality traits, ambitions, family lives, and passions to find them compatible matches. However, they seem to have dropped the ball big time this season, as only two couples were left by the end of the latest episode, only halfway through season 17. There are a few upcoming surprises this season, though, including Michael's re-matching.
the experts with a MAFS season 17 cast background
This season was supposed to have five couples walk down the aisle and into happy marriages based on the experts' prowess at connecting individuals. However, Michael was left at the altar by the original bride the experts had selected for him, which was a first in Married at First Sight history. Orion asked for a divorce from Lauren upon returning from their honeymoon. Last episode, Cameron and Clare mutually decided to end their marriage because of their deep differences. The last two remaining couples, Brennan and Emily and Becca and Austin are also not on good paths and may end up divorced before Decision Day or saying no come that time.
Michael Married At First Sight Season 17 and runaway bride
The big question on the table is whether the Married at First Sight experts have proven themselves too irresponsible to take on another matching this season. They have not taken accountability for the first wayward matching, which doesn't bode well for Michael should something arise at the altar or at the beginning of his new marriage. Given their track record in recent years and their staunch and out-of-place confidence in their ability to match Michael, most signs are pointing out that they can't be trusted to pair Michael correctly.
Michael Married At First Sight Season 17 at the altar looking at his mystery bride
The Experts' Deflection and Rematch
The Experts Are Deflecting Responsibility For Michael's Runaway Bride
Married at First Sight season 17 Dr Pepper and Pastor Cal sittin gon chairs talking
Michael had his first sit-down with the Married at First Sight season 17 experts since he was rejected by his bride at the altar. The experts expressed how sorry they were to hear that Michael's traumatic situation (via Entertainment Tonight) happened. However, they did not take responsibility for matching him with someone who wasn't ready to get married to a stranger. Instead, they stood on precedent, saying that someone bailing at the altar had never happened in all seventeen seasons of the show. The experts deflected blame by not apologizing for their part in the unfortunate circumstances. They should have owned up to their shortcomings not praised their matching history.
Dr. Pepper MAFS Season 17 in pink cardigan talking
What came out of Michael's talk with all three experts was that they were interested in rematching him. Michael expressed that his heart was open to being matched again and agreed to follow through with the process once more. The experts did not promise him a match at that point; they remarked that they had to go back to their selection pool. However, later in the latest episode, Dr. Pepper met with Michael and his friends to relay that they had found him another bride they felt was worthy and ready. Michael said he was down to try again upon hearing he officially had another chance.
Michael Married At First Sight Season 17 in green shirt wearing glasses
Can The Experts Be Trusted Again?
The big question on the table is whether the Married at First Sight experts have proven themselves too irresponsible to take on another matching this season. They have not taken accountability for the first wayward matching, which doesn't bode well for Michael should something arise at the altar or at the beginning of his new marriage. Given their track record in recent years and their staunch and out-of-place confidence in their ability to match Michael, most signs are pointing out that they can't be trusted to pair Michael correctly.
The experts are holding Michael's heart in their hands again, and since they didn't take responsibility for the first folly, they likely won't take accountability for anything negative that happens in Michael's next marriage attempt. The experts really owe it to Michael to find someone as sincere and mature as he is, and someone who understands Michael's quirky style and personality. This rematching is a first in Married at First Sight history. Dr. Pepper told Michael he was getting married in less than two weeks, so he will join the cast as they enter the halfway points of their marriages.
Hope for Redemption
How Can The Experts Redeem Themselves?
Since there is a lot of life left in this season, the Married at First Sight season 17 experts still have time to redeem themselves from their mismatching and failure to help the struggling couples. If the experts can pull off matching Michael with someone as great as he is, that will be a huge win for their reputation and could potentially save the dwindling season. How they match Michael and protect and guide him through the process will determine a lot about how viewers receive the experts going forward and in seasons to come.
Dr Pia from Married at First SIght season 17 with brennan background
The experts need to do a lot more hand-holding with these Married at First Sight couples. They have either stepped into hairy situations too late or not at all. The big issues facing a lot of the couples have not been unpacked the way they needed to be, hence the terrible success rate already befallen this season. It is the experts' responsibility to be there for the couples as they navigate uncharted territory, and they've been dropping the ball. Should the experts give Michael the woman of his dreams and help steer the other couples in more positive directions, this season still has the hope to be a success.