The Invincible: A Firewatch-inspired Journey

The Invincible: A Firewatch-inspired Journey

The Invincible draws inspiration from renowned sci-fi author Stanislaw Lem's work, while also incorporating elements from three influential video games, including the atmospheric masterpiece Firewatch

Starward Industries has drawn inspiration from three video games, namely Firewatch, Alien: Isolation, and Road 96, for the gaming elements of The Invincible. However, the primary source of inspiration is Stanisław Lem's eponymous work, along with his philosophical foundations and futuristic visions from the 1960s. As an acclaimed author and futurist, Lem accurately foresaw the emergence of drones, smartphones, and the internet, and these predictions and beliefs form the basis of The Invincible's retro sci-fi journey.

Although The Invincible is an adaptation of Lem's novel, certain liberties were taken to successfully translate it into the realm of video games, while still paying homage to Lem's legacy. One such modification is the introduction of a new protagonist named Yasna, rather than using the original character Rohan. Balancing the requirements of both mediums is a delicate task, but the aforementioned games assisted Starward Industries in crafting the design and presentation of The Invincible. Recently, our website had the opportunity to interview CEO Marek Markuszewski, who shed light on the influence of each of these games on the title.

These three titles should be familiar to many fans, all of which garnered generally positive and overall solid reviews. However, at first glance, fans may not notice the major similarities between them. Firewatch, for instance, is an adventure game where players assume the role of Henry, a fire lookout stationed at Shoshone National Forest, as he communicates with his supervisor Delilah through a walkie-talkie. The choices made during their dialogues have a significant impact on their relationship as they work together to uncover a mysterious event that occurred years ago.

The Invincible: A Firewatch-inspired Journey

Alien: Isolation, on the other hand, is a survival horror game that follows the journey of Amanda Ripley's daughter, Ellen, as she delves into the mysterious vanishing of her mother and battles against an additional Xenomorph. Meanwhile, Road 96 offers an enthralling adventure RPG experience in which a group of teenagers embark on a quest to flee the oppressive rule of Petria, utilizing the eponymous road. However, each of these games manages to exert a unique influence on The Invincible's gameplay, narrative, and various other aspects.

Metacritic Aggregate Review Scores





Xbox One

Xbox Series X/S








Alien: Isolation







Road 96







Firewatch may be the most evident influence among these titles, as it heavily relies on the dialogue and relationship between Henry and Delilah, akin to how The Invincible does with Yasna and Novik. Moreover, Firewatch tells a highly sophisticated story.

The Invincible: A Firewatch-inspired Journey

The Invincible also delves further into Lem's philosophies. Markusewski explained that Firewatch serves as an important reference point for us. This is because of its dynamic dialogues, the connection formed with the person on the radio, and the thoughtfulness of its themes. Our aim was to provide players with a comparable experience - an immersive adventure in a visually stunning world where they not only face external obstacles but also uncover deeper truths about themselves.

The Invincible needs to depict a feeling of isolation and danger, and for that, the survival horror game Alien: Isolation was a valuable inspiration. The goal was to combine the immersive adventure of Firewatch with the suspenseful atmosphere of Alien: Isolation. Additionally, the developers of Road 96 closely examined the player and character profiles, aiming to incorporate that aspect into The Invincible.

With numerous adaptations from Lem's works and influences from various games, The Invincible holds great potential. It will be intriguing to witness the reception of The Invincible upon its imminent release.

The Invincible: A Firewatch-inspired Journey

Experience The Invincible

Get ready to embark on an immersive journey with The Invincible, an enthralling adventure game that draws inspiration from the captivating hard sci-fi tales crafted by the brilliant mind of Stanislaw Lem. As Yasna, delve into the mysterious depths of Regis III, armed with powerful tools to aid in the search for your missing crew. Remain vigilant, for unexpected dangers lurk around every corner, eagerly waiting to challenge your resolve.

Platform(s) PC, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series SReleased November 6, 2023Developer Starward IndustriesPublisher(s) 11 Bit Studios

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan, I am thrilled to see the release of The Invincible, a game that draws inspiration from some of my favorite titles, including Firewatch, Alien: Isolation, and Road 96. The Invincible promises to deliver a unique and immersive experience that combines the best elements of these games.

I am particularly excited about the game's focus on exploration and discovery. In Firewatch, I loved the feeling of being alone in the wilderness, surrounded by beautiful scenery and a sense of mystery. The Invincible seems to offer a similar experience, but with a more sci-fi twist. I can't wait to explore the game's alien world and uncover its secrets.

I am also intrigued by the game's characters. In Firewatch, the relationship between Henry and Delilah was one of the most compelling aspects of the game. The Invincible seems to offer a similar dynamic between Yasna and Novik. I am eager to learn more about these characters and see how their relationship develops over the course of the game.

Overall, I am very excited about The Invincible. It looks like a game that will offer a unique and memorable experience. I can't wait to get my hands on it and explore its alien world.