The Impact of Large Print in Marketing: Insights from Marketoonist

The Impact of Large Print in Marketing: Insights from Marketoonist

Explore the perspectives of Tom Fishburne, the founder of Marketoon Studios, as he delves into the significance of large print in marketing. Discover more about his work at and follow him on Twitter @tomfishburne for additional Marketoonist insights.

Tom Fishburne is founder of Marketoon Studios. Follow his work at or on Twitter @tomfishburne

See more of the Marketoonist here

Editor's P/S:

Tom Fishburne's cartoon humorously captures the challenges of navigating the ever-evolving marketing landscape. The image of marketers adrift in a sea of data, clinging to a life preserver labeled "AI," highlights the reliance on technology while acknowledging its limitations.

Fishburne's work serves as a reminder that the human touch remains essential in marketing. While AI can provide valuable insights, it cannot replace the empathy and creativity that are crucial for connecting with customers. Marketers must strike a balance between embracing technological advancements and preserving the human element that drives effective communication.