The Hilarious Adventures that will Leave You in Stitches: Unveiling the Funniest Quests in The Elder Scrolls Games

The Hilarious Adventures that will Leave You in Stitches: Unveiling the Funniest Quests in The Elder Scrolls Games

Discover the side-splitting side of The Elder Scrolls games with these uproarious quests that will have you laughing out loud From recovering an absurdly named weapon to dealing with mischievous deities and potato bandits, these hilarious adventures will leave you in stitches


The Elder Scrolls series can get silly at times, adding a lighthearted sensibility to its epic sagas and making it more memorable for players.

Side quests in The Elder Scrolls frequently catch players off guard with bizarre and comical situations. These may involve resolving a dispute between a naked Nord and a witch or carrying out a prophecy for the Daedric Prince of Madness.

The game offers entertaining moments throughout, such as assisting invisible townsfolk, embarking on a drunken escapade, experimenting with Brelyna's outlandish spells, and confronting a bullying child. These experiences allow players to find humor and laughter during their gaming journey.

The Elder Scrolls series is often regarded as a prime example of high fantasy, featuring grand narratives without the typical clichés and cheesiness often associated with the genre. However, there are moments when the series takes a more humorous turn. This light-heartedness can be seen in its side quests, where players are immersed in a world teeming with powerful magic, mischievous creatures, and conflicting societies. The unpredictable nature of these quests adds to the enjoyment, and if the series had solely focused on serious and solemn tasks, it wouldn't have left the same lasting impression on gamers. It is the inclusion of these playful adventures that have helped The Elder Scrolls gain a special place in the hearts of its fans.

7 Recovering Cloudcleaver

The Hilarious Adventures that will Leave You in Stitches: Unveiling the Funniest Quests in The Elder Scrolls Games

No one can anticipate the trouble caused by those under the influence of alcohol. Morrowind serves as a clear illustration of this. In the vicinity of Caldera, players come across an undressed Nord who alleges being seduced and robbed by a witch. Only upon locating the aforementioned witch do they discover that the intoxicated Nord actually made advances towards her. In response, she cast a sleeping spell on him and took his belongings, using his axe as collateral.

This entire story in the Elder Scrolls is akin to a misbehaving child having their toy confiscated. Adding to the issue is the fact that the Nord never bothers to dress himself. As players find themselves caught in between the argumentative exchange between the Nord and the witch, they may ponder how they ended up mediating such a conflict.

6 Sheogorath

The Hilarious Adventures that will Leave You in Stitches: Unveiling the Funniest Quests in The Elder Scrolls Games

This quest shares its name with the Daedric Prince of Madness, so its inclusion is not surprising. Sheogorath assigns players the task of fulfilling a prophecy, solely for his own entertainment. The first part requires collecting a soul gem, yarn, and lettuce. In the second part, fans must steal cheese from a highly valued collection. Soon enough, the entire endeavor starts to resemble an intricate prank.

Presenting these items to Sheogorath triggers a series of plagues. From a swarm of rats to deceased sheep, the situation worsens when unsuspecting townsfolk are bombarded by flaming dogs. Following this chaos, the mischievous god rewards players with a Wabbajack, a weapon that has the ability to transform enemies into random animals and objects. By now, enthusiasts should expect nothing less.

5 The Potato Snatcher

The Hilarious Adventures that will Leave You in Stitches: Unveiling the Funniest Quests in The Elder Scrolls Games

At the Faregyl Inn in Oblivion, there is a woman distressed over the disappearance of her prized potatoes. These magnificent vegetables were intended for her unique potato bread. Regrettably, her stash has apparently been pilfered by a large individual. It is understandable to fathom stealing money, but the choice of potatoes is rather perplexing. However, matters become even more absurd when players discover the identity of the thief.

Surprisingly, the culprit is revealed to be an ogre. The motive behind this creature's act of vegetable thievery is initially unclear, but upon closer examination, it becomes apparent that the potatoes are a perfect fit for its enormous size. Considering this, it is difficult to place blame on the poor creature. Nonetheless, players must recover the stolen potatoes if they ever hope to taste the extraordinary potato bread.

4 Zero Visibility

The Hilarious Adventures that will Leave You in Stitches: Unveiling the Funniest Quests in The Elder Scrolls Games

The quest in question, which could be categorized as horror or thriller in any other context, takes on a different tone in Oblivion as it presents itself as a screwball comedy. Unfortunately, things aren't going well in the town of Aleswell, as its inhabitants have become invisible due to a spell cast by a wizard. This obviously poses many obstacles in their daily lives. While the situation may be amusing, it is only right to lend a helping hand.

Upon conversing with the wizard, players will come to discover that he did not intentionally make the townspeople invisible. It turns out that his incompetence is to blame. This revelation is particularly frustrating, considering the challenges players had to overcome in the Mages' Guild.

3 A Night To Remember

The Hilarious Adventures that will Leave You in Stitches: Unveiling the Funniest Quests in The Elder Scrolls Games

While it may be amusing to witness the drunken escapades of others, it becomes even more comical when the tables are turned. Such situations can be found in the game Skyrim, where a daring individual in Whiterun dares players to partake in a drinking competition. Filled with confidence, the players accept the challenge, unaware of the potency of the beverage.

The consequences of their decision lead to a series of misadventures. In their intoxicated state, the players unintentionally desecrate a revered temple, unknowingly sell a stolen goat to a gigantic creature, and even find themselves married to a complete stranger. All of these chaotic events are orchestrated by the mischievous challenger, who is none other than Saguine, the Daedric Prince of Debauchery and Hedonism. Once again, it is a classic case of the gods finding amusement in the expense of mere mortals. Despite the absurdity of it all, fans can enjoy a good laugh at their characters' wild indulgences, free from the burden of the aftermath or any lasting consequences.

2 Brelyna

The Hilarious Adventures that will Leave You in Stitches: Unveiling the Funniest Quests in The Elder Scrolls Games

Practice is often associated with perfection, but Skyrim challenges this belief. Within the Mages Guild, an aspiring sorceress named Brelyna proposes trying her spells on the Dragonborn. Any sensible person would immediately perceive this as a terrible idea. However, should players succumb to temptation, they are in for a truly bizarre experience.

Brelyna's experimental spell brings about an array of unanticipated effects. The initial outcome taints players' vision with a vibrant shade of green. Subsequent attempts result in the transformation of the players into various animals, ranging from dogs to cows to horses. The potential for further exploration of this concept by the developers is immense, yet the current implementation remains delightfully absurd. It is rather regrettable that Brelyna abandons her magical pursuits, as she could have potentially trademarked her work as a comical agricultural spell.

1 Bullying Braith

The Hilarious Adventures that will Leave You in Stitches: Unveiling the Funniest Quests in The Elder Scrolls Games

Insufficient games allow players to mistreat children, but fortunately, Skyrim fulfills that desire. In Whiterun, there is a confrontation between two children: Braith persistently bullies Lars Battle-born. Even Lars' own mother scolds him for being dominated by another child. While the situation carries tragic undertones, it provides amusement in the present moment.

The amusement escalates when players intervene. They have the option to politely request Braith to cease her actions, deceive her into believing Lars is unwell, or intimidate her by suggesting she be sent to an orphanage. Although some may deem it inappropriate to intimidate a child, this adds to the humor with a mean-spirited prank. Additionally, this irony arises since Braith actually harbors affection for Lars, albeit expressed through teasing. This portrayal captures the endearing and genuine nature of childhood crushes. The quest cleverly incorporates various forms of humor, ensuring that the majority of players will find something to laugh at.