Penned and illustrated by Ikumi Fukuda, also known as Kotteri, the Veil manga has captivated readers with its mesmerizing characters and unparalleled artwork. The manga, presented entirely in vivid color, skillfully portrays the enchanting relationship between its main characters, Emma and Aleksander. Although it may not have received the recognition it truly deserves, Veil manga has managed to capture the hearts of readers throughout the years.
With its vibrant illustrations, Veil manga undoubtedly showcases the author's artistic vision. The narrative takes readers on a captivating romantic journey between a blind girl and a policeman, further immersing them in the story's charm and allure.
Veil manga tells a tale about a blind woman and a police officer
: The distinguishing feature of this manga is its complete coloration. Consequently, this write-up elucidates the authentic platforms where this manga can be accessed or purchased.Where to read
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Manga enthusiasts will be delighted to discover that the popular manga "Kotteri's Veil" is accessible in Japanese on the official website of Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha publishers. Currently, there are 56 chapters ready for reading. Additionally, for those interested, "Kotteri-san's" manga can also be enjoyed in French.
Readers who are intrigued can easily obtain the paperback version of the French edition of "Veil" manga from various digital stores, including Amazon, Flipkart, Barnes & Noble, among others. At present, three volumes are available to immerse oneself in the captivating world of "Veil" in French.
Unfortunately, the English version of the manga is currently unavailable for readers to enjoy. Consequently, those who are interested in reading Ikumi Fukuda's colored manga in English may have no choice but to turn to unofficial websites.
Mangasplanning Podcast and Udon Entertainment have recently announced at the San Diego Comic-Con their plans to release this manga series in English. According to the official announcement, Jocelyne Allen will handle the translation of the Veil manga, and Andrew Woodrow-Butcher will be editing the series. Moreover, Udon Entertainment is scheduled to release Ikumi-san's manga in print starting in 2024.
Veil by Kotteri (Image via Ikumi Fukuda/Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha)
Originally, Kotteri's Veil manga was presented as a series of images on the author's X (formerly Twitter) and Pixiv accounts from 2017 to 2018. The positive response from followers led the author to compile it into a fanzine for COMITA 126. Eventually, the manga was professionally reworked and officially published by Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha in 2019.
What to expect from Veil manga
: French Edition of Kotteri's Veil by Noeve Grafx PublisherAdditionally, it is worth noting that Noeve Grafx Publisher has released Kotteri's Veil in the French language. As previously mentioned, three volumes have already been published in French, whereas the Japanese version offers five volumes that can be purchased.
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The allure of Ikumi-san's Veil manga is unstoppable, casting a spell on readers with its captivating storyline and stunning artwork. Its ever-growing popularity over the years is a testament to its irresistible charm. No wonder countless newcomers yearn to immerse themselves in the world of Ikumi-san's manga.
Ikumi Fukuda's enchanting manga, Veil, is intricately woven within the backdrop of post-World War II Europe, specifically in the 1950s. The author skillfully crafts a tapestry of romance, drama, and the quintessence of daily existence, effortlessly breathing life into the mesmerizing personas that grace the pages of this captivating manga. Centered around the resolute character of Emma, a visually impaired woman who exudes unwavering confidence despite her physical adversity, Veil immerses readers in a world brimming with emotions and pulsating sensibilities.
Kotteri's Veil (Image via Ikumi Fukuda/Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha)
The interactions between Ikumi-san and police officer Aleksander add depth to the captivating story. The narrative is a beautiful fusion of slice-of-life and romance, showcasing the small, intimate moments between the two main characters that readers will adore.
In addition, the manga is enhanced by its vibrant color illustrations. The mangaka's artistic vision shines through in the distinctive panel layouts and color combinations used throughout. All in all, this series is a wonderful depiction of love's essence.
Be sure to keep up with more anime news and manga updates as 2023 progresses.