The Hidden Identities of Anime Characters
Anime characters come in all shapes and sizes - some are colossal, while some are the size of ordinary human beings. However, sometimes, these human-sized beings are not perceived correctly by the normal eye, as their true identity is hidden from the world. In this article, we will explore 10 anime characters who are initially perceived as normal human beings but are revealed to be supernatural creatures with hidden identities.
Unmasking the Supernatural
In the world of anime, appearances can be deceiving. What seems to be a normal human being often turns out to be something else entirely. These anime characters are either some other-worldly creatures that have invaded human society for some secret purpose or dead human beings whose souls are wandering, looking for a way to pass on. Either way, this trope is prevalent as most seemingly normal human-like anime characters have a hidden identity. It is later revealed that these characters only wore the mask of a human, but deep inside, they are something beyond the comprehension of an ordinary mind.
Mahito as seen in Jujutsu Kaisen (Image via MAPPA)
Let's take a closer look at 10 anime characters who are initially perceived as normal human beings but are revealed to be supernatural creatures with hidden identities. Each of these characters has a unique story that unveils their true nature, from cursed spirits to aliens and demons.
Makima as seen in Chainsaw Man (Image via MAPPA)
The Cursed Spirits Among Us
Mahito, a character from Jujutsu Kaisen, initially appears as a normal human being. However, he is a cursed spirit, born from the accumulated hatred humans hold against one another. Despite his human-like appearance, Mahito's inhuman nature is revealed as he indulges in acts of cruelty and malice.
Decim as seen in Death Parade (Image via Madhouse)
Makima, a devil from Chainsaw Man, masquerades as a human while wielding the power of the Control Devil. Her ability to manipulate her surroundings and influence others showcases her true supernatural identity, hidden beneath a human facade.
Goku as seen in Dragon Ball Series (Image via Toei Animation)
Decim, the arbitrator of Quindecim in Death Parade, is portrayed as an emotionless man. However, it is later revealed that he is a puppet created by Nona, with human emotions artificially granted to him. This revelation challenges the perception of his humanity, exposing his true nature as a supernatural entity.
Rem as seen in Re: ZERO (Image via White Fox)
Otherworldly Beings in Disguise
The anime world is filled with characters who appear human but harbor supernatural identities. Son Goku, a Saiyan from the Dragon Ball series, is initially mistaken for an ordinary human. However, his alien origins and extraordinary powers reveal his true identity as an otherworldly being.
Gesicht as seen in Pluto (Image via Studio M2)
Rem, a character from Re: ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-, appears as an average maid until her demon nature is unleashed in moments of anger. Her transformation into a devil challenges the perception of her humanity, highlighting the duality of her existence.
Menma as seen in Anohana (Image via A-1 Pictures)
Gesicht, a mature adult with the specs of an Android in Pluto, blurs the line between human and machine. Despite his human-like appearance, Gesicht's android nature and emotional flaws expose the complexity of his existence as an otherworldly being in disguise.
Rimuru as seen in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (Image via Eightbit)
The Enigmatic and Immortal
Menma, a ghost from Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day, is invisible to all but one character, revealing her supernatural existence. Her ethereal presence challenges the perception of life and death, bringing a sense of mystery and wonder to her character.
Fushi as seen in To Your Eternity (Image via Brain's Base)
Rimuru Tempest, the protagonist of That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime, defies the boundaries of human existence. Initially a human, Rimuru's reincarnation as a slime and subsequent development into a federation of monsters showcase the enigmatic nature of his immortal identity.
Muzan as seen in Demon Slayer (Image via ufotable)
Fushi, the protagonist of To Your Eternity, embodies the concept of immortality through his ability to transform into different life forms. His transcendent existence challenges the perception of mortality, blurring the line between human and immortal being.
Muzan, the main antagonist of Demon Slayer, epitomizes the deceptive nature of his human appearance. His ability to change forms and wield sinister powers reveals his true identity as a demon, shattering the facade of his human guise.