The Harry Potter Remake: Giving Justice to the Characters

The Harry Potter Remake: Giving Justice to the Characters

Exploring the opportunities for the Harry Potter TV remake to do justice to the characters that were misrepresented in the movies.


The Harry Potter movies have long been a source of both joy and disappointment for fans of the beloved book series by J.K. Rowling. While the films captured the magic and wonder of the wizarding world, they also fell short in portraying some of the most cherished characters from the books. From Ron Weasley's underrepresentation to the absence of Peeves the Poltergeist, the movies left much to be desired in terms of character portrayal. However, with the upcoming Harry Potter TV remake, there is hope that these characters will finally get the justice they deserve.

Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley with His Wand Raised in Harry Potter

Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley with His Wand Raised in Harry Potter

Injustice to Ron Weasley

Ron Weasley, portrayed by Rupert Grint, suffered from significant underrepresentation in the Harry Potter movies. His best moments were cut, and his character was overshadowed by Hermione. The TV remake has the opportunity to correct these missteps and showcase Ron's loyalty and humor.

Rupert Grint As Ron Weasley Smiling And Clapping In Hogwarts Uniform in Harry Potter

Rupert Grint As Ron Weasley Smiling And Clapping In Hogwarts Uniform in Harry Potter

In the books, Ron Weasley is a fan-favorite character known for his intense loyalty and humor. However, the movies failed to capture these essential traits, leaving Ron as a passive-aggressive sidekick. The Harry Potter remake can finally amend this, allowing Ron to show off his strengths and reclaim his role in the Golden Trio.

Ron looking angry at the Yule Ball in Harry Potter.

Ron looking angry at the Yule Ball in Harry Potter.

The Fate of Ginny Weasley

Ginny Weasley, portrayed by Bonnie Wright, met a similar fate in the movies, with her on-screen iteration proving far less spunky than her book counterpart. The TV remake has the opportunity to showcase Ginny's independent and fierce nature, giving her the development she deserves.

Ginny Weasley looking up at the sky scared in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Ginny Weasley looking up at the sky scared in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

The books depict Ginny's growth as a character, making her more than just a love interest. However, the movies failed to capture this progression, leaving Ginny's character underdeveloped. The Harry Potter TV remake can rectify this by portraying Ginny as the strong and independent member of Harry's friend group that she truly is.

Ron Weasley eating jelly beans in Harry Potter

Ron Weasley eating jelly beans in Harry Potter

The Missing Pieces

The Harry Potter movies left out crucial details about several characters, including James Potter, Percy Weasley, Peeves the Poltergeist, Charlie Weasley, Dobby the House Elf, Dudley Dursley, Sirius Black, and Voldemort. Each of these characters suffered from underrepresentation, altered personalities, or even complete omission from the films. The TV remake provides an opportunity to reintroduce these characters and present them in a more faithful and comprehensive manner, aligning with their depictions in the books.

James pointing at Snape while Sirius smirks in Harry Potter

James pointing at Snape while Sirius smirks in Harry Potter