The Greatest Western Characters of All Time

The Greatest Western Characters of All Time

Exploring the impact of iconic Western characters on cinema and culture.

The Impact of Western Characters

Some of the greatest characters in cinematic history have come from the Western genre, and their impact on cinema has sustained its popularity through the decades. Some characters in the Western genre have long-lasting appeal simply because they're cooler than everyone else in their respective genre, while others are known for their distinct attitudes and personalities, iconic outfits, and philosophies about life and death that continue to inspire generations. In special cases, more memorable Western characters have not only impacted the tropes in the classic genre, but they've influenced stories and characters outside of Westerns, thus reinforcing certain characters' legacy.

Fred Williamson as Joshua looks menacingly at an off screen opponent while next to his horse in Joshua

Fred Williamson as Joshua looks menacingly at an off screen opponent while next to his horse in Joshua

Even if a particular Western fared poorly with critics and audiences, there's a strong chance it produced a memorable protagonist or antagonist one way or another, thus lending further credence to the genre's impact. While things like witty dialogue and incredible skill with a six shooter are plenty reason enough to like most Western characters, there are other aspects that some Western characters possess, like nuanced motivations and questionable morals that have given them lasting power. Whether on the right side of the law, firmly against it, or somewhere in between, some of cinema's best characters live and thrive in the Western genre.

The Unforgettable Protagonists

Fred Williamson plays Joshua, a bold and fearless cowboy whose bravery wills him through the immense opposition he's constantly faced with. Joshua tells the story of a Black soldier returning to the deep south after fighting for the Union in the Civil War, and discovering that his mother was brutally murdered by a gang of White bandits while he was away. As a Black man firmly rooted in the deep south, Joshua often navigates just as much racial persecution as he does gunfights, and because he works alone, he does it with a flair that makes Joshua embody the traits of courageousness, strength, and compassion that every Western hero needs.

Idris Elba plays Roland Deschain, a stoic and mysterious gunslinger based on the character of the same name in the Stephen King novels. Although Roland's characterization is that of the typical drifter archetype seen in Western lore, often opting for shooting evildoers rather than bartering with them, Elba's performance offers a charm otherwise absent from the novels. Although Roland is often depicted as an emotionally unavailable man, this makes for interesting interactions with people like Jake when he provides glimpses of his life. Nevertheless, Roland's integrity, horseback riding skills, and marksmanship make more than make up for his lack of social skills.

Idris Elba as Roland Deschain and Tom Taylor as Jake Chambers walking through an empty city in The Dark Tower

Idris Elba as Roland Deschain and Tom Taylor as Jake Chambers walking through an empty city in The Dark Tower

Gene Hackman plays John Herod, the sheriff of Redemption in 'The Quick And The Dead', who manipulates civilians and engages in unscrupulous business practices due to his former life as an outlaw. Furthermore, Herod abuses his power, delights in the torture of captured criminals, and rules Redemption with an iron fist since he earned his position through questionable means. Hackman's work as Herod is similar to Little Bill Dagget from Unforgiven in that his sadism and abuse of power offer viewers thought-provoking themes such as police brutality, without being preachy. Herod's twisted sense of justice and his delight in the pain he causes both civilians and criminals makes him a complex and engaging villain.

Gene Hackman as John Herod aims a revolver at a civilian's head while his right-hand man watches on in The Quick and the Dead

Gene Hackman as John Herod aims a revolver at a civilian's head while his right-hand man watches on in The Quick and the Dead

The Memorable Antagonists

Jack Palance plays Jack Wilson, an antagonist in Shane, whose unwavering charm and charisma makes it just as difficult for audiences to tell his true intentions as it does the Starrett family. Despite veering on the cartoony side of villainous portrayals, the sense of danger and anxiety that he perpetually exudes keeps him grounded. With his boyish looks and disarming smile, Jack effectively uses his charisma to weasel his way into situations that most other villains could only dream of, before revealing his true nefarious intentions. Additionally, Jack's incredible speed with his revolver and skill on horseback makes him one of Shane's greatest threats.

Jack Palance as Jack Wilson gleefully smiling at an off screen foe while reaching for his six shooter in Shane

Jack Palance as Jack Wilson gleefully smiling at an off screen foe while reaching for his six shooter in Shane

Kurt Russell plays Wyatt Earp in Tombstone, considered one of the best Western movies based on real people, portrays Earp as a fearless and intense man who cares deeply for his brothers and the citizens of Tombstone. While the Kevin Costner film, Wyatt Earp, focuses on Earp's pre-peace officer days, Tombstone shows how committed Earp was to preserving justice well into his retirement, thus reinforcing the aging former lawman's bravery. His decision to quit his quiet retirement and take on Johnny Ringo and his Cowboys at the O.K.Corral, despite being outnumbered, has solidified his legacy, and acts as a shining example of the brand of bravery required to be a lawman.

Kurt Russell as Wyatt Earp and Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday assessing a bad situation while standing in the middle of the road in Tombstone

Kurt Russell as Wyatt Earp and Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday assessing a bad situation while standing in the middle of the road in Tombstone

Cleavon Little plays Sheriff Bart, a Black sheriff in Blazing Saddles, and is the unsuspecting hero after being appointed sheriff of an all-White town. While the decision to put Bart in power is a business move to evacuate Rock Ridge's residents out of town to make way for a railroad's construction, Sheriff Bart shows incredible heart, bravery, and wit after deducing what's truly at play. Sheriff Bart is more the physical embodiment of how ignorant racism is than a typical Western lawman, but that's largely what makes him so great. His bravery develops over time, and with the help of Jim the Waco Kid, eventually defeats Hedley Lamarr before he can escape justice.

Cleavon Little as Sheriff Bart smiling and sitting atop a horse in a still from Blazing Saddles

Cleavon Little as Sheriff Bart smiling and sitting atop a horse in a still from Blazing Saddles