The Game-Changing Witcher 4 Decision That Will Blow Your Mind

The Game-Changing Witcher 4 Decision That Will Blow Your Mind

The Witcher 4 faces the daunting task of surpassing the iconic Gwent, a beloved feature from The Witcher 3 Replacing or redesigning this incredibly successful element may prove to be an insurmountable challenge for the next entry in the series


Gwent's success in The Witcher 3 has set a high standard for The Witcher 4's mini-game, making it difficult to replace or omit it entirely.

CD Projekt Red's potential path for The Witcher 4 is to either build upon the achievement of Gwent or introduce an entirely fresh mini-game, highlighting their prowess in creating immersive in-game experiences. The meticulous attention and intricacy devoted to Gwent's development mirror CD Projekt Red's unwavering dedication to their projects, emphasizing the significance of incorporating either an enhanced version of Gwent or a captivating new mini-game into The Witcher 4.

Rarely has a mini-game been as detailed and skillfully integrated into its parent game as Gwent in The Witcher 3. This card game, played in rounds, became so popular that it gained its own dedicated following and even led to the creation of a standalone version. As development on The Witcher 4 continues, many are curious whether Gwent will make a comeback or if the studio will opt for a completely new addition.

Currently, all attention is focused on the upcoming release of Phantom Liberty, the sole planned expansion for CD Projekt's Cyberpunk 2077. With significant improvements and meaningful additions to various aspects of the game, there is hope that Phantom Liberty will solidify the game's resurgence following CD Projekt Red's continued support. After the release of Phantom Liberty, the studio has a lineup of projects in the works set in The Witcher universe. Among these projects is a highly-anticipated sequel to The Witcher 3, though there is very little information available about The Witcher 4 aside from its confirmed development, sparking early speculation and excitement.

One-Upping Gwent Would be a Tall Order

The Game-Changing Witcher 4 Decision That Will Blow Your Mind

The design and implementation of a mini-game may appear insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but due to Gwent's success, The Witcher 4 is expected to meet a certain standard. Completely omitting Gwent or a successor mini-game would disappoint CD Projekt Red's fanbase, leaving them with two options. The first is to expand upon Gwent, using the lessons learned from The Witcher 3 and its standalone title to create the best possible version for The Witcher 4. The second, more ambitious option, is to create something entirely new that can rival the studio's previous mini-game triumph and showcase their talent for designing games within games.

Although Gwent is mentioned several times in The Witcher series of books, CD Projekt Red took the concept and developed it into a full-fledged card game with strategic depth, cards that expand upon the world of its intellectual property, and most importantly, an enjoyable gameplay experience. The studio takes great pride in their work on Gwent, making it the most probable option for the next iteration in The Witcher 4. The ability of Gwent to contextualize and enhance the lore of The Witcher, with cards and decks centered around important characters and factions from the game, makes creating any other type of mini-game a daunting task.

Gwent's Success Makes Replacing it Almost Impossible

The Game-Changing Witcher 4 Decision That Will Blow Your Mind

If CD Projekt Red chooses to include a new mini-game in The Witcher 4, it must be exceptional. A lackluster dice game would face severe criticism, considering the high standard set by The Witcher 3. This could negatively impact the reception of the entire new game. Players expect a mini-game like Gwent, seamlessly integrated into the world, with cards as quest rewards and quests centered around it. Some fans played The Witcher 3 primarily for Gwent, so anything less than that in a new mini-game would be seen as a step down.

The significance of Gwent or a similar mini-game in CD Projekt Red's next installment of The Witcher cannot be understated. The dedication and intricacy in its design and implementation reflect the overall quality of the game. The level of attention to detail in something that could have been a minor distraction in The Witcher 3's vast open world showcases the studio's passion for their titles. Regardless of which direction they take with The Witcher 4, prioritizing the next iteration of Gwent or a new mini-game is crucial.

The Witcher 4 is in development.