The Game Changer: Unveiling the Unexpected Fallout of Resident Evil's Abandoned Parry System

The Game Changer: Unveiling the Unexpected Fallout of Resident Evil's Abandoned Parry System

The Pros and Cons of Resident Evil 4 Remake's New Parry Mechanic: Exploring the advantages and disadvantages of retaining this innovative gameplay feature in the beloved franchise

The Resident Evil franchise has remained relevant by embracing evolution. In the past 27 years, the series has undergone significant changes in terms of its story, tone, and narrative. While the early Resident Evil games were intense survival horror experiences with a cheesy B-movie vibe and clunky controls, Resident Evil 4 introduced a new era of action-packed third-person shooters. Years later, Resident Evil 7 took a different approach, focusing on pure horror and offering a first-person survival gameplay.

This demonstrates that the Resident Evil franchise is not afraid of change. Recently, Capcom appears to have become more discerning about which new elements should be incorporated and which ones should be left behind. The most recent installment, Resident Evil 4 Remake, introduced a new parry mechanic that allowed players to block incoming melee and ranged attacks with precise timing. With the introduction of this entirely new gameplay mechanic, it is likely that Capcom will carefully consider whether to include it in Resident Evil 9. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this decision.

The Good and Bad of Losing Resident Evil's New Parry Mechanic

The Game Changer: Unveiling the Unexpected Fallout of Resident Evil's Abandoned Parry System

Resident Evil 4 Remake's new parry mechanic brings a significant improvement to the gameplay. Unlike its predecessors, which relied on slow-moving enemies and player repositioning, this mechanic puts more control in the player's hands, increasing the intensity of the action.

The augmented AI aggression, which may initially seem overwhelming, actually presents a welcome challenge. Players can now engage in close combat, taking swift shots and using the knife parry to escape tricky situations. This addition further enhances the player's control over the game's combat, creating intense yet fair and rewarding battles for survival, especially on higher difficulties. Removing the parry mechanic would result in a downgrade for Resident Evil combat, moving away from the empowering experience it offers.

The parry mechanic in Resident Evil 4 Remake was well-balanced. On regular difficulties, players could defend against attacks by using Leon's combat knife, which would eventually break. They could repair it at the Merchant's shop or find a consumable knife. Timing the parries perfectly would result in less damage and longer usability. The addition of the parry mechanic in an action-focused game like Resident Evil 4 Remake added to its appeal and satisfaction.

However, removing the parry mechanic from the game would enhance the horror experience of the next Resident Evil title. The franchise is primarily rooted in the horror genre, and while the parry mechanic made sense in Resident Evil 4's action-oriented gameplay, its absence would increase the scare factor in a horror-focused game. Without a safety net, the player would solely rely on their decision-making for movement and combat, intensifying the fear factor.

Resident Evil 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.