The Future of FromSoftware's Next Game: Unleashing the Sekiro-Style Story Revolution

The Future of FromSoftware's Next Game: Unleashing the Sekiro-Style Story Revolution

FromSoftware's games are known for their complex narratives, but it's worth considering the benefits and drawbacks of adopting a Sekiro-style story for their upcoming title

FromSoftware has solidified its position as one of the top action-RPG developers in recent years. Known for their unique and dark world-building, as well as their incredibly challenging gameplay, they have stood out from the competition. However, among their impressive lineup, one game truly shines: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

While still sharing some similarities with the Dark Souls series, Sekiro takes bold departures from FromSoftware's usual formula. The gameplay retains the punishing difficulty of Dark Souls but introduces a faster pace with a strong emphasis on parrying. In terms of setting, Sekiro brings the foreboding atmosphere of Dark Souls into a real-world backdrop, showcasing brighter visuals. Additionally, Sekiro takes a leap with its storytelling, opting for a more straightforward and linear approach instead of FromSoftware's usual enigmatic style. This choice brings both advantages and disadvantages to the overall experience.

The Case For Another Sekiro-Style Story in FromSoftware's Next Game

The Future of FromSoftware's Next Game: Unleashing the Sekiro-Style Story Revolution

Sekiro differentiates itself from FromSoftware's recent action-RPG library by presenting a more cohesive and accessible narrative. Rather than relying heavily on cryptic item descriptions and eccentric character dialogue, Sekiro opts for a straightforward storytelling approach, giving players a clearer understanding of the plot. The game begins with a concise cutscene and quickly introduces an NPC who provides a comprehensive overview of the main storyline, accompanied by immersive world-building elements. As the game progresses, Sekiro maintains clarity through impactful cutscenes and informative character interactions, ensuring that players remain engaged and informed about their ongoing mission.

This simplified narrative approach proves advantageous, particularly for new players. While narrative may not be the primary focus for some gamers, a lack of comprehension can dampen the overall experience. Dark Souls, for instance, demands significant effort from players to grasp the intricacies of its world, which may discourage newcomers, especially those unfamiliar with FromSoftware's previous works.

The Case Against Another Sekiro-Style Story in FromSoftware's Next Game

Another significant advantage of Sekiro's clearer narrative is that the game's larger boss fights and set pieces carry a much greater impact. This is because players are likely to have a clear understanding of what is happening and why it is crucial to the story. While Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring's boss fights can already have a tremendous impact, that impact is heightened when players dive into the profound lore behind the characters they are battling. However, for the most part, Sekiro ensures that players already possess a good grasp of the lore before engaging in a major confrontation.

The Future of FromSoftware's Next Game: Unleashing the Sekiro-Style Story Revolution

However, a more straightforward and linear storyline in FromSoftware's next game does come with a significant downside. This is because one of the major attractions for many fans of FromSoftware's games is the enigmatic nature of their narratives. These fans enjoy immersing themselves for hours on end in a new game, meticulously piecing together every scrap of lore they can find from item descriptions and fleeting bits of dialogue. This process is akin to solving a complex puzzle, enabling a better understanding of the game's world and its characters. While this approach may seem overwhelming and perplexing to newcomers, it is precisely what makes FromSoftware's worlds so captivating and distinctive.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.