The Forgotten Love Interests of Reid on Criminal Minds: One Missed Opportunity That Could Have Been Great!

The Forgotten Love Interests of Reid on Criminal Minds: One Missed Opportunity That Could Have Been Great!

Reid's love interests, Lila & Austin, were disappointingly forgotten by Criminal Minds The potential of the Austin & Reid pairing was a missed opportunity in the show

Criminal Minds recently removed two love interests for Spencer Reid, one of which had the potential to be his most meaningful romance in the series. Matthew Gray Gubler portrayed Reid, who appeared in all 15 seasons of the original police procedural alongside AJ Cook's Jennifer Jarreau. Known as the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) "golden boy," Reid played an essential role in nearly every case the profilers tackled. In addition to his professional life, Criminal Minds also delved into his personal journey.

Gubler, an original cast member and adored by fans, brought a captivating performance to the role. His brilliance coupled with unique quirks made watching him collaborate with the BAU team highly entertaining. Nevertheless, his personal struggles added depth to his character. Overcoming various losses, such as the death of his mentor, enduring a difficult time in Mexican prison, and navigating his mother's declining health, made it impossible not to cheer on Reid. Consequently, whenever Criminal Minds introduced a love interest for him, fans optimistically hoped he would finally find the love and happiness he deserved.

Criminal Minds Dropped Reid's Romances With Lila & Austin

The Forgotten Love Interests of Reid on Criminal Minds: One Missed Opportunity That Could Have Been Great!

Throughout its run, Criminal Minds made multiple attempts to find a romantic partner for Reid. However, none of them were as successful as the relationships JJ had with Will La Montaigne and Savannah Hayes, or Derek Morgan had with various characters. Although Reid occasionally had intriguing connections with new characters, the show never fully explored those dynamics. Among the potential love interests, two stand out: Lila Archer, portrayed by Amber Heard, and a bartender named Austin.

Reid first crossed paths with Lila in season 1, episode 18 of Criminal Minds, titled "Somebody's Watching." When Lila's manager was murdered, Reid was assigned as her protector. They shared a playful dynamic, with Lila clearly trying to flirt with Reid. Eventually, Reid succumbed to her advances and began reciprocating. After the resolution of Lila's case, the show hinted at the possibility that their relationship continued beyond that initial encounter. However, it was never shown how their relationship progressed, only implying that they eventually went their separate ways.

Criminal Minds' Austin & Reid Pairing Was A Missed Opportunity

Reid and Austin first crossed paths in "52 Pick-Up," the ninth episode of Criminal Minds season 4. Their introduction took place in a bar, which allowed for a more natural encounter. Austin, employed as a bartender, became the subject of Reid's endearing attempts to impress women under Morgan's guidance. The undeniable chemistry between them eventually led to them dating. Regrettably, their storyline was abruptly cut short by Criminal Minds after just a few episodes.

The Forgotten Love Interests of Reid on Criminal Minds: One Missed Opportunity That Could Have Been Great!

Reid's relationship with Maeve Donovan eventually took a tragic turn, causing much heartbreak. However, reflecting on the various romantic partners Reid had in the original Criminal Minds show, it's disappointing that more wasn't done with his connection to Austin. The two had a delightful meet-cute and genuinely enjoyed each other's company. Around Austin, Reid displayed a noticeable sense of ease and freedom. There was no reason to end their relationship; if anything, it could have developed further and with time, led to a lasting bond between them.