The Forgotten History of the Accursed Years in Tolkien's Middle-earth

The Forgotten History of the Accursed Years in Tolkien's Middle-earth

Discover the dark era of the Accursed Years in LOTR Unravel the mysteries behind its inception, the chilling reasons for its name, and the epic conclusion that brought an end to this fearful time


Sauron's rule of darkness in Middle Earth caused immense suffering and enslavement of other races, leading to the Accursed Years.

Sauron possessed a formidable army of orcs while concurrently forging the One Ring, granting him enhanced control and turning others into devoid slaves. The Accursed Years drew to a close with the War of the Last Alliance, in which the unified races of Middle Earth triumphed over Sauron and his armies, albeit merely a transient setback.

Lord of the Rings has a rich history of conflicts and animosity between different races. After the first era, mankind liberated itself from the horrors inflicted by the initial dark lord, Morgoth. Through a fierce battle, they managed to defeat and completely eradicate him. Seizing the opportunity, Morgoth's former subordinate, Mairon, who later became known as Sauron, patiently cultivated his own power using cunning and deception, ultimately establishing an era of darkness.

Under Sauron's oppressive reign, darkness shrouded a significant portion of Middle Earth. He relentlessly built his army, enslaving other races and ruthlessly obliterating anything that opposed him. The immense power he wielded forced mankind to unite and stand together against his tyranny, eventually seizing control of the lands. This period of turmoil unfolded during the latter half of the second age, marking the pinnacle of Sauron's dominion and his insatiable thirst for conquest over Middle Earth. Given Sauron's prolonged lifespan as a member of a long-living race, his rule seemed virtually endless.

When did the Accursed years start?

The Forgotten History of the Accursed Years in Tolkien's Middle-earth

by Mairon66

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The Accursed Years, also known as the Dark Years, were a period when Sauron ruled over Middle Earth during the second age. In the latter half of this age, Numenor rose to prominence while the elves of Middle Earth lost their control. Despite Numenor's initial attempts to halt Sauron's advances, they were unable to defeat him. As a result of Sauron's atrocities, much of humanity fell under the yoke of the dark lord, and kingdoms had no means to resist his oppressive rule. All the living races suffered greatly as he continued to rise in power. This was the peak of Sauron's rule during this time.

Sauron commanded an army of orcs that was stronger than most others. In the second age, he forged the One Ring, which granted him even more power. Intended to control the other rings created for different races, the One Ring bestowed upon him greater authority over those who had accepted its allure, transforming them into soulless slaves bound to carry out his bidding. By deceiving them with promises and exploiting their greed, they succumbed to their downfall. They became mere shadows of men who served him, driven by his insatiable desire for ultimate power.

Why were they known as the Accursed Years?

The Forgotten History of the Accursed Years in Tolkien's Middle-earth

The first era marked the emergence of diverse races, amidst the backdrop of ongoing warfare. Despite the conflicts, humanity managed to prosper. Sauron, formerly known as Mairon, utilized his craftiness and intellect to overthrow his master Morgoth, amassing greater power for himself. When the opportune moment arrived during the second era, he acted upon his desires. Sauron displayed remarkable patience, meticulously waiting for the ideal moment to strike, thereby swiftly implementing his plans for Middle Earth.

The subsequent period, referred to as the accursed years or dark years, witnessed the decline of both mankind and the elves. Human strength dwindled, and many were rendered slaves under Sauron's dominion. The once revered Elvin race gradually lost their grip on power and influence. Determined to retain sole dominion, Sauron's deceitful tactics and insatiable greed drove other races to their demise and extinction, unless they submitted to his rule. Those who chose to submit, whether out of fear or sheer survival, were subjected to enslavement or manipulated into his service.

How did the Accursed years end?

The Forgotten History of the Accursed Years in Tolkien's Middle-earth

The Accursed years were a perilous period, marked by Sauron's formidable army and the inability of any single kingdom to vanquish him. Sauron cunningly transformed fallen elves into orcs, thereby augmenting his forces with each battle. Morgoth initially employed orcs as weapons, a tactic later adopted by Sauron, who had once served under him.

In a final endeavor to challenge the dark lord's reign and liberate Middle Earth, the remaining clans allied and confronted Sauron's armies in the War of the Last Alliance. Lasting twelve years, the decisive battle occurred on the plains of Dagorlad, in front of Mordor. The United Company emerged victorious, although at the cost of many lives. They breached the black gates and confronted Sauron directly, ultimately defeating him. The dark tower crumbled, and the Accursed years concluded with Sauron's mortal wounds. However, it was understood that this triumph was merely temporary.