The Forgotten Heroes: Unveiling the Untold Tales of Naruto's 4th Great Ninja War

The Forgotten Heroes: Unveiling the Untold Tales of Naruto's 4th Great Ninja War

The Sealing Team: Unsung Heroes of the 4th Great Ninja War Often overlooked, these formidable warriors played a crucial role in defeating the toughest enemies Without their dedication, the consequences would have been catastrophic


The 4th Great Ninja War is a global crisis that brings the entire world together to confront a mutual foe, Madara Uchiha. This conflict leads to an extraordinary alliance among shinobi from the five largest ninja villages.

Among the most formidable adversaries encountered during this war are the reanimated soldiers, revived through the use of the Edo Tensei jutsu. Kabuto carefully selects and controls these resurrected ninjas, rendering them virtually indestructible and presenting a significant challenge for the alliance forces.

Playing a crucial role in the war, the Sealing Team is responsible for imprisoning and neutralizing the resurrected undead ninjas through the powerful technique known as sealing jutsu. Their efforts effectively bring an end to the battle and prevent a higher number of casualties, establishing them as unsung heroes.

The 4th Great Ninja War presents an unparalleled global crisis, characterized by its immense scale and level of danger. Unlike previous conflicts, this war unites the world against a common adversary, Madara Uchiha and his allies, rather than pitting them against each other. In response, an extraordinary alliance is formed, comprising the shinobi from the five largest ninja villages in the world: Konohagakure, Sunagakure, Iwagakure, Kumogakure, and Kirigakure.

Countless individuals make immense contributions to the war effort. Among them, certain individuals, such as the five Kages, division commanders, specialized teams like Medics and Sensors, as well as exceptional figures like Naruto and Killer B, attain the esteemed status of heroes. However, there exists a group of individuals whose vital role in the war often goes unnoticed and remains absent from discussions about heroes. This comprehensive exploration delves into the unsung hero of the 4th Great Ninja War: the Sealing Team.

The Toughest Enemies In The 4th Great Ninja War

The Forgotten Heroes: Unveiling the Untold Tales of Naruto's 4th Great Ninja War

In the 4th Great Ninja War, Madara Uchiha is recognized as the primary adversary. However, prior to confronting Madara, the alliance soldiers must confront another group of enemies. These adversaries consist of numerous ninjas who have been resurrected through the use of the Edo Tensei jutsu, also known as Impure World Reincarnation. Kabuto is the one responsible for utilizing this forbidden jutsu, and these revived soldiers prove to be the most formidable enemies in the war.

The alliance soldiers struggle to combat the zombies for a few reasons. Firstly, Kabuto carefully selects the corpses of highly skilled shinobi from around the world, including the renowned Seven Ninja Swordsmen of The Mist, individuals with powerful Kekkei Genkai, past Jinchurikis, and even former Kages from all five ninja villages.

The second reason is that these revived ninjas are practically invincible. Having already experienced death, they can withstand any attacks and easily return to their original state.

Last but not least in

The Crucial Role of The Sealing Team

is how Kabuto strategically utilizes these undead ninjas. His deliberate tactic involves deploying the deceased warriors to confront those who were familiar with them in their past lives, such as friends, families, and colleagues. This clever maneuver aims to instill reluctance in the living combatants, preventing them from unleashing their full power in battle. For instance, Asuma was intentionally dispatched to engage in combat against Shikamaru and his team, while the Gold and Silver brothers were sent to confront their compatriots. Kabuto's malevolent pairings extend to numerous other instances as well.

The Forgotten Heroes: Unveiling the Untold Tales of Naruto's 4th Great Ninja War

Although the Edo Tensei soldiers possess near-indestructibility, there exist two distinct methods to overcome them. The initial approach revolves around compelling the revived shinobi to wholeheartedly embrace their demise, thereby facilitating the liberation of their soul from the confines of the jutsu and enabling a smooth transition into the realm of the afterlife. It is crucial to note that Edo Tensei operates by binding the summoned souls from the underworld to a living vessel. Hence, if the soul manages to forcefully sever this bond, the jutsu will subsequently unravel.


It is undoubtedly challenging to accomplish. In reality, only a few cases have occurred where the souls of deceased shinobi successfully break free, with the most notable instances being Sasori and Haku. In order to effectively handle these resurrected ninjas, the alliance soldiers have devised a more dependable approach - sealing them. Regardless of their strength, if the living are able to properly imprison them using a powerful sealing jutsu, the battle is essentially won.

Fuinjutsu, also known as sealing jutsu, is not a technique commonly taught in schools. Nor is it a skill that most individuals aspire to acquire. After all, this jutsu has limited practical applications in everyday life. Consequently, there are not many shinobi who possess the ability to utilize this technique. Nonetheless, in the hands of an expert, it can be an unmistakably potent jutsu. Fuinjutsu has the capability to seal various entities, including limbs, the human soul, and even a tailed-beast within a human host.

What Would Happen If There’s No Dedicated Sealing Team

During the 4th Great Ninja War, the Sealing team, consisting mostly of Sunagakure's shinobi, played a crucial role. These skilled individuals proficient in fuinjutsu were strategically placed across different divisions. While they may not directly engage the target, they possess the ability to ultimately seal them, making them indispensable when combating Edo Tensei ninjas. Undoubtedly, the sealing team significantly influenced the outcome of the war in favor of the alliance.

The Forgotten Heroes: Unveiling the Untold Tales of Naruto's 4th Great Ninja War

If the Sealing Team did not possess the ability to put an end to the relentless battle with the invincible revived ninjas, the cost of war would escalate drastically. Consequently, the alliance soldiers would be compelled to continuously combat the formidable zombies, leading to an everlasting conflict.

The alliance's only hope to stop the Edo Tensei ninjas is by relying on shinobi who already possess fuinjutsu abilities, such as Gaara's Sabaku Sotaiso Fuin or an Uchiha's Susanoo Sword of Totsuka. Another possible solution is to capture Kabuto Yakushi, the user of the Edo Tensei Jutsu, and force him to release the technique. However, both options are inefficient and extremely difficult during the intense global war. This is why the Sealing Team's existence is crucial in securing victory against the Edo Tensei ninjas and minimizing casualties. They are the unsung heroes of the 4th Great Ninja War.

Naruto is available to stream on Crunchyroll.