The Flash: 10 Overlooked Positives of the Nine-Season Run

The Flash: 10 Overlooked Positives of the Nine-Season Run

A retrospective look at the incredible highs and positive aspects of The Flash's nine-season run, from iconic characters to groundbreaking crossovers.

The Flash's Impact on DC TV Universe

The Flash series has left an indelible mark on the DC TV universe, with its nine-season run showcasing some of the most iconic characters and stories. Grant Gustin's portrayal of Barry Allen set a high bar for superhero performances, and the series introduced classic comic book characters and stories that captivated audiences. While the show faced its share of challenges, it consistently delivered exciting moments that made it stand out in the Arrowverse.

Eobard Thawne's Reverse-Flash smiling in The Flash

Eobard Thawne's Reverse-Flash smiling in The Flash

One of the most significant contributions of The Flash was its introduction of the multiverse concept, which has since become a major element in superhero movies and series. The show's foray into the multiverse paved the way for groundbreaking crossovers and popularized the concept of alternate universes, making it a defining feature of the DC TV universe.

The Flash's Impact on DC TV Universe

The Flash's Impact on DC TV Universe

Unforgettable Characters and Villains

The Flash featured a diverse array of iconic DC Comics heroes and villains, bringing them to life in a way that resonated with fans. From the menacing Reverse-Flash to the charismatic Captain Cold, the series showcased a rich tapestry of characters that added depth and excitement to the storytelling. Additionally, the original Team Flash, comprised of Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin, captured the hearts of viewers with their dynamic chemistry, establishing themselves as a cornerstone of the show's success.

A photo of the original Team Flash; featuring Cisco, Barry, Caitlin, and Harrison Wells

A photo of the original Team Flash; featuring Cisco, Barry, Caitlin, and Harrison Wells

Furthermore, The Flash's exploration of different tones and themes, from lighthearted moments to darker storylines, contributed to the depth and complexity of the characters and their arcs. The portrayal of villains like Eobard Thawne and Clifford DeVoe offered compelling challenges for Barry Allen, showcasing the series' ability to create multifaceted antagonists that added depth to the narrative.

Flash and Reverse-Flash in The Flash CW show

Flash and Reverse-Flash in The Flash CW show

Innovative Storytelling and Impactful Legacy

The Flash's legacy extends beyond its entertainment value, as the series played a pivotal role in shaping the superhero genre. Through its groundbreaking crossovers and memorable standalone episodes, The Flash demonstrated a commitment to pushing the boundaries of storytelling and expanding the possibilities of the Arrowverse. The show's ability to blend suspense, action, and emotional depth resonated with audiences, earning it a dedicated fanbase and a lasting impact on the superhero genre.

Council of Wells from The Flash

Council of Wells from The Flash

Moreover, The Flash's crossover with the DCEU, culminating in an unprecedented encounter between Grant Gustin's Barry Allen and Ezra Miller's version of The Flash, marked a historic moment in superhero storytelling. The crossover not only thrilled fans but also showcased the potential for collaboration between the movie and TV universes, opening the door to future possibilities for interconnected storytelling in the superhero genre.

Custom image of Grant Gustin and Ezra Miller's versions of The Flash running with lightning effects.

Custom image of Grant Gustin and Ezra Miller's versions of The Flash running with lightning effects.