The Explosive Future of Resident Evil’s Iconic Characters

The Explosive Future of Resident Evil’s Iconic Characters

Resident Evil's Iconic Characters: A Race Against Time to Preserve Franchise Identity

Resident Evil has always been in tune with the current trends and preferences in gaming, guiding its gameplay accordingly. This allowed it to seamlessly transition from popular action games to a return to its horror roots, while keeping its gameplay relevant and captivating. While the series has successfully reintroduced beloved characters like Leon Kennedy and Chris Redfield, it cannot solely rely on them for its future success.

As the mainline entries in the series continue to evolve, time also moves forward. While the upcoming Shadows of Rose DLC is set at a different time, it is undeniable that the legacy characters are aging. While it is still feasible for them to engage in thrilling action sequences like in the past, there will come a point where it becomes less believable for them to execute extravagant moves like suplexes, boulder punches, and backflips. In such circumstances, Resident Evil should introduce new characters to keep the franchise fresh and exciting.

Resident Evil Only Has So Long Before Its Legacy Characters Age into Obscurity

The Explosive Future of Resident Evil’s Iconic Characters

New protagonists have both benefits and risks for the installments they appear in. Perhaps that's why Resident Evil chose to stick with a few characters who could make a comeback, using Chris' cameo appearances in Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil Village to preserve nostalgia while introducing new protagonists.

However, keeping these legacy characters solely to maintain the established lore is unnecessary and overkills what's no longer needed. The issue is that many of these characters don't have the closure they deserve after their time in the franchise, but it would also be morbid to have them all fade away into the sunset.

Resident Evil should consider moving forward without keeping every legacy character, as it would likely be more beneficial. The age of protagonists depends on the story's context, but relying on an older protagonist can hinder the reliably action-packed gameplay. The Last of Us' Joel, in his late-50s during The Last of Us Part 2, may have been able to defend himself against a few enemies, but it would have taken a toll on any ordinary person. Additionally, Ethan Winters has shown that the franchise can progress with minimal legacy characters.

Chris and other members of STARS or BSAA stand out in society due to their specialized training in eliminating biohazards. Despite the potential age-related concerns, Capcom might emphasize their expertise and disregard any limitations. It is evident that Chris is physically superior compared to others his age.

However, as the franchise moves forward, it would be beneficial to witness the introduction of new characters. It might take several more installments before the series can fully bid farewell to its iconic characters. Nevertheless, Capcom should ensure that these legacy characters receive the closure they deserve before they become unfamiliar to new fans or too worn-out to effectively lead the Resident Evil series on its intended path.