The Evolutionary Revival: Gen 10's Imperative for Fossil Pokémon
Generation 10 holds the responsibility to honor the legacy of Fossil Pokemon, either by restoring their tradition or revolutionizing their approach It's time for consistent representation and innovative evolution in the world of Pokemon
Gen 10 has the responsibility of bringing back the traditional Fossil Pokemon formula that has been inconsistent in recent generations.
The arrival of Ultra Beasts and Paradox Pokemon may have overshadowed Fossils in earlier generations. However, with Gen 10, there is a chance to either bring back the conventional Fossils or redefine Pokemon's approach to them and introduce fresh concepts.
With the recent generations of Pokemon games deviating from the traditional inclusion of Fossil Pokemon, the responsibility now falls on Gen 10 to revive this historic trope. Fossil Pokemon, which have been a cornerstone of the series since its early days, have appeared in every generation until Gen 6, typically as a pair for players to choose from. However, both Gen 7 and Gen 9's Pokemon Scarlet and Violet did not introduce any new Fossils, possibly due to the introduction of Ultra Beasts and Paradox Pokemon in those respective generations. This conflict may have sidelined the Fossil Pokemon. Additionally, Sword and Shield's departure from the traditional Fossil Pokemon formula further complicates Gen 10's position. Nevertheless, regardless of the path Gen 10 chooses to take, it is crucial for them to establish Fossil Pokemon as an integral part of Pokemon's ever-growing legacy.
Gen 10 Should Restore The Fossil Pokemon Tradition
As players who are familiar with the series may already know, Pokemon relies on a number of traditions in its games. These traditions include the inclusion of Bug, Flying, and Normal-type Pokemon in the early stages of the game, as well as the frequent use of Dragon-type Legendary Pokemon. Another one of these traditions is the introduction of Fossil Pokemon. In each generation up to Gen 6, players were given a choice between two Fossil Pokemon, with a few exceptions like Aerodactyl or Relicanth. While some may argue that this became too predictable after so many games, Fossil Pokemon continued to captivate fans who were eager to speculate about the new types or design inspirations these prehistoric creatures would have.
For example, soon after the announcement of the Scarlet and Violet games, fans began speculating about the potential Fossil Pokemon that would be featured in the games. This demonstrates that the tradition of Fossil Pokemon still holds strong in the interests of players. Therefore, in Gen 10, there is an opportunity to bring back the traditional Fossils and introduce two new lines of Pokemon, addressing the inconsistent use of Fossils in the past three generations. By doing so, not only will it reignite players' excitement for new Fossil Pokemon, but it will also contribute to Pokemon's version exclusivity. The choice between two different Fossil Pokemon will encourage players to trade with others in order to obtain the Pokemon they did not get initially.
Gen 10 Could Revamp Pokemon's Approach to Fossils
Fossil Pokemon's struggle in recent generations may suggest Game Freak's attempt to break away from Pokemon's predictable patterns, as showcased in Sword and Shield's experimental approach. Despite Gen 8's complexity with Fossils, wherein four man-made Pokemon were introduced whose actual prehistoric counterparts were lost to time, it is evident that Pokemon has the potential to introduce Fossil Pokemon in innovative ways. Pokemon Legends, for example, could capitalize on its time travel narrative and historical setting to further explore Fossil Pokemon.
In fact, if Gen 10 chooses not to revert to the traditional method of two Fossils, it could instead adopt the approach established back in Gen 1. Similar to Aerodactyl, a solitary single-stage Pokemon revived from amber, Gen 10 could explore similar or new concepts for its Fossils. For instance, following Gen 8's example of utilizing incorrectly matched fossils, Gen 10 could draw inspiration from scientific endeavors to revive the wooly mammoth as a standalone Fossil Pokemon. Alternatively, it could become the first generation to introduce a three-stage Fossil Pokemon evolution line, setting it apart from all previous Fossil Pokemon.