The Evolution of Wild Flowering Plants and Its Impact on Global Pollinator Decline

The Evolution of Wild Flowering Plants and Its Impact on Global Pollinator Decline

A look into the evolutionary changes in wild flowering plants and their impact on pollinator decline.


In the intricate dance of nature, the relationship between wild flowering plants and their insect pollinators has long been an essential component of ecosystem stability and food systems. However, recent studies have shed light on a significant shift in this ancient interdependent relationship, with implications that could further exacerbate the global decline of pollinators.

Sue the T. rex strikes a pose in its old location at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois. (Antonio Perez /Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)

Sue the T. rex strikes a pose in its old location at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois. (Antonio Perez /Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)

The ability of many flowering plants to self-pollinate has been a well-documented phenomenon, serving as a means for seed generation and propagation. Yet, the reliance on external pollinators such as bees and butterflies has been a cornerstone of this process. Now, amid reports of declining pollinator populations, a new study on the evolution of one flower species' mating system has revealed a remarkable shift that may have profound consequences for both the plants and their insect partners.

A field pansy grown from seeds collected in the 1990s.

A field pansy grown from seeds collected in the 1990s.

The Impact of Environmental Changes

The findings of the study, led by Samson Acoca-Pidolle and his colleagues, suggest a correlation between the reproductive evolution of wild flowering plants and environmental changes such as habitat destruction and rapid decreases in pollinator biodiversity. The comparison of seeds collected decades ago with their modern descendants has unveiled a transformation in the plants' reproductive traits, resulting in smaller flowers and reduced nectar production due to increased self-pollination.

This evolutionary shift has direct implications for pollinator behavior, as the plants of the past attracted a far greater number of pollinators than their present counterparts. The decrease in nectar production, attributed to the increase in self-pollination, raises concerns about the potential feedback cycle it could trigger, further accelerating the decline of pollinators.

Resurrection Ecology and Future Implications

The study employed a method known as 'resurrection ecology' to germinate seeds collected decades ago and compare them with the modern descendants. The results revealed a significant increase in self-fertilization rates, accompanied by changes in floral traits that influence pollinator attraction. The 'resurrected' flowers exhibited larger sizes, increased nectar production, and a higher frequency of visits by pollinators, highlighting the profound impact of evolutionary changes on plant-pollinator interactions.

While an increase in self-pollination may serve as a holding-on strategy for plant populations, it also raises concerns about declining genetic variation and the potential long-term implications for species preservation. The study's findings prompt critical questions about the reversibility of this evolutionary shift and its implications for the future resilience of wild flowering plants in the face of environmental changes.