The Evolution of Star Trek: From The Next Generation to Picard

The Evolution of Star Trek: From The Next Generation to Picard

A comparison of the filming process, technology, and budget between Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Picard, as well as the evolution of the series over the years.

The Legacy of Lt. Commander Elizabeth Shelby

Lt. Commander Elizabeth Shelby, a prominent character in Star Trek: The Next Generation's 'Best of Both Worlds' two-parter, is a figure of interest when discussing the evolution of the Star Trek series. Her portrayal by Elizabeth Dennehy provides a unique perspective on the differences between the filming of The Next Generation and Star Trek: Picard.

Star Trek TNG Clues Picard Data Worf La Forge

Star Trek TNG Clues Picard Data Worf La Forge

In TNG, Shelby's arrival on the USS Enterprise-D marked the exploration of a potential Borg attack, while her character's fate in Picard season 3 was a compelling contrast. Reflecting on her experience, Elizabeth Dennehy expressed her awe at the significant differences between the two shows, particularly emphasizing the evolution of technology and production values.

Star Trek TNG Encounter at Farpoint Riker holodeck

Star Trek TNG Encounter at Farpoint Riker holodeck

The Filming Process: Then and Now

The filming process of Star Trek: The Next Generation stands in stark contrast to that of Star Trek: Picard. The early days of TNG were characterized by chaos behind the scenes, with an inconsistent first season and writers coming and going. However, the cast's ability to find humor and fun amidst the challenges contributed to the show's enduring legacy.

Star Trek TNG Elementary Dear Data Geordi

Star Trek TNG Elementary Dear Data Geordi

TNG's filming process was shaped by the television landscape of the 1980s and 1990s, with 26 episodes per season and a budget of approximately $1.3 million per episode. In contrast, the modernized approach of Picard benefitted from advanced technology, higher budgets, and a streamlined production process, evident in the dazzling sets and elaborate costumes.

Star Trek TNG Q Who Enterprise-D Borg cube

Star Trek TNG Q Who Enterprise-D Borg cube

From Limited Resources to Modern Marvels

The evolution of Star Trek's production values and technology is evident in the transition from The Next Generation to Picard. TNG faced limitations imposed by the technology of its time, often grappling with budget constraints and the need for extensive effects. The cast members' resilience and creativity shone through, despite the challenges they encountered.

Star Trek TNG Cause and Effect Enterprise Explodes

Star Trek TNG Cause and Effect Enterprise Explodes

In contrast, Picard's modern effects and higher budget have seamlessly brought the USS Enterprise-D into the modern era, showcasing the technological advancements that have transformed the series. The evolution from the spandex jumpsuits of TNG to the tailor-made, comfortable costumes of Picard reflects the significant shift in production values and resources over the years.